
Управление ассортиментом

В данном учебно-методическом пособии рассмотрены принципы работы отдела снабжения в целом и функции сотрудников отдела с пояснениями по каждой функции, описанием методов работы и видов отчетности (планирование, контроль, расчет ценообразования, анализ рынка поставщиков и конкурентов). Изложены способы анализа собираемой информации, методы поиска и выбора новых поставщиков, описаны этапы заключения договоров и финансовое планирование закупочной деятельности. Приведены практические задания по окончании каждого раздела и темы рефератов по окончании изучения пособия. Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 38.03.02 «Менеджмент». Рецензент: к.э.н., доцент кафедры финансов и кредита ИЭП Квашнин С.С.
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом третьего поколения по базовой дисциплине профессионального цикла «Товароведение однородных групп непродовольственных товаров». В нем рассматриваются товароведная классификация непродовольственных товаров, их потребительские свойства, требования к качеству и безопасности, основные виды оценочной деятельности в товароведении, общие требования к информации о непродовольственных товарах. Приведены классификационные признаки и дана характеристика ассортимента 14 однородных (специализированных) групп непродовольственных товаров. Рассмотрены правила и порядок проведения контроля качества этих товаров. Для студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Товароведение» и «Торговое дело», слушателей институтов повышения квалификации и работников торговли, экспертных и других организаций.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Manage and improve your organization's agile transformation Adopting an enterprise agile framework i…
Manage and improve your organization's agile transformation Adopting an enterprise agile framework is a radical organizational change, and this book will help you get there without ever breaking a sweat. In Enterprise Agility For Dummies, you'll discover how to successfully choose and implement the right framework based on your organization's own unique culture. Organizational culture is one of the most overlooked challenges when trying to make a change to enterprise agile, and there are lots of resources out there that claim to have the perfect, one-size-fits-all solution. Luckily, this book takes a neutral stance and covers popular organizational change management techniques that you can implement to suit to your unique needs. Packed with step-by-step instruction and complemented with real-world case studies, this book offers everything you need to know in order to embrace a more agile mindset. Understand the benefits of an agile approach Pick the best enterprise agile framework for your organization Create a successful enterprise change management plan Let Enterprise Agility For Dummies help you optimize your business processes, and watch your productivity soar.
В условиях жесткой конкуренции удовлетворение всех потребностей клиентов обеспечивает торговому предприятию устойчивые конкурентные преимущества. При традиционной структуре ассортимента происходит снижение как потенциального, так и реального уровня прибыли, потеря конкурентных позиций на перспективных рынках, и, как следствие, наблюдается снижение экономической устойчивости предприятия. Разработка системы анализа для определения специфики товарного ассортимента, оптимизации ассортимента, его адаптации к условиям российского рынка является, несомненно, актуальной задачей. В данной статье приведен обзор торговых и IT-компаний, которые используют технологии интеллектуального анализа данных (ИАД). Обзор показал, что многие компании используют технологию ИАД для улучшения работы с клиентами, повышения товарооборота и продаж в магазинах. В связи с этим руководством компании Familia было принято решение о разработке собственного программного обеспечения, которое объединит анализ товарооборота и продаж в магазинах компании с целью повышения продаж и улучшения размещения товаров в магазинах таким образом, чтобы клиент покупал необходимые вещи, увеличивая прибыль компании. В работе показаны возможности объединения нескольких методов ИАД в одной системе; приведены результаты работы системы анализа и показана эффективность разработанной системы анализа в компании Familia. Уникальностью разработанного программного обеспечения является объединение алгоритмов интеллектуального анализа данных в один программный продукт. Разработанная система анализа, основанная на совместной работе двух алгоритмов ИАД – K-means и Apriori, позволяет управлять ассортиментом торговых предприятий, уменьшая убытки компаний.
Мерчандайзинг – система мероприятий, проводимых в микромире магазина и направленных на то, чтобы покупателям было удобно, приятно и выгодно совершать покупку. Авторы подробно рассматривают трехуровневую систему мерчандайзинга: внешний вид магазина, организацию внутреннего пространства торгового зала и выкладку товара на полках. В качестве конкретного практического материала приводятся рекомендации для магазинов продуктов, бытовой техники, одежды, товаров для дома и книжных магазинов. Издание адресовано мерчандайзерам, а также владельцам магазинов и руководителям и сотрудникам любого уровня, отвечающим за управление ассортиментом. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A practical approach to business transformation Fit for Growth* is a unique approach to business tra…
A practical approach to business transformation Fit for Growth* is a unique approach to business transformation that explicitly connects growth strategy with cost management and organization restructuring. Drawing on 70-plus years of strategy consulting experience and in-depth research, the experts at PwC’s Strategy& lay out a winning framework that helps CEOs and senior executives transform their organizations for sustainable, profitable growth. This approach gives structure to strategy while promoting lasting change. Examples from Strategy&’s hundreds of clients illustrate successful transformation on the ground, and illuminate how senior and middle managers are able to take ownership and even thrive during difficult periods of transition. Throughout the Fit for Growth process, the focus is on maintaining consistent high-value performance while enabling fundamental change. Strategy& has helped major clients around the globe achieve significant and sustained results with its research-backed approach to restructuring and cost reduction. This book provides practical guidance for leveraging that expertise to make the choices that allow companies to: Achieve growth while reducing costs Manage transformation and transition productively Create lasting competitive advantage Deliver reliable, high-value performance Sustainable success is founded on efficiency and high performance. Companies are always looking to do more with less, but their efforts often work against them in the long run. Total business transformation requires total buy-in, and it entails a series of decisions that must not be made lightly. The Fit for Growth approach provides a clear strategy and practical framework for growth-oriented change, with expert guidance on getting it right. *Fit for Growth is a registered service mark of PwC Strategy& Inc. in the United States
Чтобы оставаться конкурентоспособными на современном рынке, организациям необходимо внедрять культуру клиентоориентированных практик, нацеленных на конечный продукт и его ценность, а не на фактические показатели. Компании нередко попадают в ловушку, разрабатывая функции в соответствии с графиком, а не с потребностями клиентов. В своей книге Мелисса Перри, – генеральный директор Produx Labs, учебной организации по управлению продуктами, признанная в 2017 году лучшим специалистом по продукту по версии The Product Group, – объясняет, каким образом создание основы для эффективного управления продуктом может помочь компаниям решить реальные проблемы клиентов и достичь поставленных бизнес-целей. Понимая, как правильно взаимодействовать в рамках структуры компании, вы сможете создать продуктовую культуру, которая принесет пользу не только бизнесу, но и клиентам. Вы узнаете главные принципы управления и сможете применять их в любой организации – как крупной, так и небольшой. Мелисса работает с руководителями компаний по всему миру над созданием продуктовых организаций и разработкой продуктовых стратегий для роста. Среди ее клиентов Spotify, Capital One, Lloyds Bank of England, Liberty Mutual, Bynder, AthenaHealth, Министерство обороны Австралии и Chewy. В формате a4.pdf сохранен издательский макет.
Помещения, сотрудники, инвентарь, холодильники, морозильники и даже печи для выпекания пиццы — все они не создают деньги, а только потребляют их. Деньги рождаются только в результате товаро-денежных отношений между покупателем и продавцом, в процессе продажи, генератором которого является маркетинг. Маркетинг — это важная часть вашего бизнеса. И как только вы начнете делать это на постоянной основе, вы увидите, что это окупится. Во второй книге мы приводим 125 методов локального маркетинга, направленных на увеличение продаж в вашей пиццерии.
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Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Your one-stop guide to becoming a product management prodigy Product management plays a pivotal role…
Your one-stop guide to becoming a product management prodigy Product management plays a pivotal role in organizations. In fact, it's now considered the fourth most important title in corporate America—yet only a tiny fraction of product managers have been trained for this vital position. If you're one of the hundreds of thousands of people who hold this essential job—or simply aspire to break into a new role—Product Management For Dummies gives you the tools to increase your skill level and manage products like a pro. From defining what product management is—and isn't—to exploring the rising importance of product management in the corporate world, this friendly and accessible guide quickly gets you up to speed on everything it takes to thrive in this growing field. It offers plain-English explanations of the product life cycle, market research, competitive analysis, market and pricing strategy, product roadmaps, the people skills it takes to effectively influence and negotiate, and so much more. Create a winning strategy for your product Gather and analyze customer and market feedback Prioritize and convey requirements to engineering teams effectively Maximize revenues and profitability Product managers are responsible for so much more than meets the eye—and this friendly, authoritative guide lifts the curtain on what it takes to succeed.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Score your highest in Operations Management Operations management is an important skill for current …
Score your highest in Operations Management Operations management is an important skill for current and aspiring business leaders to develop and master. It deals with the design and management of products, processes, services, and supply chains. Operations management is a growing field and a required course for most undergraduate business majors and MBA candidates. Now, Operations Management For Dummies serves as an extremely resourceful aid for this difficult subject. Tracks to a typical course in operations management or operations strategy, and covers topics such as evaluating and measuring existing systems' performance and efficiency, materials management and product development, using tools like Six Sigma and Lean production, designing new, improved processes, and defining, planning, and controlling costs of projects. Clearly organizes and explains complex topics Serves as an supplement to your Operations Management textbooks Helps you score your highest in your Operations Management course Whether your aim is to earn an undergraduate degree in business or an MBA, Operations Management For Dummies is indispensable supplemental reading for your operations management course.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
In this new edition of Gaining Control, the authors present best practices for optimizing control of…
In this new edition of Gaining Control, the authors present best practices for optimizing control of manufacturing processes to meet business objectives. This reliable resource includes real solutions for measurable improvements in effectiveness, employee engagement, and morale. Written by leading experts, it’s perfect for anyone who manages production facilities or supply chains and includes updated coverage of many new developments.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Scheduling is a broad research area and scheduling problems arise from several application domains (…
Scheduling is a broad research area and scheduling problems arise from several application domains (production systems, logistic, computer science, etc.). Solving scheduling problems requires tools of combinatorial optimization, exact or approximated algorithms. Flexibility is at the frontier between predictive deterministic approaches and reactive or ?on-line? approaches. The purpose of flexibility is to provide one or more solutions adapted to the context of the application in order to provide the ideal solution. This book focuses on the integration of flexibility and robustness considerations in the study of scheduling problems. After considering both flexibility and robustness, it then covers various scheduling problems, treated with an emphasis on flexibility or robustness, or both.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
A tough, challenging, and eventful journey is outlined in this cutting-edge business story. Greg, th…
A tough, challenging, and eventful journey is outlined in this cutting-edge business story. Greg, the company President, uses the latest edition of the trusted industry standard, The Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence, to transform his business from mediocrity to industry leading performance. What he learns about senior management responsibilities and behaviors drives him to achieve outstanding rewards and benefits, not the least of which is his company's survival.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Warehouses are often seen as a necessary evil: places that stop the flow of goods and thus increase …
Warehouses are often seen as a necessary evil: places that stop the flow of goods and thus increase costs without adding value. But the truth is that they have a critical part to play in supply chain management, and warehouse managers should be centrally involved in the strategic aspects of any business. Excellence in Warehouse Management covers everything you need to know to manage warehouse operations as part of a streamlined and holistic system, fine-tuned to serve the customer and drive the bottom-line. With thinking points, self-assessment exercises and case studies Stuart Emmett challenges you to consider your own operations in a new way, and plot a course into the future.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This wide-ranging reader locates supply chain management, lean production and related practice withi…
This wide-ranging reader locates supply chain management, lean production and related practice within the holistic concept of total product systems. Demonstrates the strategic relevance of managing supply chains and supply networks to organizational performance and to a range of business functions, including finance, design, production, environmental management, information systems, and marketing. Considers sustainable supply chain management across the service, manufacturing and process sectors. Reflects the radical changes in organizational beliefs, practices and processes that are necessary for a shift to supply chain management in contemporary, global, competitive conditions. Considers particular issues and challenges for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Contains readings that are interdisciplinary and international in focus.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Application integration assembles methods and tools for organizing exchanges between applications, a…
Application integration assembles methods and tools for organizing exchanges between applications, and intra- and inter-enterprise business processes. A strategic tool for enterprises, it introduces genuine reactivity into information systems facing business changes, and as a result, provides a significant edge in optimizing costs. This book analyzes various aspects of application integration, providing a guide to the alphabet soup behind EAI, A2A, B2B, BAM, BPM, ESB and SOA. It addresses the problems of choosing between the application integration solutions and deploying them successfully. It supplies guidelines for avoiding common errors, exploring the differences between received wisdom and the facts on the ground. The overview of IT urbanization will help introduce English-speaking audiences to a powerful approach to information system flexibility developed in France. A key chapter approaches the analysis and interoperation of service levels in integration projects, while the discussion on deployment methodologies and ROI calculation anchors the theory in the real world. Application Integration: EAI, B2B, BPM and SOA relies on concrete examples and genuine experiences to demonstrate what works – and what doesn’t – in this challenging, topical and important IT domain.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Follow the «Proven Path» to successful implementation of enterprise resource planning Effective fore…
Follow the «Proven Path» to successful implementation of enterprise resource planning Effective forecasting, planning, and scheduling is fundamental to productivity-and ERP is a fundamental way to achieve it. Properly implementing ERP will give you a competitive advantage and help you run your business more effectively, efficiently, and responsively. This guide is structured to support all the people involved in ERP implementation-from the CEO and others in the executive suite to the people doing the detailed implementation work in sales, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, logistics, finance, and elsewhere. This book is not primarily about computers and software. Rather, its focus is on people-and how to provide them with superior decision-making processes for customer order fulfillment, supply chain management, financial planning, e-commerce, asset management, and more. This comprehensive guide can be used as a selective reference for those, like top management, who need only specific pieces of information, or as a virtual checklist for those who can use detailed guidance every step of the way.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
No longer restricted to the engineering industry, project management has at long last crossed over t…
No longer restricted to the engineering industry, project management has at long last crossed over to mainstream business. Project Management for Business Professionals is the definitive reference on the essentials of contemporary project management. Featured here are some of the foremost practitioners and researchers from academia, consulting, and private industry, sharing their various areas of project management expertise and providing a wide range of perspectives on everything from risk management to resource planning to ethics management. Focusing on both the technical and human sides of the field, this unique resource follows the main points of the «project management body of knowledge»-the certification standard of the Project Management Institute. The experts address the procedures and processes for planning and managing projects and explore project team/group dynamics, examining the interpersonal relations and the political and organizational considerations that can impact a project.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A practical approach to business transformation Fit for Growth* is a unique approach to business tra…
A practical approach to business transformation Fit for Growth* is a unique approach to business transformation that explicitly connects growth strategy with cost management and organization restructuring. Drawing on 70-plus years of strategy consulting experience and in-depth research, the experts at PwC’s Strategy& lay out a winning framework that helps CEOs and senior executives transform their organizations for sustainable, profitable growth. This approach gives structure to strategy while promoting lasting change. Examples from Strategy&’s hundreds of clients illustrate successful transformation on the ground, and illuminate how senior and middle managers are able to take ownership and even thrive during difficult periods of transition. Throughout the Fit for Growth process, the focus is on maintaining consistent high-value performance while enabling fundamental change. Strategy& has helped major clients around the globe achieve significant and sustained results with its research-backed approach to restructuring and cost reduction. This book provides practical guidance for leveraging that expertise to make the choices that allow companies to: Achieve growth while reducing costs Manage transformation and transition productively Create lasting competitive advantage Deliver reliable, high-value performance Sustainable success is founded on efficiency and high performance. Companies are always looking to do more with less, but their efforts often work against them in the long run. Total business transformation requires total buy-in, and it entails a series of decisions that must not be made lightly. The Fit for Growth approach provides a clear strategy and practical framework for growth-oriented change, with expert guidance on getting it right. *Fit for Growth is a registered service mark of PwC Strategy& Inc. in the United States
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