
Книги автора: Пола Грейвс

Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Русский
Тара Бентли мечтала об идеальном муже и даже составила перечень достоинств, которыми он должен облад…
Тара Бентли мечтала об идеальном муже и даже составила перечень достоинств, которыми он должен обладать. Кандидат нашелся, день свадьбы назначен, но перед самым бракосочетанием невеста осознает, что не любит своего избранника. Она уже собиралась объявить об отмене свадьбы, как вдруг неизвестные злоумышленники похищают ее прямо из комнаты невесты. На помощь Таре бросается Оуэн, ее верный друг, который преданно любит ее с детских лет…
Год выхода: 2016
Язык: Русский
Чарли Уинтерс и ее подруга, Элис Берден, девушка из богатой и влиятельной семьи, однажды вечером отп…
Чарли Уинтерс и ее подруга, Элис Берден, девушка из богатой и влиятельной семьи, однажды вечером отправились в бар. А утром Чарли очнулась на заднем дворе своего дома и узнала, что ее подруга погибла. При этом Чарли не помнила, что произошло. Спустя десять лет девушка неожиданно начала вспоминать события той ночи. Она сообщила об этом заинтересованным лицам и почти сразу почувствовала, что за ней следят. Опасаясь за свою жизнь, Чарли записалась на курсы самообороны, где неожиданно встретила человека, способного не только понять и поверить, но и защитить ее…
Год выхода: 2016
Язык: Русский
В один день, который Оливия Шарп сочла совсем не прекрасным, во дворе ее дома появляется Кейд Лэндри…
В один день, который Оливия Шарп сочла совсем не прекрасным, во дворе ее дома появляется Кейд Лэндри – ее бывшая любовь и мужчина, с которым они вместе служили в элитном отряде спецназа ФБР. Он пропал много месяцев назад, после того как они расстались. Что сулит ей его появление и где он пропадал все это время? Рассказ Лэндри проливает свет на многие события, но не придает уверенности в том, что он не предатель и ему можно доверять. Чтобы развеять сомнения и помочь Лэндри, Оливия приводит его в агентство «Гейтс», где служит с недавнего времени, под крыло Александра Куинна, которому доверяет, и считает, что в данной ситуации, несмотря на скептический настрой Кейда, без его помощи им не обойтись.
Год выхода: 2016
Язык: Русский
Возвращаясь домой по горной дороге, Ники Джемисон наткнулась на избитого полуживого человека, в кото…
Возвращаясь домой по горной дороге, Ники Джемисон наткнулась на избитого полуживого человека, в котором узнала пропавшего сотрудника ФБР Далласа Коула. Скрывая его у себя, Ники рискует: она агент под прикрытием и выполняет опасное задание, но по-другому поступить не может. Между молодыми людьми, несмотря на взаимное недоверие, возникает больше чем просто симпатия, их неудержимо влечет друг к другу. Решая сложные и опасные задачи, они выясняют и свои личные отношения…
Год выхода: 2014
Язык: Русский
Ника Дарси, агента организации «Врата», ночью будит жуткий скрежет в дверь. На пороге он обнаруживае…
Ника Дарси, агента организации «Врата», ночью будит жуткий скрежет в дверь. На пороге он обнаруживает раненую, истекающую кровью молодую женщину, в которой с удивлением узнает боевую подругу Маккенну Ригсби. Но только ли дружба связывает аристократа Дарси и деревенскую девушку? Взаимно опасаясь быть отвергнутыми, они так и не открылись друг другу в своих чувствах. Теперь Маккенна работает в ФБР и внедрена в бандитскую группировку «Голубой хребет», терроризирующую горные районы Теннесси. И сейчас уверена, что в нее стрелял человек из ФБР…
Год выхода: 2014
Язык: Русский
Ансон Дотри, директор IT-отдела в фирме «Гейтс», временно отстранен от работы по подозрению в корпоративном шпионаже. Он начинает собственное расследование, которое выводит его на бухгалтера Джинни Колтрейн, также имеющую доступ к секретной информации. Однажды вечером, когда Ансон ведет наблюдение, на Джинни нападают четверо мужчин. Ансон защищает ее, не догадываясь, что Джинни привыкла во всем полагаться на собственные силы. И все-таки он становится ее добровольным телохранителем, тем более что неизвестные не оставляют своих угроз.
Год выхода: 2014
Язык: Русский
Сюзанна Марш – красивая, умная, независимая и успешная молодая женщина – сама справлялась со своими …
Сюзанна Марш – красивая, умная, независимая и успешная молодая женщина – сама справлялась со своими проблемами до одного злосчастного вечера. Если бы не служащий отеля Хантер Брэгг, лежать бы ей изрешеченной пулями на парковочной площадке. Он подоспел как раз вовремя, схватил ее в охапку и потащил в лес. Охваченная ужасом, Сюзанна не могла решить, кто для нее опаснее – убийцы, что идут за ними по следу, или ее похититель? Она понимала, что этот человек не тот, за кого себя выдает, но и Брэгг догадался, что его подопечная скрывает какую-то тайну. Она не доверяла ему, а он ей, и при этом они страстно влюбились друг в друга…
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
WANTED: NANNYMUST BE GOOD WITH WET WIPES AND GUNS.Lacey Miles becomes the unexpected sole guardian o…
WANTED: NANNYMUST BE GOOD WITH WET WIPES AND GUNS.Lacey Miles becomes the unexpected sole guardian of her young niece. Knee-deep into an investigation of a sleeper cell, Lacey finds that motherhood is a lot more perilous than she expected, so she hires a nanny with an impeccable résumé…who's a far cry from Mary Poppins.Beneath his friendly demeanor, Jim Mercer is a former Marine turned undercover agent, tasked with ferreting out the terrorists targeting Lacey and her loved ones. Jim may be the ultimate caretaker, but the closer Lacey comes to blowing her case open, the more Jim's true identity is revealed. And the deeper he falls for this vulnerable little family.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
A cold case is reopened, placing a witness in the crosshairs–and a bodyguard by her side…Charlie Win…
A cold case is reopened, placing a witness in the crosshairs–and a bodyguard by her side…Charlie Winters has caught security expert Mike Strong's attention. A member of his self-defense class, she seems to need to know more than just how to protect herself. After a little digging, Mike discovers that the cute redhead has a reason to worry–she may have witnessed a murder. Using all of his connections, Mike tries to solve the cold case. But as Charlie's memories from the past begin to resurface, her future seems marked for death. Offering up his skills as a bodyguard, Mike promises not to leave her side. And Charlie's obvious relief at not having to fight alone convinces him there's much more to this mystery he has yet to uncover.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
Since leaving the CIA under questionable circumstances, Amanda Caldwell has been living a quiet, une…
Since leaving the CIA under questionable circumstances, Amanda Caldwell has been living a quiet, uneventful life in a sleepy mountain town. But when Rick Cooper, her former partner–and former lover–makes an unexpected reappearance, she senses things are about to get a lot more interesting.…Rick's mission is to protect Amanda and her identity from an assassin who's picked up her trail. It isn't long before working together stirs up all the passion and energy they'd once shared on the job. And in Rick's bed. Still, there's more to Rick's assignment than he can share with his «partner.» Revealing the truth wouldn't be smart. But keeping his secret could be deadly.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
As a man of action, he'd never break protocol. But he'd never been so tempted…Although he …
As a man of action, he'd never break protocol. But he'd never been so tempted…Although he was trying to crack a global conspiracy, former soldier Jesse Cooper had an even more important mission: keep new hire and girl-next-door Evie Marsh safe. Shocked to learn Evie could be the key to bringing down this secret plot, the head of Cooper Security had to stifle his attraction to her. After all, the case was on the line–and so were their lives. But between dodging bullets and staying one step ahead of the enemy, temptation became impossible to resist. As a man made for danger, Jesse thought sweet Evie had no place in his world. Then, in the heat of the moment, she proved she'd always have his back–or die trying.…
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
He was a hardened former marine with a guarded past…until one touch from Iris Browning became his un…
He was a hardened former marine with a guarded past…until one touch from Iris Browning became his undoing. Thanks to the raven-haired beauty, reclusive millionaire Maddox Heller found himself back in the line of fire, chasing down an elusive killer who'd made Iris his next target. She claimed not to know why, and every instinct told Maddox to believe her.Still, trusting this virtual stranger seemed risky, especially as their relationship grew increasingly personal. Now, as ghosts from the past threatened to destroy the present, would one forbidden touch bring pleasure…or pain?
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
What was supposed to be a quiet vacation in scenic Wyoming turned deadly when Hannah Cooper became t…
What was supposed to be a quiet vacation in scenic Wyoming turned deadly when Hannah Cooper became the target of a serial killer. Although she survived the attack, the ordeal was far from over. But she wasn't alone. Not when Riley Patterson appointed himself her protector.Beneath Riley's strapping, solemn exterior hid a hard-driving sheriff who would stop at nothing to catch a killer. He promised Hannah safety, but it was the danger he posed that drew her in. Riley was as much a mystery as the man who sought to take her life. Trapped on his ranch, with no one but each other to trust, only justice could set them free…and possibly separate them forever.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
Assistant FBI director Adam Brand needs help to expose a domestic terrorist, but asking Delilah Hamm…
Assistant FBI director Adam Brand needs help to expose a domestic terrorist, but asking Delilah Hammond is dangerous. The heat between them once led to her leaving the FBI.Now Delilah’s a new sheriff she has much more to lose… but working together reignites a desire neither can resist!
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
Hot-shot criminal profi ler Daniel Hartman was looking for a man called Orion. Leading a manhunt thr…
Hot-shot criminal profi ler Daniel Hartman was looking for a man called Orion. Leading a manhunt through Birmingham for the killer, Daniel was trying to put old ghosts to rest.But this time Orion's target was Rose Browning, a matchmaking wedding planner with a gift for predicting true love. Tempted by secrets she couldn't reveal, Daniel insisted on offering some very personal protection. He would get her to open up, but at a price. Would he be able to safeguard this raven-haired beauty before his desires for revenge became an obsession?
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
ï » ¿On the day Jake Cooper said «I do» to his beautiful bride, Mariah, t…
ï » ¿On the day Jake Cooper said «I do» to his beautiful bride, Mariah, their future happiness seemed certain. But Jake always wondered what she wasn't telling him. And what it would take for the truth to come out…Hoping to build a new life with Jake, Mariah thought she was free of the demons from her past. But when they were kidnapped and held at gunpoint, Mariah knew it was time she came clean–whatever the consequences. Her vow to confess was cut short, though, when bullets started flying and they were forced to run for their lives. Desperate to survive and not fall victim to the man hunting them, Mariah realized just how much she'd gained having Jake in her life. And how much they both had to lose.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
One man will go to any lengths when a vulnerable woman and her little boy are threatened County pros…
One man will go to any lengths when a vulnerable woman and her little boy are threatened County prosecutor Dalton Hale is convinced widowed Briar Blackwood has information that can help him take down a local crime organization. Getting it is no easy task, though, considering the distrust in the Bitterwood police officer's beautiful gray eyes. But since he started his investigation, Briar and her tiny son have been attacked twice. The only solution is to move her and Logan into his home, where he can ensure their safety. However, neither Dalton nor Briar is prepared for the deepening feelings between them. Playing house is one thing, but when Briar's son is kidnapped Dalton recognizes he wants the real deal–and will put his own life on the line to get it.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
THE BEST MAN…IN EVERY WAYWatching his best friend marry the wrong man is Owen Stiles's worst ni…
THE BEST MAN…IN EVERY WAYWatching his best friend marry the wrong man is Owen Stiles's worst nightmare…until he and the would-be bride are kidnapped. Someone wants Tara Bentley out of the picture, enough to frame her for the murder of her fiancé. All that stands between Tara and destruction is Campbell Cove security agent Owen.Moments away from calling off her wedding, Tara's life is turned upside down. Now the man she's always considered her best bud has transformed into some kind of sexy special agent. Owen is prepared to do anything to clear her name and secure her safety. But who's keeping her heart safe from him?
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
Threatened by masked men making an impossible demand of her, Abby Chandler runs to Luke Cooper for h…
Threatened by masked men making an impossible demand of her, Abby Chandler runs to Luke Cooper for help. She knows it's been three years since he vanished after their blazing one-night stand…and that she might be forced to reveal the secret that he's her little boy's father.Abby has no idea that the former marine has also been keeping a painful secret–that his disappearance was the only way to keep her alive. Luke knows Abby came to him for protection, but earning her trust isn't going to be easy. Nor will keeping his hands off her. But admitting their once-forbidden attraction still exists could be risky. And deadly.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
The return of the wife he thought was lost and a baby he never knew existed will make this a Christm…
The return of the wife he thought was lost and a baby he never knew existed will make this a Christmas to remember…Captain Connor McGinnis has seen a ghost. Staring at a surveillance photo of a Kaziri immigrant, there can be no mistaking the starkly beautiful–and visibly pregnant–woman in a head scarf is his wife Risa. The woman he presumed dead after her plane crashed into the ocean.Risa McGinnis, relocated by the CIA when they learned of a price on her head, has settled into the guise of a widowed immigrant. Confronting Connor again resurrects sweet memories and a burning passion. But until this unknown enemy is captured, Risa must focus more on Connor's protection than on their attraction. After all, the strength of her marriage—and the safety of her baby—depends on it…
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