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Plain Jane's Secret Life

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408958834

Полная версия

Once upon a time, the town of Holly Springs had its very own tomboy…and a darn fine mechanic to boot.Most people are so used to Hannah Reid's greasy overalls and backward ballcap that they think of their pretty whiz mechanic as «just one of the guys.» But all of that will change when Hannah goes on a secret mission – one that requires a couple of sinfully short skirts and way more attention than she anticipated….For sportscaster Dylan Hart, Hannah Reid is just another part of the Holly Springs clan. They've always been pals. That is, until he glimpses the feisty «plain Jane's» hidden feminine side. Now Dylan can't get her out of his head. But when he overhears a suspicious conversation, Dylan decides someone needs to keep an eye on Hannah…and he's just the guy to do it!

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