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Автор книги об эволюции ресторанных сетей – ресторатор, за плечами которого бесценный опыт работы в …
Автор книги об эволюции ресторанных сетей – ресторатор, за плечами которого бесценный опыт работы в ресторанном Доме Андрея Деллоса (а это не только знаменитое «Кафе Пушкинъ», но еще и сеть «Му-Му»). Кроме того, в копилке личных достижений Сергея – управление компанией «Веста-Центр Интернешнл» (бренды «Якитория», «Гин-но Таки», «Менза», «Ян Примус»), работа генеральным директором в группе ресторанов «Чайхона № 1» и компании Food Retail Group, основным активом которой является сеть ресторанов японской кухни «Две палочки». Также Сергей является основателем инновационного проекта по обучению сотрудников ресторана «ServiceGuru» и экспертом в системах автоматизации ресторанных компаний. Эта книга о том, как построить ресторанную сеть, с какими неизбежными болезнями роста придется столкнуться, о способах их преодоления, о построении всего и вся – от системы управления и учета до стратегии маркетинга и обучения персонала. По сути, это настоящая энциклопедия знаний, необходимых для эффективной работы любой ресторанной сети. Автор приводит множество примеров из собственного опыта, дает уникальные практические советы, заостряет внимание на неочевидных, но крайне важных деталях, заставляет по-новому взглянуть на многие привычные аспекты ресторанного бизнеса.
Чтобы ресторан стал успешным и зарабатывал больше, необходимы постоянные усилия на локальном уровне.…
Чтобы ресторан стал успешным и зарабатывал больше, необходимы постоянные усилия на локальном уровне. Локальный маркетинг – это действия по привлечению гостей в ваш ресторан на определенной территории. Задача авторов книги, ресторанных маркетологов с 25-летним стажем на двоих, – сделать локальный маркетинг простым, понятным и удобным для каждого, как дважды два. Поэтому все, что относится к локальному маркетингу, они предложили назвать инструментами и распределили эти инструменты по 7 кругам. Особое внимание авторы уделяют инструментам продвижения ресторанной доставки, потому что именно это направление бизнеса год от года показывает рост. Книга будет полезна директору по маркетингу и локальному маркетологу, территориальному управляющему и менеджеру торговой точки. Принципы работы, описанные в книге, можно использовать в любой торговой или сервисной сети, не только в сфере общественного питания.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Master these top-performing sales skills to dominate the marketplace Critical Selling is a dynamic and powerful guide for transforming your sales approach and outperforming your competition. This book is based on Janek Performance Group's, an award winning sales performance company, most popular sales training program, Critical Selling. Let authors Justin Zappulla and Nick Kane, Managing Partners at Janek, lead you through their flagship sales training methodology to provide you with the strategies, skills and best practices you need to accelerate the sales process and close more deals. From the initial contact to closing the deal, this book details the winning strategies and skills that have supercharged the sales force of program alumni like OptumHealth, Santander Bank, Daimler Trucks, California Casualty, and many more. Concrete, actionable steps show you how to plan a productive sales call, identify customer needs, differentiate yourself from the competition, and wrap up the sale. You'll also learn proven techniques for building rapport, overcoming objections, dealing with price pressures, and handling the million little things that can derail an otherwise positive sales interaction. Sales are the lifeblood of your company. Are they meeting your expectations? What if you could exceed projected sales figures and blow your competition out of the water? This book provides the research-based framework to ignite your sales team and excite your customer base, for sustainable success in today's market. Let Critical Selling show you how to:Connect with customers on a deeper level to build trust Present a persuasive and value-based solution tailored to your customer’s needs Handle pricing pressure, doubt, and objections with confidence Utilize proven methodologies that help you close the sale Sales is about so much more than exchanging goods or services for cash. It's about relationships, it's about outperforming the competition, it's about demonstrating real value, and it's about understanding and solving people's problems. Critical Selling shows you how to bring it all together, using proven techniques based on real sales performance research.
Compete in the digital world with pragmatic strategies for success Digital Sense provides a complete playbook for organizations seeking a more engaged customer experience strategy. By reorganizing sales and marketing to compete in today's digital-first, omni-channel environment, you gain newfound talent and knowledge from the resources already at hand. This book provides two pragmatic frameworks for implementing and customizing a new marketing operating system at any size organization, with step-by-step roadmaps for optimizing your customer experience to gain a competitive advantage. The Experience Marketing Framework and the Social Business Strategy Framework break down proven methods for exceeding the expectations customers form throughout the entirety of the buying journey. Customizable for any industry, sector, or scale, these frameworks can help your organization leap to the front of the line. The evolution of marketing and sales demands a revolution in business strategy, but realizing the irrelevance of traditional methods doesn't necessarily mean knowing what comes next. This book shows you how to compete in today's market, with real-world frameworks for implementation. Optimize competitive advantage and customer experience Map strategy back to business objectives Engage customers with a pragmatic, proven marketing system Reorganize sales and marketing to fill talent and knowledge gaps Today's customer is savvy, with more options than ever before. It's critical to meet them where they are, and engagement is the cornerstone of any cohesive, effective strategy. The technological revolution has opened many doors for marketing and sales, but the key is knowing what lies behind each one—what works for your competitor may not be right for you. Digital Sense cuts through the crosstalk and confusion to give you a solid strategy for success.
UnMarket to build trust and make lifelong customers! In 2009, Scott Stratten and Alison Stratten wrote the bestselling UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging and began a journey that would take them around the world sharing their message of engagement with corporations, entrepreneurs, and students.They are now back with this second edition, because Everything has Changed and Nothing is Different, with all the brilliance of the first edition, plus new content and commentary to reflect the rapidly changing landscape we all live, buy, and work in today. For generations, marketing has been hypocritical. We've been taught to market to others in ways we hate being marketed to (cold-calling, flyers, ads, etc.). So why do we still keep trying the same stale marketing moves? UnMarketing shows you how to unlearn the old ways and consistently attract and engage the right customers. You'll stop just pushing out your message and praying that it sticks somewhere. Potential and current customers want to be listened to, validated, and have a platform to be heard-especially online. With UnMarketing, you'll create a relationship with your customers, and make yourself the logical choice for their needs. We know you've been told to act like other people, talk like other people, and market like all the people, but it is time for you to unlearn everything and start to UnMarket yourself. UnMarketing includes the latest information on: Idea Creation, Viral Marketing and Video, Marketing to Millennials, Authenticity, Transparency and Immediacy, Ethics and Affiliates, Social Media Platforming, UnPodcasting, Word of Mouth, Customer Service, Consumer Advocacy and Leadership. With examples of what to do, and what not to do, from small business right up to worldwide corporations in areas such as real estate, travel, service, retail, and B2B.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity YouthNation is an indispensable brand roadmap to the youth-driven economy. Exploring the idea that youth is no longer an age—it's a commodity that's available to everyone—this book shows what it takes to stay connected, agile, authentic, and relevant in today's marketplace. Readers will learn the ins and outs of the new consumer, and the tools, methods, and techniques that ensure brand survival in the age of perpetual youth. Coverage includes marketing in a post-demographic world, crafting the story of the brand, building engaged communities, creating experiences that inspire loyalty and evangelism, and the cutting-edge tricks that help businesses large and small harness the enormous power of youth. The old marketing models are over, and the status quo is dead. Businesses today have to embody the ideals of youth culture in order to succeed, by tapping the new and rapidly evolving resources n business and in life. When everything is changing at the pace of a teenager's attention span, how do businesses future-fit for long-term success? This book provides a plan, and the thoughts, strategies, and brass tacks advice for putting it into action.Use New-Gen psychographics to target markets Build stronger evangelism with a compelling brand narrative Create loyal communities with immersive and engaging experiences Navigate the radically-changed landscape of the future marketplace In today's hyper-socialized, Facebook fanatic, selfie-obsessed world, youth is the primary driver of business and culture. Smart companies are looking to tap into the fountain of youth, and the others are sinking fast. YouthNation is a roadmap to brand relevancy in the new economy, giving businesses turn-by-turn direction to their market destination.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The Internet didn’t kill TV! It has become its best friend. Americans are watching more television t…
The Internet didn’t kill TV! It has become its best friend. Americans are watching more television than ever before, and we’re engaging online at the same time we’re tuning in. Social media has created a new and powerful “backchannel”, fueling the renaissance of live broadcasts. Mobile and tablet devices allow us to watch and experience television whenever and wherever we want. And “connected TVs” blend web and television content into a unified big screen experience bringing us back into our living rooms. Social TV examines the changing (and complex) television landscape and helps brands navigate its many emerging and exciting marketing and advertising opportunities. Social TV topics include: Leveraging the “second screen” to drive synched and deeper brand engagement Using social ratings analytics tools to find and target lean-forward audiences Aligning brand messaging to content as it travels time-shifted across devices Determining the best strategy to approach marketing via connected TVs Employing addressable TV advertising to maximize content relevancy Testing and learning from the most cutting-edge emerging TV innovations The rise of one technology doesn’t always mean the end of another. Discover how this convergence has created new marketing opportunities for your brand.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Proprietary audience development is now a core marketing responsibility. Every company needs audienc…
Proprietary audience development is now a core marketing responsibility. Every company needs audiences to survive. They are where you find new customers and develop more profitable relationships. And yet, most companies today treat their email, mobile, and social media audiences like afterthoughts instead of the corporate assets they are. With AUDIENCE, Jeff Rohrs seeks to change this dynamic through adoption of The Audience Imperative. This powerful mandate challenges all companies to use their paid, owned, and earned media to not only sell in the short-term but also increase the size, engagement, and value of their proprietary audiences over the long-term. As content marketing professionals have discovered, the days of “build it and they will come” are long gone. If you’re looking for a way to gain a lasting advantage over your competition, look no further and start building your email, Facebook, Google, Instagram, mobile app, SMS, Twitter, website, and YouTube audiences to last.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
THE #1 HACK FOR SMARTER MARKETING We all want new answers and new solutions for the very real and pr…
THE #1 HACK FOR SMARTER MARKETING We all want new answers and new solutions for the very real and pressing challenges that our organizations face. New things to point to and talk about, new ways of working and new ways of thinking that might just be better than the old ways. But rather than this endless search for a brilliant and novel solution, why don't you just copy something that’s worked before? Mark Earls, leading expert in marketing and consumer behaviour, quashes the stigma around copying, and shows that it can help us to rethink how we go about solving problems. By understanding what other people are doing and the choices they make, we can develop strategies to solve the challenges that we face inside and outside the organization. Based on extensive research and proven examples, Copy, Copy, Copy provides over 50 strategies that you can use right away to copy, borrow or steal as the basis for better ideas – faster. If it’s good enough for Elvis, Newton, Shakespeare, The British Olympic Cycling Team and Great Ormond Street Hospital, isn’t it good enough for you? ‘This delightful book argues convincingly that transferring ideas usually produces greater value than cooking them up from scratch. And then shows you how.’ – Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy London and the Spectator Magazine’s Wikiman ‘Yet another entertaining handbook from the acclaimed Herdmeister for anyone involved in marketing, behavioural change and understanding why we all make the choices we make. Earls convincingly disrupts convention about what is innovation – though «praxis». This is jammed with great case studies and 52 actionable strategies.’ – Stephen Maher, Chairman, The Marketing Society and CEO, MBA ‘Yet again this leading British business thinker has got us to see the world we inhabit today in fresh and mind-altering ways. A book which marries theory and practice better than the vast majority out there. Most of all his message of copying one’s way to greatness is entertaining, counter-intuitive and fun.’ – David Abraham, CEO Channel 4 PLC
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
A smart, practical guide to rocket-powered business growth Aligned to Achieve puts sales and marketi…
A smart, practical guide to rocket-powered business growth Aligned to Achieve puts sales and marketing on the same page, creating a revenue 'dream team' that will drive your organization to new heights. Smart, practical explanations, case studies, and tips guide you toward action over theory, and dozens of examples illustrate the tangible effects of these changes in action at business-to-business companies. Written by sales and marketing executives who have made alignment work, this book is directed toward practitioners and leaders seeking to crack the code of sales and marketing alignment. Contributions by industry thought leaders and B2B executives provide fresh perspective and nuanced direction, while thoughtful, strategic, and well-supported guidance throughout helps you remove the obstacles standing in the way of your organization's financial and strategic goals. Misalignment between sales and marketing is an age-old problem—frequently lamented, but seldom addressed. As this schism grows amidst the evolving marketplace, its effects on top and bottom line performance are being felt more than ever before. This book shows you how to bring sales and marketing together effectively once and for all, leveraging their strengths to build an unstoppable force for growth. Understand the cost of misalignment and the driving forces behind it Learn strategies for improving your culture, process, leadership, and technology to initiate and support alignment Identify the best places to modify your sales and marketing programs to kickstart collaboration and cooperation between your teams Discover how other companies are uniting their sales and marketing teams into a single force for growth Walk away with practical advice on how to apply recommendation in the real world Misalignment is frustrating for everyone in sales, marketing, and leadership. It's also detrimental to your organization's performance—but the problem is not insurmountable. In fact, most of the obstacles it creates are self-inflicted, and entirely within control of leadership. Aligned to Achieve helps you identify and remove those obstacles, and build a culture of sustainable growth.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Build a disruptive marketing agency for the modern age The marketing services industry is on the cus…
Build a disruptive marketing agency for the modern age The marketing services industry is on the cusp of a truly transformational period. The old guard, rooted in tradition and resistant to change, will fall and new leaders will emerge. Hybrid marketing agencies that are more nimble, tech savvy, and collaborative will redefine the industry. Digital services will be engrained into the DNA and blended with traditional methods for integrated campaigns. The depth, versatility, and drive of their talent will be the cornerstones of organizations that pursue a higher purpose. The Marketing Agency Blueprint is a practical and candid guide that presents ten rules for building such a hybrid agency. The new marketing agency model will create and nurture diverse recurring revenue streams through a mix of services, consulting, training, education, publishing, and software sales. It will use efficiency and productivity, not billable hours, as the essential drivers of profitability. Its value and success will be measured by outcomes, not outputs. Its strength and stability will depend on a willingness to be in a perpetual state of change, and an ability to execute and adapt faster than competitors. The Marketing Agency Blueprint demonstrates how to: Generate more qualified leads, win clients with set pricing and service packages, and secure more long-term retainers Develop highly efficient management systems and more effective account teams Deliver greater results and value to clients This is the future of the marketing services industry. A future defined and led by underdogs and innovators. You have the opportunity to be at the forefront of the transformation.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Grow the Core stands conventional wisdom about business growth on its head and provides a proven for…
Grow the Core stands conventional wisdom about business growth on its head and provides a proven formula for growing your business in recessionary times. These days, it′s a common belief among business leaders across industry sectors that the best way to grow their businesses is to expand into new markets. In reality, virtually all top–performing companies achieve superior results through a leading position in their core business. Unfortunately, there′s very little in the way of practical advice on how to do this. Grow the Core shows you how tofocus on your core business for brand success, with a program of eight workouts road-tested by the author's consultancy, the brandgym. The book provides inspiration, practical advice and proven tools for building and strengthening your core business. It is packed with case studies from brandgym clients, including Mars, Friesland Campina, SAB Miller and Danone. The book features exclusive brandgym research, in addition to front–line experience on over one hundred brand coaching projects.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A compilation of the established knowledge in strategic account management While companies and acade…
A compilation of the established knowledge in strategic account management While companies and academics expend tremendous effort on mass marketing, they often overlook their immediate customers (which are critical in both senses) and hence the importance of strategic account management (SAM). This handbook is a compilation of papers that present researched knowledge of SAM across the academic community which fills a void in the existing academic literature. Handbook of Strategic Account Management identifies drivers of the SAM approach, key issues and success factors, operational needs and areas still awaiting exploration. Each paper includes an overall referenced summary of the tenets of SAM relevant to the area it reports, and together with the combined list of references, it creates an indispensable resource for academic readers, students, and researchers. Handbook of Strategic Account Management is written by over 40 knowledgeable experts with substantial experience of SAM from teaching, researching, writing and advising companies on why and how it works, spread widely across Europe and the US. It represents the balanced, researched body of knowledge in SAM and will be an invaluable resource to anyone exploring the approach, whether for a student thesis, for original research or for answers on how to approach SAM as a company initiative. «Today’s strategic, key and global account management professionals owe thanks to a small community of academic researchers who, over the past three decades have been pioneers in identifying, cataloguing and analyzing the selling and business management practices of an emerging profession we now call strategic account management. This Handbook is an important milestone to mark SAM’s still evolving impact on corporate business strategies and its ever-increasing relevance as a proven engine for growth in business-to-business strategic customer relationships.» Bernard Quancard,President & CEO of SAMA (US-based Strategic Account Management Association with over 3,000 members worldwide) Yana Atanasova Bjorn Ivens Toni Mikkola Ivan Snehota Audrey Bink Ove Jensen Stefanos Mouzas Kaj Storbacka Per-Olof Brehmer Robert Krapfel Peter Naudé Olavi Uusitalo Noel Capon Antonella La Rocca Jukka Ojasalo Tom Vanderbiesen Simon Croom Sylvie Lacoste Ca
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Embrace data and use it to sell and market your products Data is everywhere and it keeps growing and…
Embrace data and use it to sell and market your products Data is everywhere and it keeps growing and accumulating. Companies need to embrace big data and make it work harder to help them sell and market their products. Successful data analysis can help marketing professionals spot sales trends, develop smarter marketing campaigns, and accurately predict customer loyalty. Data Driven Marketing For Dummies helps companies use all the data at their disposal to make current customers more satisfied, reach new customers, and sell to their most important customer segments more efficiently. Identifying the common characteristics of customers who buy the same products from your company (or who might be likely to leave you) Tips on using data to predict customer purchasing behavior based on past performance Using customer data and marketing analytics to predict when customers will purchase certain items Information on how data collected can help with merchandise planning Breaking down customers into segments for easier market targeting Building a 360 degree view of a customer base Data Driven Marketing For Dummies assists marketing professionals at all levels of business in accelerating sales through analytical insights.
A visual way to easily access the strategies and tactics in Book Yourself Solid Learning new concepts is easier when you can see the solution. Book Yourself Solid Illustrated, a remarkable, one-of-a-kind work of art, transforms the Book Yourself Solid system into a more compelling and easy-to-consume playbook for any business owner. You won't find business school graphs or mind maps. Instead, you'll find compelling, visual stories that reinvent old and tired business concepts, making Book Yourself Solid Illustrated a fun and playful book that you will revisit year after year as you get more clients than you can handle. There isn't a business book on the market that can show you how to apply the strategies, techniques, and skills necessary to generate new leads, add more clients, and increase profits through visuals. Previously you could only read or listen to advice, now you can see it and get it faster. This illustrated version is organized into four modules: your foundation, building trust and credibility, simple selling and perfect pricing, and the Book Yourself Solid 6 core self-promotion strategies. Reengineering the book with visual strategist, Jocelyn Wallace, has given author Michael Port new ways of explaining and expanding his gold-standard material. Author Michael Port has been called a «marketing guru» by the Wall Street Journal and «an uncommonly honest author» by The Boston Globe, and wrote Book Yourself Solid (in it's 2nd edition), Beyond Booked Solid,The Contrarian Effect which was selected as a 2008 top ten business book by and the 2008 #1 sales book of the year by 1-800-CEO-READ, and The New York Times Bestseller, The Think Big Manifesto. Author is one of the most popular business coaches in the world and headlines events all over the world. Master the techniques in Book Yourself Solid Illustrated, and take your service business to the next level today. For the first time ever you can have the Book Yourself Solid Mobile app. Install it on any device and the Book Yourself Solid System comes to life. Do all of 49 exercises from the new book on any device, including your desktop computer. This thing rocks.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The leaders of Razorfish share their strategies for merging marketing and IT To create rich, technol…
The leaders of Razorfish share their strategies for merging marketing and IT To create rich, technologically enabled experiences, enterprises need close collaboration between marketing and IT. Converge explains how the merging of technology, media, and creativity is revolutionizing marketing and business strategy. The CEO and CTO of Razorfish, one of the world's largest digital marketing agencies, give their unique perspective on how to thrive in this age of disruption. Converge shares their first-hand experience working closely with global brands—including AXE, Intel, Samsung, and Kellogg—to solve business problems at the collision point between media, technology, and marketing. With in-depth looks at cloud computing, data- and API-enabled creativity, ubiquitous computing, and more, Converge presents a roadmap to success. Explains how to organize for innovation within your own organization by applying the principles of agile development across your business Details how to create a religion around convergence, explaining how to tell the story throughout the organization Outlines how to adapt processes to keep up with and take advantage of rapid technological change A book by practitioners for practitioners, Converge is about rethinking business organizations for a new age and empowering your people to thrive in a brand, new world.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
How Your Business Can Use the Science That Helped Win the White House The average conversion rate—the rate at which visitors convert into customers—across the web is only 2%. That means it's likely that 98% of visitors to your website won't end up converting into customers. What's the solution? A/B testing. A/B testing is the simple idea of showing several different versions of a web page to live traffic, and then measuring the effect each version has on visitors. Using A/B testing, companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and user experience and, in doing so, can sometimes double or triple their conversion rates. Testing has been fundamental in driving the success of Google, Amazon, Netflix, and other top tech companies. Even Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had dedicated teams A/B testing their campaign websites during the 2012 Presidential race. In the past, marketing teams were unable to unleash the power of A/B testing because it required costly engineering and IT resources. Today, a new generation of technology that enables marketers to run A/B tests without depending on engineers is emerging and quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools for making data-driven decisions. Authors Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen are cofounders of Optimizely, the leading A/B testing platform used by more than 5,000 organizations across the world. A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers offers best practices and lessons learned from more than 300,000 experiments run by Optimizely customers. You'll learn: What to test How to choose the testing solution that's right for your organization How to assemble an A/B testing dream team How to create personalized experiences for every visitor And much more Marketers and web professionals will become obsolete if they don't embrace a data-driven approach to decision making. This book shows you how, no matter your technical expertise.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The premier guide to mobile market research The Handbook of Mobile Market Research is the first guide to focus exclusively on the use of mobile technology in market research. From a global perspective, more people own mobile phones than landlines or computers, and most people have their mobile phones with them at all times—along with their tablets, smartwatches, media players, and navigation devices. The continuous surge of mobile innovation provides unprecedented access to real-time consumer behaviour. Mobile market research allows users to reach more people, engage more people, and collect more valuable data as respondents are free to engage at their own pace, on their own time. Industry forerunners Ray Poynter, Navin Williams, and Sue York employ decades of study to examine the present and future state of mobile market research, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. This book contains clear, comprehensive knowledge for those who implement, utilise, and study the field. Readers will learn: The characteristics, scope, and importance of mobile market research Purposes and effects of principal tools like brand tracking, ad testing, customer satisfaction research, and research technology How mobile devices are used for qualitative and quantitative research by way of online focus groups, online discussions, mobile diaries, mobile ethnographies, and mobile surveys Aspects and implications of mobile computer interviews, mobile phone interviews, mixed-mode research, international mobile research, and research using passive data, panels, lists, and communities The significance of the mobile ecosystem, market research ethics, and research on research Designed to be accessible and helpful for beginners and advanced users alike, The Handbook of Mobile Market Research is an extensive guide to one of the most promising, dynamic methods of data collection.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Master the latest marketing tools and trends Marketing strategies are evolving faster than ever befo…
Master the latest marketing tools and trends Marketing strategies are evolving faster than ever before, and mastering the latest and greatest strategies are essential to getting results. This updated edition of the classic marketing bestseller includes new and revised material, with full coverage of the latest marketing trends and how to effectively apply them to your business. Whether it's boosting your baseline marketing skills, figuring out social media, developing a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy, or getting expert tips on effective local marketing techniques, Marketing for Dummies, 4th Edition has everything you need in one easy-to-use and accessible guide. Effective marketing is about knowing your customers and giving them what they want, when they want it. The latest marketing research tells us that every customer interaction is an opportunity to grow your business and your bottom line, which is why you need a results-oriented marketing plan. With this updated, practical, and savvy guide to marketing strategies that work, you can apply the skills you already have more efficiently than ever before Marketing For Dummies, 4th Edition gives you the structure and practical advice you need to get the most out of every marketing initiative and, ultimately, grow your business. Maximize the lifetime value of your customers Connect web marketing strategies to real world traffic and sales Implement local sourcing to boost local and regional marketing initiatives Focus your online marketing strategy to target only qualified buyers Before you waste any more time with ineffective and potentially costly marketing missteps, let Marketing For Dummies, 4th Edition establish viable marketing strategies that will help your business succeed.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
An important update to this roadmap for the development of a corporate intelligence program Market intelligence is the distinct discipline by which organisations systematically gather and process information about their external operating environment in order to facilitate accurate and confident decision making that is based on insight. For companies to thrive in the global post-recession marketplace, their management needs future-oriented business information. The Handbook of Market Intelligence provides a one stop shop, step-by-step roadmap for establishing, conducting and further developing corporate intelligence programs within an organisation and then shows how organisations can turn market data into actionable insights. • Full of best practice advice from hundreds of real-life international case studies • Outlines the anticipated future trends in Strategic Market Intelligence based on unique global survey data • Provides guidance on extracting relevant, useful and accurate market information that can be used for successful business development
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