
Слияния и поглощения

В бизнесе перемены неизбежны. Компании, которым не удалось адаптироваться, ждет крах. Но, к сожалению, мало у кого из руководителей получается проводить преобразования в компании. Джон Коттер изучил опыт успешных и провальных преобразований в тысячах компаний и разработал универсальный алгоритм внедрения изменений. В книге вы найдете десятки примеров эффективности или неэффективности того или иного подхода. Здесь подробно разобраны восемь стадий реформирования компании, а также основные ошибки, которые допускают руководители.
Статья посвящена изучению влияния слияний и поглощений на рыночную власть (market power) компаний – инициаторов сделки. Выборка состоит из 171 внутрироссийской сделки, завершенной с января 2006 г. по сентябрь 2015 г. Публикация дополняет существующие исследования по теме в двух направлениях. Во-первых, были выявлены особенности влияния внутрироссийских слияний и поглощений на рыночную власть на основании данных непубличных компаний, сделки между которыми составляют значительную долю российского рынка слияний и поглощений. Во-вторых, количественно оценено влияние слияний и поглощений на рыночную власть российских компаний, в том числе в таких отраслях, как добыча полезных ископаемых, торговля, связь, металлургия, транспорт и в некоторых других. Проведенный анализ показывает, что в целом внутрироссийские сделки не приводят к значимому усилению рыночной власти. Наиболее успешной отраслью является оптовая и розничная торговля, где успешные сделки составляют 68% общей выборки. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы менеджментом компаний для оценки будущих внутрироссийских сделок слияний и поглощений, а также академическими исследователями слияний и поглощений на развивающихся рынках.
Герой выпуска – эксперт Контура по сопровождению клиентов в государственных и коммерческих торгах Андрей Шмаков. Мы разобрались в том, какие бывают закупки, кто может в них участвовать, что для этого нужно, а также зачем предпринимателям это делать. Спойлер – это хорошая возможность заработать. Получилась подробная, но понятная инструкция, как начать участвовать в торгах. Ведущая: Юлия Позднякова
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Разбираемся, что важного и интересного произошло в бизнесе в марте, что такое маркировка и какие изменения ожидают предпринимателей, как и зачем передавать новую отчетность СЗВ-ТД. А еще про большие данные и немного о будущем. В гостях эксперт Контура Маша Луценко Ведущие: Юлия Позднякова и Саня Мехоношин
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Герой выпуска – руководитель проекта Контур.Эльба Рамиль Шайхутдинов. Мы обсудили, как собрать крутую команду и организовать в ней работу, как сохранить дух стартапа в проекте, которому уже больше 10 лет, и пережить кризисы. А еще узнали у Рамиля, какие инструменты помогают ему в работе и в жизни.
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Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to modern corporate restructuring techniques Mergers and…
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to modern corporate restructuring techniques Mergers and acquisitions are two of today's most important competitive tools used by corporations in a rapidly changing global business landscape. In this new updated and revised Third Edition of his groundbreaking book-winner of the Book of the Year Award in its category from the Association of American Publishers-author, business valuations expert, and professor Patrick Gaughan illustrates how mergers, acquisitions, and other vital forms of restructuring can work for corporations. This University Edition includes review questions specifically designed for finance students and those studying for the MBA degree. Packed with helpful advice and proven strategies, this book: * Explains virtually every type of corporate restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, reorganizations, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, and more * Details the latest trends and delivers a modern, international perspective on the field * Integrates the latest relevant research in the field of mergers into the book's pragmatic treatment of the subject * Offers comprehensive coverage of the latest methods and techniques for business valuations of both public and closely held companies * Looks at the key strategies and motivating factors that arise during the course of restructurings * Analyzes and incorporates necessary legal, economic, and corporate finance considerations * Offers the best offensive and defensive tactics for hostile takeovers
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
“The failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is unreasonable, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” say C…
“The failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is unreasonable, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” say Claude S. Lineberry and J. Robert Carleton in this much-needed resource, which outlines their unique, proven, and practical process for increasing the success of mergers and acquisitions. Written for all those with a vested interest in the success of the deal—board of directors, executives, managers, employees, and shareholders—and based on years of research and real-world experience, Achieving Post-Merger Success is a down-to-earth guide that gives stakeholders the tools they need to Profile and assess corporate cultures Identify potential or actual culture clash barriers to a merger or acquisition Determine what to do to avoid, minimize, and resolve culture clash Plan for efficient and effective post-merger cultural integration of the two organizations
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This book was designed not only for owners and managers of middle market businesses but as a trainin…
This book was designed not only for owners and managers of middle market businesses but as a training text for middle market M&A investment bankers and consultants. It discusses the art and science of middle market M&A as well the all-important psychology and behind-the-scenes negotiations pursued with a particular emphasis on obtaining the absolute highest value when selling a business. Subjects addressed include valuation, taxation, negotiations, M&A conventions, among many others from the buy-side and sell-side perspectives. Subtitled “Tales of A Deal Junkie,” this serious but occasionally irreverent book tells it like it is, including anecdotes to provide a “feel” for what really goes on in middle market transactions. The author, a former practicing CPA and a business valuation expert, is a veteran M&A investment banker with years of real life experience. He also is a widely-acclaimed instructor in the M&A field and a nationally-respected practitioner who has trained thousands of investment bankers. No comparable book on the market today provides this degree of comprehensive and invaluable insight.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Русский
Рассматривая мозаику и эклектику текста этой книжки (как предыдущих и последующих – если они будут),…
Рассматривая мозаику и эклектику текста этой книжки (как предыдущих и последующих – если они будут), следует соответственно воспринимать сказанное: об образах, как проекции на подсознание, о гештальте, о гносеологии «любви», о женском и мужском, как образе двух параллельных пересекающихся линий, письма 8 Марта, о «мушкетёрах», футболисте и ощущениях осязания, о мистической случайности, вольную компиляцию Комдива о женских запахах и «сермяжную правду» о «запахах» женского, Куприна и «Суламифь», Соломона и «Песнь Песней», писателей – не сумасшедших и несчастных, жизнь Земли и смерть человека, счастье и судьбу, мнения дилетанта и т.д. Вторая редакция. Иллюстрации автора, фон обложки – Canva (лицензия СС0).
В работе предпринята попытка дать общий обзор особенностей рынка корпоративного контроля в России на основе имеющихся в западной литературе теоретических подходов, уже полученного отечественного опыта эмпирических исследований, анализа проблем действующего законодательства и механизмов регулирования слияний и поглощений.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
If 75 percent of all mergers fail, what makes the other 25 percent succeed? Mergers, acquisitions, a…
If 75 percent of all mergers fail, what makes the other 25 percent succeed? Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances are more vital today than ever before in driving business success. This indispensible guide offers proven strategies and sound solutions to the multitude of integration issues that inevitably arise, and shows how to create a combined business that meets its strategic and financial objectives, competes better, and offers personal and organizational enhancements. Dubbed «merger mavens» by Fortune magazine, the authors report lessons learned from their experience in over 100 combinations. Executives, managers, and employees alike—in all industries and sectors—will find useful examples, strategies, and tools here. Praise for Joining Forces «This book will help both M&A veterans and those new to the game. The authorsprovide great insights into the human, cultural, organizational, and strategic factors that matter in M&A success.»—Richard Kovacevich, chairman and CEO emeritus, Wells Fargo & Co. «Don't commit to the merger or acquisition without them! I have personally witnessed how hard it is on everyone—employees, shareholders, communities, and especially executives—to work through an improperly managed merger. I have known Marks and Mirvis for almost twenty-five years and the only mistake our organization made was that we did not consult them soon enough. Their new book reflects unequalled experience and intellect. Don't merge, acquire, or be acquired without it!»—Michael R. Losey, CEO (emeritus), Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) «Joining Forces is a terrific resource for managers who want to understand thehuman dynamics of mergers and acquisitions, and a must-read for those who have to lead their companies through one. It is based on the latest research and providespractical insights and advice from authors who know M&A inside out.» —Edward E. Lawler III, Distinguished Professor of Business, Marshall School ofBusiness, University of Southern California
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Navigate M&A accounting arbitrations with insider perspective M&A Disputes takes you inside the disp…
Navigate M&A accounting arbitrations with insider perspective M&A Disputes takes you inside the dispute resolution process to help you put together the many «moving parts» necessary to obtain a successful outcome. With deep insight from experts in the field—including valuable advice from the arbitrator's perspective—this book guides you through the entire process to explore the variables at work. The high volume of M&A transactions makes post-closing price adjustment provisions and accounting arbitrations a critical part of doing business. Yet, the field is opaque to non-practitioners and important issues can be easily misunderstood without specific knowledge and experience. A resulting award can make or break a transaction; an intimate understanding of the process's inner working can help you plan your position to the greatest advantage. This book explores the many factors that that contribute to a successful resolution across the entire transaction life cycle from contract negotiation through the dispute phase including due diligence, determination of the target net working capital, conception and closing of the purchase agreement, post-closing negotiation and dispute resolution, the impact of accounting practices, guidance, and documentation as well as relevant auditing concepts, and various facts and circumstances surrounding the target business and the transaction that need to be considered. M&A volume remains high and continues to result in large numbers of current and future post-closing M&A disputes. Clients rely on their attorneys and advisers to guide them through the process and counsel them toward a positive outcome. Those professionals will find that M&A accounting arbitrations carry a range of distinctions that require a specialized knowledge base to navigate correctly. This book provides real-world guidance from experts in the field, with invaluable insight for every stage of the process. Walk through the entire dispute resolution process from arbitrator selection through final award Understand how M&A agreement provisions impact the awarded amount as well as the options available to limit the scope of potential disputes and the «gaming» of the post-closing process by the counterparty Understand the nature of accounting estimates and guidance, their interaction with accounting arbitrations, and how to synthesize facts, circumstances, and GAAP into a persuasive argument to present to the accounting arbitrator Get situation-specific advice for different types of transactions Learn practitioner «dos» and «don'ts» from the arbitrator's perspective M&A Disputes provides transaction parties and their representatives an inside view at the transaction and commonly disputed items through the eyes of the arbitrator to provide them with uniquely valuable insight. In addition to being an invaluable tool for practitioners appearing before an accounting arbitrator, M&A Disputes also provides advice to would-be and experienced arbitrators alike to successfully resolve disputes that can be significant and complex.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
In good markets or bad, reverse mergers play a key role for companies that want to avoid the IPO rou…
In good markets or bad, reverse mergers play a key role for companies that want to avoid the IPO route for going public. Since the successful first edition of Reverse Mergers was published in 2006, the economic and regulatory landscape has changed. Executives, owners, lawyers, accountants, professional investors, regulators, and others need to know what those changes mean for reverse mergers. Reverse-merger expert David Feldman gives an overview of the most important changes since the previous edition was published: new SEC regulations, the changing nature of SPACs (Special-Purpose Acquisition Company), and the emergence of new instruments called WRASPs (WestPark Alternative Senior Exchange Process). The book includes a new chapter on China, and the “Experts Speak” chapter features all new interviewees. David Feldman is one of the country’s leading experts on reverse mergers, self-filings, and other alternatives to IPOs. His firm has guided hundreds of companies on going public, advising them on structure and mechanics, financing, due diligence, regulatory issues, and more.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
If 75 percent of all mergers fail, what makes the other 25 percent succeed? Mergers, acquisitions, a…
If 75 percent of all mergers fail, what makes the other 25 percent succeed? Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances are more vital today than ever before in driving business success. This indispensible guide offers proven strategies and sound solutions to the multitude of integration issues that inevitably arise, and shows how to create a combined business that meets its strategic and financial objectives, competes better, and offers personal and organizational enhancements. Dubbed «merger mavens» by Fortune magazine, the authors report lessons learned from their experience in over 100 combinations. Executives, managers, and employees alike—in all industries and sectors—will find useful examples, strategies, and tools here. Praise for Joining Forces «This book will help both M&A veterans and those new to the game. The authorsprovide great insights into the human, cultural, organizational, and strategic factors that matter in M&A success.»—Richard Kovacevich, chairman and CEO emeritus, Wells Fargo & Co. «Don't commit to the merger or acquisition without them! I have personally witnessed how hard it is on everyone—employees, shareholders, communities, and especially executives—to work through an improperly managed merger. I have known Marks and Mirvis for almost twenty-five years and the only mistake our organization made was that we did not consult them soon enough. Their new book reflects unequalled experience and intellect. Don't merge, acquire, or be acquired without it!»—Michael R. Losey, CEO (emeritus), Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) «Joining Forces is a terrific resource for managers who want to understand thehuman dynamics of mergers and acquisitions, and a must-read for those who have to lead their companies through one. It is based on the latest research and providespractical insights and advice from authors who know M&A inside out.» —Edward E. Lawler III, Distinguished Professor of Business, Marshall School ofBusiness, University of Southern California
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
“The failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is unreasonable, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” say C…
“The failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is unreasonable, unacceptable, and unnecessary,” say Claude S. Lineberry and J. Robert Carleton in this much-needed resource, which outlines their unique, proven, and practical process for increasing the success of mergers and acquisitions. Written for all those with a vested interest in the success of the deal—board of directors, executives, managers, employees, and shareholders—and based on years of research and real-world experience, Achieving Post-Merger Success is a down-to-earth guide that gives stakeholders the tools they need to Profile and assess corporate cultures Identify potential or actual culture clash barriers to a merger or acquisition Determine what to do to avoid, minimize, and resolve culture clash Plan for efficient and effective post-merger cultural integration of the two organizations
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
In-depth coverage in a single handbook of the middle market based on the body of knowledge of the Ce…
In-depth coverage in a single handbook of the middle market based on the body of knowledge of the Certified M&A Advisor credential program M&A advisors have an unprecedented opportunity in the middle market with the generational transfer of wealth and capital being deployed by private equity and corporate investors. Middle Market M&A: Handbook for Investment Banking and Business Consulting is a must-read for investment bankers, M&A intermediaries and specialists, CPAs and accountants, valuation experts, deal and transaction attorneys, wealth managers and investors, corporate development leaders, consultants and advisors, CEOs, and CFOs. Provides a holistic overview and guide on mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and strategic transactions of companies with revenues from $5 million to $500 million Encompasses current market trends, activities, and strategies covering pre, during, and post transaction Addresses the processes and core subject areas required to successfully navigate and close deals in the private capital market Includes content on engagement and practice management for those involved in the M&A business This practical guide and reference is also an excellent primer for those seeking to obtain their FINRA Series 79 license.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many M&A transactions fail?…
A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many M&A transactions fail? And what drives the success of those deals that are consummated? Robert Bruner explains that M&A can be understood as a response by managers to forces of turbulence in their environment. Despite the material failure rates of mergers and acquisitions, those pulling the trigger on key strategic decisions can make them work if they spend great care and rigor in the development of their M&A deals. By addressing the key factors of M&A success and failure, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions can help readers do this. Written by one of the foremost thinkers and educators in the field, this invaluable resource teaches readers the art and science of M&A valuation, deal negotiation, and bargaining, and provides a framework for considering tradeoffs in an effort to optimize the value of any M&A deal.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This book was designed not only for owners and managers of middle market businesses but as a trainin…
This book was designed not only for owners and managers of middle market businesses but as a training text for middle market M&A investment bankers and consultants. It discusses the art and science of middle market M&A as well the all-important psychology and behind-the-scenes negotiations pursued with a particular emphasis on obtaining the absolute highest value when selling a business. Subjects addressed include valuation, taxation, negotiations, M&A conventions, among many others from the buy-side and sell-side perspectives. Subtitled “Tales of A Deal Junkie,” this serious but occasionally irreverent book tells it like it is, including anecdotes to provide a “feel” for what really goes on in middle market transactions. The author, a former practicing CPA and a business valuation expert, is a veteran M&A investment banker with years of real life experience. He also is a widely-acclaimed instructor in the M&A field and a nationally-respected practitioner who has trained thousands of investment bankers. No comparable book on the market today provides this degree of comprehensive and invaluable insight.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to modern corporate restructuring techniques Mergers and…
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to modern corporate restructuring techniques Mergers and acquisitions are two of today's most important competitive tools used by corporations in a rapidly changing global business landscape. In this new updated and revised Third Edition of his groundbreaking book-winner of the Book of the Year Award in its category from the Association of American Publishers-author, business valuations expert, and professor Patrick Gaughan illustrates how mergers, acquisitions, and other vital forms of restructuring can work for corporations. This University Edition includes review questions specifically designed for finance students and those studying for the MBA degree. Packed with helpful advice and proven strategies, this book: * Explains virtually every type of corporate restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, reorganizations, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, and more * Details the latest trends and delivers a modern, international perspective on the field * Integrates the latest relevant research in the field of mergers into the book's pragmatic treatment of the subject * Offers comprehensive coverage of the latest methods and techniques for business valuations of both public and closely held companies * Looks at the key strategies and motivating factors that arise during the course of restructurings * Analyzes and incorporates necessary legal, economic, and corporate finance considerations * Offers the best offensive and defensive tactics for hostile takeovers
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