
Похудение и диеты

Фитнесс – это не только физическая нагрузка, но и правильное питание. В данном издании представлены …
Фитнесс – это не только физическая нагрузка, но и правильное питание. В данном издании представлены тесты, с помощью которых вы узнаете, какой режим питания вам подходит, как похудеть без ущерба для здоровья, а также приведены таблицы калорийности продуктов для разгрузочной диеты. Для широкого круга читателей.
Год выхода: 2006
Язык: Русский
Президентская диета – новая тщательно сбалансированная программа здорового питания, именно ее принци…
Президентская диета – новая тщательно сбалансированная программа здорового питания, именно ее принципов придерживаются политики и другие известные люди. Она используется для профилактики многих заболеваний сердца и сосудов, сахарного диабета, а также злокачественных опухолей. Президентская диета теперь доступна не только обеспеченным представителям власти, но и простым людям, поскольку в ежедневный рацион входят вполне обычные полезные продукты, которые легко приобрести на российском рынке. При соблюдении этой диеты не требуется дополнительных дорогостоящих препаратов и специальных программ питания.
Книга о здоровом рационе, роли природных ресурсов, которые мы, при содействии микрофлоры нашего пищеварительного тракта, способны получать из пищи, что в конечном счете может продлить нашу активную жизнь до 50%. Бактериальная микрофлора нашего кишечника вносит свой вклад в долголетие или, наоборот, в развитие хронических заболеваний (от воспаления кишечника, ожирения, сахарного диабета до ухудшения работы мозга с возрастом). Каким способом поддерживать полезную микрофлору и не допускать развития вредной? Как обрести кишечник долгожителя? Как правильная диета помогает противостоять развитию патогенной микрофлоры и стимулировать благоприятную? Какие продукты питания ускоряют наше старение, а какие его замедляют? Как их лучше сочетать, чтобы дольше оставаться молодым и прожить долгую и счастливую жизнь? 2-е издание, переработанное и дополненное
В книге «Парадокс растений» знаменитый кардиолог и кардиохирург доктор Стивен Гандри рассказывает нам об удивительных белках – лектинах, которые способны проникать в наш организм через стенки кишечника и наводить там настоящий хаос. Лектины встречаются не только в злаках вроде пшеницы, но и в продуктах, которые большинство из нас считают полезными, в том числе во многих фруктах, овощах, орехах, бобовых и магазинных молочных продуктах. Эти белки, которые содержатся в семенах, злаках, шкурках, кожуре и листьях растений, предназначены для защиты растений от хищников (в том числе и людей). Когда мы употребляем их в пищу, в организме начинается настоящая химическая война, вызывающая воспалительные реакции, которые могут привести к набору веса и серьезным проблемам со здоровьем. Но есть очень простой способ победить врага – для этого потребуется совсем немного: уникальные знания и острое желание оставаться молодым и красивым. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
Привет, дружок! Перед тобой новая версия моей книги «ПП для ТП». Я обновил и дополнил инфу, чтобы ты…
Привет, дружок! Перед тобой новая версия моей книги «ПП для ТП». Я обновил и дополнил инфу, чтобы ты еще быстрее и эффективнее привел себя в форму, узнал все тонкости и лайфхаки про правильное питание. Также в этой книге появились главы о тех насущных вопросах, которые ты так часто задавал мне в инстаграме. Включай силу воли, но не теряй голову. Пусть мозг ведет твое пузо, а не наоборот! ГАНТЕЛЬ!
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The international best-selling guide to how the Hay diet (food combining) can improve health and vit…
The international best-selling guide to how the Hay diet (food combining) can improve health and vitality. With over one million copies sold worldwide, this is the ultimate guide to the health benefits of food combining from two of the most respected authors in the field.This is THE classic guide to the health benefits of the Hay Diet, or food combining, from Doris Grant, a pioneer for the Hay Diet in the UK. The diet works by keeping starch foods separate from protein foods in the daily diet so foods can be digested more easily and general health is improved.This informative guide gives you an in-depth look at the wide range of health problems that food combining has been found to alleviate, including • digestive disorders such as IBS and indigestion • obesity • ulcers • arthritic pain • persistent migraines and headaches • skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.As well as practical advice on how to begin and then stick to the food combining system, this comprehensive book offers plenty of suggestions and over 90 recipes to show you how easy it is to stick to the plan.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
From the best selling authors of Food Combining for Health and Food Combining For Vegetarians and wi…
From the best selling authors of Food Combining for Health and Food Combining For Vegetarians and with a foreword by Doris Grant – the Food Combining for Health Cookbook is the definitive recipe collection and nutrition guide for food combiners.Don’t Mix Foods That Fight!The motto of food combiners is still working for the many thousands of people in the UK now following a food combining diet as popularised by Doris Grant and the hugely successful Thorsons food combining series.Weight problems – mood swings – allergic reactions – headaches – digestive disorders – skin problems – tiredness and irritability – all these symptoms and many more have been shown to be either eased or irradicated by changing to a food combining diet .In fact the only problem with a food combining diet is that sometimes, it’s perceived as a bit complicated. The Food Combining For Health Cookbook is designed to be simple. It brings together recipes from the Thorsons collection and includes an easy reference food-type chart so each ingredient can be checked off as Starch, Protein or Alakaline.Clear, spacious design and layout of recipes• Over 200 recipes• Seasonal menu planners
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Man…
Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Manual’, have devised a diet that is so effective you'll notice changes in your body immediately. Starting with a Two-Week Reboot that will help you lose up to two inches around your waist, you will shed your unwanted pounds forever.‘YOU on a Diet’ is not another faddy crash-diet weight loss plan: you will lose weight – and a lot of it – but you will also gain the knowledge, insight and power to keep off the pounds you lose. Knowledge is the most powerful motivator when it comes to making the right food choices: know the ‘why’ and you'll successfully handle the ‘how’.• Find out your ideal shape – and how to reach it• Lose weight without hunger – you need only 100 calories less a day• Enjoy flexibility – you can still indulge in treats• Rebalance body chemicals and hormones – these, not willpower, dictate what you eat• Stop worrying about what you weigh – it's your waist size that countsRoizen and Mehmet's clear plan combined with:• Amazing YOU facts (e.g. 95% of your body's serotonin is found in your intestines – there's only 2-3% in your nervous system)• Eating tips (e.g. eating a small handful of nuts before your meal tricks your body into thinking that you are fuller sooner)• Interactive questionnaires (e.g. are your emotions affecting your food choices?)make this diet one of the most cutting-edge and easy-to-follow of our time. Successful long-term weight loss is only found in one place: YOU.
Alice shares a fabulous selection of over 100 recipes in her new book, guiding you to be the best version of yourself with a range of meals, smoothies, sweets and treats that are easy to make and perfect for life on the go.Hundreds of thousands on Instagram have already been inspired by Alice’s meals that are both healthy and delicious. When people aren’t obsessing over her recipes, they are checking out her amazing abs. For Alice clean eating is all about developing a healthy relationship with food, and she believes that everyone can make permanent changes to their body with the right combination of diet and exercise. Alice will share her tips for creating enticing lunchboxes, breakfasts and dinners that fit your daily routine and will help you feel fantastic from the inside out. Arranged around your workout, Alice sets out what to eat post-work out, on rest days – and also your cheat day of course! Each recipe is tagged with dietary information on whether recipes are gluten-free or vegetarian, and there is an amazing variety of carb-free and low fat options too. Give your day a kick-start with crispy courgette fritters with smoked salmon for breakfast, spice your lunch up with chilli and coconut crusted turkey steaks, and give yourself a post-workout treat with grilled steak with balsamic puy lentils and feta for dinner. Alice’s cookbook also includes meal planners that will help you make those simple swaps to transform your lifestyle for the better.Don’t forget to check out Alice’s newly-launched YouTube channel where she shares her motivational tips and shows you how to prepare her favourite nourishing recipes!
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
All foods are either acid- or alkaline-forming and the body's health and beauty is entirely affected…
All foods are either acid- or alkaline-forming and the body's health and beauty is entirely affected by choosing the right balance.Too many acid-forming foods can lead to conditions such as low energy, lifeless skin and hair and brittle bones.This practical book provides a 3 stage plan, food lists and simple recipe ideas.Each food we eat is either acid- or alkaline-forming due to how it is metabolised at cellular level. As our body is held within a particular alkaline range, alkaline-forming foods pose no problems to the body- but if we eat too many acid-forming foods, our body does not have the mechanisms to deal with them.A diet too high in acid-forming foods, such as cheese, wheat, sugar, processed foods and meat, can result in a wide range of health problems, including low energy, weight gain, skin problems, dull hair and eyes, brittle bones and hormonal imbalances.The plan has three stages:1) concentrates on your drinking habits, getting you to drink water on the hour and replace coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks with healthier options, bit by bit.2) helps you decrease the wheat and dairy in your diet, increasing vegetable content to replenish your mineral store and the calcium in your bones.3) is the alkaline diet where you are introduced to more raw or less cooked veggies. At this stage you can reintroduce more fruit and fruit juice (which are acid forming)The book contains a list of 80 alkaline forming foods to use and 20 of the better acid-forming foods and over 40 simple recipe ideas to reduce your toxic load.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A complete physical and psychological guide to the land of the slim and healthy. The Juice Master’s …
A complete physical and psychological guide to the land of the slim and healthy. The Juice Master’s workshops and roadshows contain such antics as the ‘Who Wants to Be a Slimionnaire?’ game. This irreverent but hard-hitting book will ensure people never look at a burger in the same way again!Jason Vale is the ultimate health coach – ‘The Juice Master’ – and in this book he reveals how everyone can get slim, get fit, and get energised – or ‘juiced’. His lively style and irreverent text nonetheless contains clear health messages for everyone:– give up what he calls ‘drug foods’ – those nutritionally worthless addictive substances, such as sugar (‘white trash’) and caffeine – and return to a fresh diet- eat the freshest plant ingredients and feel the fabulous health benefit of raw juice which is full of healthy enzymes- hit out at the food industry and reject its brainwashing advertising- use food combining to help your digestion.The Juice Master, who has been described as a mix between Anthony Robbins, Jamie Oliver and Eddie Izzard, offers a whole new approach to reframing the way you think about food, and offers plenty of surprises along the way.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Do all your dieting attempts end in failure? Do you ever intend to eat one biscuit but actually poli…
Do all your dieting attempts end in failure? Do you ever intend to eat one biscuit but actually polish off the packet? Does your weight vary enormously depending on how 'good' you've been? If this sounds like you, it won't for much longer! Take control of your eating habits with Lee Janogly and break free from the binge-diet-crave-binge cycle.The reason why diets don't work for so many people is that they are actually binge eaters. This means that they can diet reasonably successfully until they get a taste of one of their trigger foods, whereupon they lose all self-control and eat as much food as they can physically cram in. The result is that a binger will be on a permanent see-saw of weight loss and weight gain, accompanied by varying degrees of guilt, anger, depression and frustration.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme …
Lose at least 5lbs in 5 days with Jason Vale’s newest, easiest and most effective juicing programme ever. Jason Vale aka The Juice Master – and the man responsible for turning around the lives (and diets) of celebrities and top athletes from around the world – has designed a brand new programme to reshape and reinvigorate your body in just 5 days. Lose the weight you’ve always dreamed of without restricting what you can eat or drink at the weekend. The culmination of over a decade’s worth of research, 5lbs in 5 Days is a new and fresh approach to juicing and the ultimate guide to kickstarting rapid and healthy weight loss, boosting your energy levels and motivation, and maintaining optimum health. Follow Jason’s plan and you’ll lose at least 5lbs in 5 days (the average is actually 7lbs) and be recharged on both a physical and a mental level. Packed full of juicy recipes and tips for getting started, it’s simple to start and straightforward to follow. Start juicing today!
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Lose up to 7lbs in 7 days with The Juice Master Jason Vale's ultra-fast 1-week super juice cleanse. …
Lose up to 7lbs in 7 days with The Juice Master Jason Vale's ultra-fast 1-week super juice cleanse. The man who helped Jordan to get her post-baby body back has designed a healthy and effective diet and exercise programme to reshape your body in just one week, but with lasting results.The one-week super juice diet with fast, body-transforming results from the UK's leading health coach and seminar leader Jason Vale – aka The Juice Master. The man who helped Jordan get her slimmed-down post-baby body back has designed a highly motivational and hard-hitting programme for effective speedy weight loss. The ‘7lbs in 7 days Super Juice Diet’ can help you get in shape super-fast to give you a beach-perfect body or help you look sensational in that little black dress.With his simple diet and exercise programme and inspirational message, you will not only lose weight, but also have higher energy levels, clearer skin and be set free from the dieting trap forever.Not only will Jason Vale's carefully designed juicing plan help you diet more effectively than ever before, it will also power-pack your body with nutrients and enzymes for the ultimate body boost and help you keep weight off permanently.Reshape your body in just one week by following Jason Vale's effective juicing programme, and feel invigorated and energised while you do it!
Hello! My name is Annie Deadman and I’m the proud creator of the 21 Day Blast Plan, a three week healthy eating and fitness programme that kicks your sweet tooth into touch, calms your gut and leaves you with less fat and firmer muscles.Just so you know I’m not some fake who went “on a diet” once, found it worked and decided to flog it the masses; I’ve been running Annie Deadman Training for the last 15 years. I learnt so much from all my clients about their day-to-day issues, their food intolerances, their lack of time. Men and women were struggling to keep in shape (as well as retain some modicum of self-esteem) while managing a family and work, dishing up healthy meals and trying occasionally to come up for air.Personal training is expensive and I wanted to find a way of helping people get into shape without having to join a gym. I wanted to give them access to something that could help them break habits, get results, stay motivated and was sustainable with a family and work. I also wanted to offer something more: something a bit personal, that would entertain, but most importantly, be effective.So the 21 Day Blast Plan was born – an online plan that anyone can sign up to for less than the cost of an annual gym membership. The Blast Plan had some fantastic coverage recently in the national press and bang!…overnight a wonderful Blast community was created. And now I’m bringing the programme to you within the covers of this book so you too can experience the joy, enlightenment and results of the other Blasters.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Want to lose weight with minimum effort and maximum results? You can – and it’s as simple as eating …
Want to lose weight with minimum effort and maximum results? You can – and it’s as simple as eating three apples a day. Apples are the magic bullet for losing those excess pounds and when you eat them in combination with this low GI eating plan the pounds will melt away.What’s the secret behind this diet? It’s down to ‘pectin power’. The pectin in apples gives you a feeling of satisfaction so you don’t feel hungry. They are also a low GI food so you don’t get that sugar high and then crash, which encourages your body to store fat. Even better, the good fibre in apples can lower your total cholesterol by as much as half.Has this diet been tried and tested? It sure has! Dietician and nutritionist Tammi Flynn first experienced incredible results with apples when one of her clients was stuck on a dieting plateau. She got her to eat an apple before every meal and, without changing anything else about her eating habits, lost 1% of her body fat in just one week. Since then, hundreds more of her clients have lost an average of 17 pounds each over three months on her 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet.Now you, too, can lose weight effortlessly with The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. All you need to do is eat your three apples and follow Tammi’s low GI eating guidelines with the help of some easy meal plans. She also includes some simple exercise guidelines if you want to get physical.
Lose up to 14 lbs in just 4 weeks!By dieting for only two days a week you can have the bikini body y…
Lose up to 14 lbs in just 4 weeks!By dieting for only two days a week you can have the bikini body you’ve always dreamed of – fast. With over 140 mouth-watering and filling recipes, all under 500 calories, bestselling diet author Jacqueline Whitehart is the answer to your dieting prayers.The 5:2 Bikini Diet offers a new and fresh approach to the Intermittent Fasting phenomenon that will get you in bikini-ready shape super fast.This essential guide is the fastest, easiest path to achieving the body you have always dreamed of – and you’ll not only lose weight fast, you’ll lower the risk of age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease too.Cut your calories, transform your look and start your weight-loss journey today.
Lose up to 14 lbs in just 4 weeks!By dieting for only two days a week you can have the bikini body y…
Lose up to 14 lbs in just 4 weeks!By dieting for only two days a week you can have the bikini body you’ve always dreamed of – fast. With over 140 mouth-watering and filling recipes, all under 500 calories, bestselling diet author Jacqueline Whitehart is the answer to your dieting prayers. The 5:2 Bikini Diet offers a new and fresh approach to the Intermittent Fasting phenomenon that will get you in bikini-ready shape super fast. This essential guide is the fastest, easiest path to achieving the body you have always dreamed of – and you’ll not only lose weight fast, you’ll lower the risk of age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease too. Cut your calories, transform your look and start your weight-loss journey today.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Welcome to The alli Diet Plan – a different approach to weight loss that gives best efforts an added…
Welcome to The alli Diet Plan – a different approach to weight loss that gives best efforts an added boost.alli was the first non-prescription weight-loss aid to be licensed for use throughout Europe. It is clinically proven that adding alli to a reduced calorie lower-fat diet can boost weight loss by 50%; so for every 2 lb lost through a dieter’s efforts, alli boosts this weight loss by 1 lb more.alli works in a unique way on the body’s natural enzymes to prevent around 25% of fat consumed from being absorbed.The alli Diet Plan is the must-have companion book that presents a nutritionist-designed, reduced calorie lower-fat dietary regime. The book also provides detailed meal plans and delicious recipes that are specifically created to work with alli to help maximise dieting success.The alli Diet Plan makes weight loss even easier with:• Meal plans and no-cook options to save you time• A fitness programme for optimal results• An indispensable section on buying ready-prepared meals• An accessible eating out guide• Almost 200 delicious, alli-friendly recipesalli 60 mg capsules are a weight loss aid containing orlistat. For overweight people with a BMI of 28 or over. Always read the label.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim contains over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads…
Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim contains over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads and smoothie recipes PLUS the Life Long Rules for Success that will help you maintain your health and- the big one- keep you slim for life.Let the Juice Master help you discover delicious and simple recipes containing the ultimate super fuel for a super body and mind!Includes:The 5 Day Launch ProgrammeDid you know a space shuttle needs 90% of its energy to launch but only 10% to keep it in flight? Jason shows how the same principle can be applied to permanent weight loss through his launch pad to a life long programme. Kick start your system and give your energy levels a super boost by following his juice, soup and smoothie plan for 5 daysJuice Yourself SlimHaving successfully completed the Launch programme, it's now time to take things to new juicy heights with The Life Long Rules for Success, and with Jason's motivational tips and unique juicing programme it's the perfect recipe for a permanently slim, trim and healthy mind and body.Juice Yourself Slim also contains:10 'Souper' Slimming Fuel recipes15 Super Juice recipes15 Super Smoothie recipes10 Super Slimming Salad recipesAnd Super Fuel on the Go- a fantastic section packed with ideas for energy boosting healthy snacks.
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