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Scissors Sisters & Manic Panics

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781780313290

Полная версия

“Mrs Nellist came in for her cut and colour while Auntie and Tiffany were out the back having a coffee, leaving me to sweep up, and that's kind of where everything got really ugly. It was the hairstyle that Mrs Nellist never knew she wanted. That's all it was about.I don't know why everyone had to go so completely hysterical about it, but that's my family for you.…Sadie Nathanson is back! After sorting out exactly who she is, she now feels ready to tackle who she is going to be! With hair as her focus, Sadie decides to enter a major hairdressing competition – though she has her work cut out for her when she gets fired from her Saturday job in Auntie Lilah’s salon. And if that’s not bad enough, it turns out there are yet still more surprises in store Dadwise…

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