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The Law of Attraction

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472087447

Полная версия

Alisha Hart can't believe how arrogant fellow lawyers can be. Take assistant district attorney Daniel Fortune.She knows his kind–slick dressing, smooth talking, with a hunger for power. But when playful banter turns egotistical, Daniel offers Alisha a bet she can't refuse–whoever loses the San Antonio Streaker case must agree to do one thing for the winner. And it's got to be a surprise.Daniel can't wait that long for victory and fighting in the courtroom soon turns to passionate nights in the bedroom. But could this relationship with Alisha cost him the promotion to D.A.? Suddenly Daniel is pulling away and Alisha only has one choice–win her case. Or risk losing her heart…again.

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