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P.S. I'm Pregnant: Hot-Shot Tycoon, Indecent Proposal

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408995396

Полная версия

?New York, Hollywood…Pregnant? If her landlady’s cat hadn’t gone missing and Connor Brody had bothered to return her messages asking for help in the search, Daisy Dean wouldn’t have been sneaking around his garden at night – and he would never have caught her in her underwear! But Connor’s quite pleased with his scantily clad intruder.His business deal is about to fall through because the trophy wife of a potential US investor fancies him – maybe Daisy could make it up to him by accompanying him to NYC? Sharing a Portobello Road market stall with Daisy, Juno’s been hearing all about Connor’s brother Mac. A Hollywood actor with a shocking reputation.So when he turns up unexpectedly at a wedding, Juno plans to act all aloof. But the best laid plans often go awry! Suddenly she’s front page news and the only place to hide out is Mac’s LA pad. What’s the worst that could happen?

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