The Book of the Prophet Zechariah – a scientific commentary on the text
Жанр: Научно-популярная литература Религиоведение / история религий Религии / верования / культы Религии Гипноз Атеизм Научные исследования Наука и религия
Язык: Русский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2023
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The book of the prophet Zechariah, consisting of 14 chapters, contains various prophetic visions and speeches, especially regarding the creation of the second Jerusalem temple, the restoration of Jerusalem and the revitalization of public life. The first prophecy in the book of Zechariah dates back to 520 BC, the time by which the Jews lost heart and stopped rebuilding the temple. The general theme of this book, like the book of the prophet Malachi, is the coming blessed age.
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