
Топливно-энергетический комплекс

Газета «Энергетика и промышленность России» – ведущее общероссийское издание об электроэнергетике, энергомашиностроении, электротехнике и других отраслях, связанных, с топливно-энергетическим комплексом. Подробности изменений в энергетике, новинки оборудования и технологий, новости регионов, комментарии специалистов, репортажи о самых важных и ярких событиях из жизни энергетиков нашей страны. Для руководителей предприятий и подразделений, технических специалистов. Выходит 2 раза в месяц. В номере:Консолидация ТСО: новые надежды на надежные сетиARMAT IEK®: надежное решение для защиты и коммутации энергосистемИнновации для энергетики: вводить или отложить?Кто заплатит за гигаватты ГЭС? и многое другое
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Leverage Big Data analytics methodologies to add value to geophysical and petrophysical exploration …
Leverage Big Data analytics methodologies to add value to geophysical and petrophysical exploration data Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models demonstrates a new approach to geophysics and petrophysics data analysis using the latest methods drawn from Big Data. Written by two geophysicists with a combined 30 years in the industry, this book shows you how to leverage continually maturing computational intelligence to gain deeper insight from specific exploration data. Case studies illustrate the value propositions of this alternative analytical workflow, and in-depth discussion addresses the many Big Data issues in geophysics and petrophysics. From data collection and context through real-world everyday applications, this book provides an essential resource for anyone involved in oil and gas exploration. Recent and continual advances in machine learning are driving a rapid increase in empirical modeling capabilities. This book shows you how these new tools and methodologies can enhance geophysical and petrophysical data analysis, increasing the value of your exploration data. Apply data-driven modeling concepts in a geophysical and petrophysical context Learn how to get more information out of models and simulations Add value to everyday tasks with the appropriate Big Data application Adjust methodology to suit diverse geophysical and petrophysical contexts Data-driven modeling focuses on analyzing the total data within a system, with the goal of uncovering connections between input and output without definitive knowledge of the system's physical behavior. This multi-faceted approach pushes the boundaries of conventional modeling, and brings diverse fields of study together to apply new information and technology in new and more valuable ways. Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models takes you beyond traditional deterministic interpretation to the future of exploration data analysis.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
A glimpse of the savvy that built a global corporation from scratch Hess: The Last Oil Baron profile…
A glimpse of the savvy that built a global corporation from scratch Hess: The Last Oil Baron profiles a titan of the oil industry, mapping the journey of the quintessential American dream. The story of Leon Hess follows an immigrant kosher butcher's son as he builds an oil dynasty that may never be matched. The multinational, multi-billion-dollar company began with a single second-hand delivery truck and the Rockefeller-caliber business acumen of one young man. Interviews with former employees, beneficiaries, and even his high school sweetheart provide an insider's perspective on the man behind the legacy, allowing today's aspiring entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from one of the nation's most inspiring success stories. Leon Hess built a global empire from the ground up. Along the way, he fought in a war, did business with Muammar Qaddafi, won a Super Bowl as the owner of the Jets, was involved in Watergate, and introduced the Hess toy truck that became a holiday tradition for millions of Americans. More than just a book of business strategy, Hess tells the story of a life fascinatingly lived, and the legacy he left behind. Discover the man behind the company, the Jets football team, and the iconic toy truck Learn how the actions of Leon Hess affected the modern push toward energy independence Study the strategy that turned a single-truck operation into a major integrated company Consider the challenges Hess Corp. faces to its family legacy today, and the solutions being implemented Leon Hess' strategies and techniques can be emulated and imitated, but his entrepreneurial fire is something altogether more rare. Hess provides readers with a glimpse of the man whose unrivaled ambition changed an industry and a nation.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The first offering from the Fisher Investments On investing series is a comprehensive guide to the E…
The first offering from the Fisher Investments On investing series is a comprehensive guide to the Energy sector. The book can benefit both new and seasoned investors, covering everything from Energy sector basics to specific industry insights to practical investing tactics, including common pitfalls to avoid. Azelton and Teufel demonstrate a method for uncovering performance and risk-management opportunities—and show the readers how they can do it, too. Filled with detailed graphs and tables, unique insight, and practical advice, Fisher Investments on Energy can provide readers with a solid foundation in this sector. For more information visit
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Praise for Energy and Power Risk Management «Energy and Power Risk Management identifies and address…
Praise for Energy and Power Risk Management «Energy and Power Risk Management identifies and addresses the key issues in the development of the turbulent energy industry and the challenges it poses to market players. An insightful and far-reaching book written by two renowned professionals.» -Helyette Geman, Professor of Finance University Paris Dauphine and ESSEC «The most up-to-date and comprehensive book on managing energy price risk in the natural gas and power markets. An absolute imperative for energy traders and energy risk management professionals.» -Vincent Kaminski, Managing Director Citadel Investment Group LLC «Eydeland and Wolyniec's work does an excellent job of outlining the methods needed to measure and manage risk in the volatile energy market.» -Gerald G. Fleming, Vice President, Head of East Power Trading, TXU Energy Trading «This book combines academic rigor with real-world practicality. It is a must-read for anyone in energy risk management or asset valuation.» -Ron Erd, Senior Vice President American Electric Power
Инновационное развитие энергетики позволило за сравнительно короткий срок определить первостепенную значимость для возобновляемых источников энергии (ВИЭ) и достигнуть высоких показателей их экономической эффективности. Помимо роста энергобезопасности в части снижения зависимости от импорта и очевидной экологической составляющей, внедрение ВИЭ вовлекает смежные отрасли для разработки и производства высокотехнологичных комплектующих, а также служит одним из основных стимулов для формирования рынка систем хранения энергии. Благодаря ВИЭ был создан класс энергетических просьюмеров и можно говорить о высокой социально-экономической значимости проектов в этой области. В этой связи и на основании позиционирования ВИЭ в России с точки зрения инструмента решения сугубо энергетических и экологических задач представляется необходимой оценка новых возможностей позитивного воздействия на экономику и общество и активизация их более интенсивного развития при условии сохранения текущего потенциала невозобновляемой энергетики. Настоящая книга обобщает передовой опыт в области ВИЭ, раскрывает особенности и перспективы последних инноваций в отрасли и содержит практические рекомендации по сбалансированному развитию возобновляемой и невозобновляемой энергетики в отечественных условиях. Ориентирована на менеджеров высшего и среднего уровней управления в энергетике, слушателей учебных заведений дополнительного профессионального образования и школ бизнеса, студентов энергетических и экономических вузов.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Leverage Big Data analytics methodologies to add value to geophysical and petrophysical exploration …
Leverage Big Data analytics methodologies to add value to geophysical and petrophysical exploration data Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models demonstrates a new approach to geophysics and petrophysics data analysis using the latest methods drawn from Big Data. Written by two geophysicists with a combined 30 years in the industry, this book shows you how to leverage continually maturing computational intelligence to gain deeper insight from specific exploration data. Case studies illustrate the value propositions of this alternative analytical workflow, and in-depth discussion addresses the many Big Data issues in geophysics and petrophysics. From data collection and context through real-world everyday applications, this book provides an essential resource for anyone involved in oil and gas exploration. Recent and continual advances in machine learning are driving a rapid increase in empirical modeling capabilities. This book shows you how these new tools and methodologies can enhance geophysical and petrophysical data analysis, increasing the value of your exploration data. Apply data-driven modeling concepts in a geophysical and petrophysical context Learn how to get more information out of models and simulations Add value to everyday tasks with the appropriate Big Data application Adjust methodology to suit diverse geophysical and petrophysical contexts Data-driven modeling focuses on analyzing the total data within a system, with the goal of uncovering connections between input and output without definitive knowledge of the system's physical behavior. This multi-faceted approach pushes the boundaries of conventional modeling, and brings diverse fields of study together to apply new information and technology in new and more valuable ways. Enhance Oil & Gas Exploration with Data-Driven Geophysical and Petrophysical Models takes you beyond traditional deterministic interpretation to the future of exploration data analysis.
Сборник содержит доклады участников научно-практических семинаров им. Н.П. Лаверова, состоявшихся на площадке Одинцовского филиала МГИМО в рамках Международной научно-практической конференций «Инновационная неделя МГИМО» (MGIMO Innovation Week). В статьях освещен широкий круг научно-практических проблем, связанных с инновационным развитием российской экономики и ее ключевого звена – отраслей нефтегазового комплекса – в эпоху энергетического перехода, цифровизации и цифровой трансформации. Для широкого круга читателей: ученых, практиков, преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студентов. Материалы сборника могут быть использованы в образовательных и научных целях.
Краткое ознакомительное пособие по разработке подраздела "газоснабжение". Выполнено сравнение специальностей ВУЗов "теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция" "эксплуатация газопроводов", "газораспределительные сети" в отношении компетенций проектировщика газоснабжения. Приведена последовательность работ, выполняемых в процессе разработки подраздела газоснабжение. Теория по сетям газоснабжения не приведена так как у краткой работы другое назначение.
В учебном пособии популярно излагается история развития и эволюции конструкций турбин, энергетических котлов, электрогенераторов, а также история тепловых станций в целом от первых образцов до современных электростанций различных типов. Рассматриваются также вопросы экологической безопасности работы тепловых станций, принципы управления тепловой энергетикой и перспективы ее развития. Приведены портреты и краткие биографические данные ученых-основоположников, внесших вклад в разработку физических основ и конструкций оборудования тепловых электрических станций. Учебное пособие предназначено для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся тепловой энергетикой. Подготовлено кафедрой «Турбины и двигатели»
В современных условиях высокого износа электросетевого оборудования оценка его технического состояния является обязательным и неотъемлемым требованием организации его надежной эксплуатации. Учебное пособие предназначено для изучения методов неразрушающего контроля и технического диагностирования в электроэнергетической области для оценки технического состояния электросетевого оборудования.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Use big data analytics to efficiently drive oil and gas exploration and production Harness Oil and G…
Use big data analytics to efficiently drive oil and gas exploration and production Harness Oil and Gas Big Data with Analytics provides a complete view of big data and analytics techniques as they are applied to the oil and gas industry. Including a compendium of specific case studies, the book underscores the acute need for optimization in the oil and gas exploration and production stages and shows how data analytics can provide such optimization. This spans exploration, development, production and rejuvenation of oil and gas assets. The book serves as a guide for fully leveraging data, statistical, and quantitative analysis, exploratory and predictive modeling, and fact-based management to drive decision making in oil and gas operations. This comprehensive resource delves into the three major issues that face the oil and gas industry during the exploration and production stages: Data management, including storing massive quantities of data in a manner conducive to analysis and effectively retrieving, backing up, and purging data Quantification of uncertainty, including a look at the statistical and data analytics methods for making predictions and determining the certainty of those predictions Risk assessment, including predictive analysis of the likelihood that known risks are realized and how to properly deal with unknown risks Covering the major issues facing the oil and gas industry in the exploration and production stages, Harness Big Data with Analytics reveals how to model big data to realize efficiencies and business benefits.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Praise for Energy and Power Risk Management «Energy and Power Risk Management identifies and address…
Praise for Energy and Power Risk Management «Energy and Power Risk Management identifies and addresses the key issues in the development of the turbulent energy industry and the challenges it poses to market players. An insightful and far-reaching book written by two renowned professionals.» -Helyette Geman, Professor of Finance University Paris Dauphine and ESSEC «The most up-to-date and comprehensive book on managing energy price risk in the natural gas and power markets. An absolute imperative for energy traders and energy risk management professionals.» -Vincent Kaminski, Managing Director Citadel Investment Group LLC «Eydeland and Wolyniec's work does an excellent job of outlining the methods needed to measure and manage risk in the volatile energy market.» -Gerald G. Fleming, Vice President, Head of East Power Trading, TXU Energy Trading «This book combines academic rigor with real-world practicality. It is a must-read for anyone in energy risk management or asset valuation.» -Ron Erd, Senior Vice President American Electric Power
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Expert analysis of rising oil prices and the out-of-control oil markets that jeopardize both nationa…
Expert analysis of rising oil prices and the out-of-control oil markets that jeopardize both national security and the economy The price of oil is negatively impacting both companies and consumers. In Oil's Endless Bid: Taming the Unreliable Price of Energy to Secure Our Economy, energy analyst Dan Dicker recalls his experiences as an oil trader and reveals the changes that have taken place in the oil markets during the past twenty years, and particularly the last five, as investment banks, energy hedge funds, and managed futures funds have come to dominate energy trading and wreak havoc on prices. Reveals why oil prices cannot stabilize without dramatic action on the part of both government and business Details how the novel, but wrong, idea of oil as an asset class took a sleepy, club-like market into the national spotlight Describes how the United States is unnecessarily handing its wealth over to foreign oil producers during a time when the potential supply of oil is greater than ever Written by an industry insider, Oil's Endless Bid analyzes the biggest financial story of the last ten years?how we lost control of our oil markets.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
GARP's Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some …
GARP's Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, and various risk types, various energy products and the markets where energy is traded. It also introduces certain risk management fundamentals and real option thinking. The book is GARP's required text used by risk professionals looking to obtain their Certificate in Energy Risk Management.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Twilight in the Desert reveals a Saudi oil and production industry that could soon approach a seriou…
Twilight in the Desert reveals a Saudi oil and production industry that could soon approach a serious, irreversible decline. In this exhaustively researched book, veteran oil industry analyst Matthew Simmons draws on his three-plus decades of insider experience and more than 200 independently produced reports about Saudi petroleum resources and production operations. He uncovers a story about Saudi Arabia’s troubled oil industry, not to mention its political and societal instability, which differs sharply from the globally accepted Saudi version. It’s a story that is provocative and disturbing, based on undeniable facts, but until now never told in its entirety. Twilight in the Desert answers all readers’ questions about Saudi oil and production industries with keen examination instead of unsubstantiated posturing, and takes its place as one of the most important books of this still-young century.
A groundbreaking book on solving our growing energy problems In this visionary book, leading energy …
A groundbreaking book on solving our growing energy problems In this visionary book, leading energy industry executive Robert Hefner puts forth a convincing case about how the world can move beyond its current dependence on oil and toward a new era of clean, renewable energy. Written with the knowledge and authority of a major player in this industry, Hefner relates how misguided government policies and vested industry interests have contributed to our current energy problems and proposes a variety of measures that could encourage the use of natural gas, solar, wind, and hydrogen. Convincingly makes the case that natural gas is the essential bridge fuel to a new era of clean, renewable energy sources Details how natural gas can help break our oil and coal dependency Offers a sweeping, historic picture of the world energy situation Presents a compelling and provocative case that natural gas is key to our short-term energy problems A well-written and engaging book that mixes personal anecdotes and experiences with insightful analysis, The Grand Energy Transition is a powerful argument about how we can best solve our toughest energy problems.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized eco…
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized economy. However, for reasons explored in this book, although none of the existing economic development models fit this sector in the past and apply even less today, no satisfactory alternative has presented itself. This book highlights the important reasons why current models fail to predict energy pricing with reasonable accuracy, and ventures into environmental and other problems with oil and gas production and associated economic decisions mounting across both developed as well as developing economies.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized eco…
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized economy. However, for reasons explored in this book, although none of the existing economic development models fit this sector in the past and apply even less today, no satisfactory alternative has presented itself. This book highlights the important reasons why current models fail to predict energy pricing with reasonable accuracy, and ventures into environmental and other problems with oil and gas production and associated economic decisions mounting across both developed as well as developing economies.
Сборник "12. Энергетика" – ваш надежный путеводитель в мир голосовых приветствий, который перевернет представление о вашей компании! Забудьте о скучных и обыденных приветствиях – библиотека содержит более 300 оригинальных и креативных скриптов, специально разработанных для индустрии "Энергетика". 70 наименований различных компаний, чтобы каждый клиент ощутил индивидуальный подход и важность его звонка – стильные, загадочные и привлекательные голосовые приветствия. Этот сборник – настоящая сокровищница идей, где лаконичность и ясность сочетаются с эксклюзивными формулировками и нестандартными решениями. Слова станут вашими союзниками, а тон приветствия – подчеркнет профессионализм вашей компании. Выбирайте свой стиль и внедряйте лучшие практики уже сегодня! Откройте дверь к новому уровню коммуникации с клиентами и позвольте им оценить вашу оригинальность уже на этапе звонка.
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