
Полицейские детективы

Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Итальянский
Improvvise sparizioni inquietano gli abitanti di Triora, paesino dell'entroterra ligure. Caterina Ru…
Improvvise sparizioni inquietano gli abitanti di Triora, paesino dell'entroterra ligure. Caterina Ruggeri, commissario di Polizia, dovrà far luce su misteriosi delitti spingendosi fino a 400 anni prima: l'uccisione di una strega sembra celare le cause di un'esoterica vendetta. Dopo aver svolto per diversi anni la funzione di Responsabile delle Unità Cinofile della Polizia di Stato, Caterina Ruggeri, laureatasi in Giurisprudenza, viene nominata Commissario e assegnata al Distretto di Polizia di Imperia. La neo Commissario si troverà coinvolta, non appena giunta nel suo nuovo posto di lavoro, in una scabrosa indagine, nel corso della quale dovrà fare i conti con personaggi legati a una setta esoterica, in un paese luogo di streghe per eccellenza: Triora. A partire dal rinvenimento del cadavere carbonizzato di una donna, al termine delle operazioni di spegnimento di un incendio boschivo, la Dottoressa Ruggeri, aiutata dal suo vice, l'Ispettore Giampieri, un ex militare esperto di tecnologia informatica e di guida di auto sportive, dovrà estendere la sua indagine a fatti avvenuti in quei luoghi anche in periodi lontani nel tempo. Importante protagonista dell’avventura è anche il cane della Dottoressa Ruggeri, Furia, il suo fedele Springer Spaniel, impareggiabile cercatore di tracce, che in più di un’occasione le sarà di prezioso aiuto. Uno dopo l'altro, in tempi diversi, alcuni adepti di una stetta esoterica giungono a Triora, dove si trovano invischiati in situazioni complicate e rischiose per la propria vita. La protagonista, la Commissario Caterina Ruggeri, rimarrà a sua volta coinvolta in situazioni di estremo pericolo, dalle quali riuscirà a cavarsela in maniera egregia, grazie anche all’aiuto dei suoi collaboratori e del suo cane, riuscendo a dare un senso logico e riportare alla razionalità anche tutto ciò che sembrava essere legato solo alla sfera del surreale e del paranormale. Dopo aver messo insieme le tessere di un intricato mosaico, che affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi e nella storia del processo alle streghe svoltosi a Triora sul finire del XVI secolo, la Dottoressa Ruggeri otterrà il plauso non solo del questore, ma anche di uno scorbutico magistrato, con il quale, durante il corso dell’indagine, si troverà più volte in conflitto.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: es
Nueva York, atardecer del 30 de marzo de 1972. Durante un banquete político de las elecciones presid…
Nueva York, atardecer del 30 de marzo de 1972. Durante un banquete político de las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses, organizado por el candidato aspirante y senador Donald Montgomery, es asesinada con un arma de fuego una de sus seguidoras, una señora joven y rica, esposa del muy rico Peter White, una mujer persistente en el adulterio, que tuvo una relación en los años 50 con el italiano Vittorio D’Aiazzo, subinspector turinés, y en 1969 con su amigo Ranieri Velli: un individuo misterioso aparece de repente en la puerta del comedor, después de matar a un vigilante de seguridad que le obstruía el paso, acaba con la mujer y huye desapareciendo. Del asesino, enmascarado en la parte superior de la cara, los convidados, entre ellos el propio Velli, solo pueden distinguir su aspecto robusto, su baja estatura y su gran barba grisácea, rasgos característicos de Vittorio D’Aiazzo. Y además en ese momento este no está en Italia, sino precisamente en Nueva York. Publicado por primera vez en 2010 con GDS Edizioni y ya descatalogada, esta novela ha sido revisada y modificada en profundidad por el autor y su nueva redacción la publica Tektime. Se basa en los personajes del subinspector Vittorio D’Aiazzo y su amigo Ranieri Velli, que ya aparecen en otras obras del autor. Se desarrolla en el año 1972, después de la novela Il metro dell’amore tossico, ambientada en 1969 y la historia tiene en parte lugar en Nueva York y en parte en Turín, como en los acontecimientos de la citada obra. En esta novela encontramos, además de los dos personajes principales, diversos secundarios, entre ellos el interesado editor Mark Lines y el gélido multimillonario Donald Montgomery, antes director del FBI y ahora miembro del Senado y candidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos contra el presidente saliente M. N. Richard: La tarde del 30 de marzo de 1972, durante una cena electoral organizada por Montgomery, es asesinada con un arma de fuego una de sus seguidoras, una señora joven y rica, esposa del muy rico Peter White, una mujer persistente en el adulterio, que tuvo una relación en los años 50 con Vittorio y en 1969 con Ranieri: un individuo misterioso aparece de repente en la puerta del comedor, después de matar a un vigilante de seguridad que le obstruía el paso, acaba con la mujer y huye desapareciendo. Del asesino, enmascarado en la parte superior de la cara, los convidados, entre ellos Ranieri Velli, solo pueden distinguir su aspecto robusto, su baja estatura y su gran barba grisácea, rasgos característicos del subinspector Vittorio D’Aiazzo. Y además en ese momento no está en Italia, sino precisamente en Nueva York, junto con su novia, Marina Ferdi, viuda del difunto comisario Verdoni anterior segundo de Vittorio. Hay que añadir que el nombre de D’Aiazzo está incluido en la lista de los invitados a la muy exclusiva cena. Salvo Ranieri Velli, que oculta su amistad, los testigos reconocen y señalan como asesino al subcomisario, que es acusado de homicidio, junto a su acompañante, por el fiscal neoyorquino, amigo y partidario de Montgomery. Este último desea demostrar que no se trata de un falso atentado contra su persona ideado por él mismo, como insinúa por el contrario con insistencia el presidente saliente Richard, en busca de publicidad electoral y que lamentable había terminado mal por un error de puntería de quien disparó. El fiscal del distrito está completamente decidido a conseguir la condena de Vittorio por presuntas razones pasionales, por odio a la mujer que le había abandonado en su momento. El subcomisario y su novia son extraditados a Nueva York para la instrucción del juicio, que, como es sabido, en Estados Unidos se realiza en audiencia pública, con jurado y juez. Todavía estamos en los primeros compases de la novela. Varias de las páginas siguientes presentan diversas fases de la vista. La joven abogada defensora de D’Aiazzo, Sarah Ford, defiende al principio un delito pasional por parte del marido, varias veces traicionado por la víctima, Mr. White. En cuanto a Ranieri Velli, deseoso de ayudar a su amigo, pero incapaz de actuar en persona fuera de Italia, investiga por medio de la agencia de detectives privados Taylor & Taylor. También investigan informalmente dos colaboradores de Vittorio, los comisarios Aldo Moreno y Mauro Sermoni, tratando de demostrar la inocencia de su superior y encontrando en cierto momento en Turín importantes indicios que, junto con los datos recogidos por Ranieri y la abogada, conducirán a la solución.
Год выхода: 2012
Язык: Русский
Монтальбано снится странный сон: посреди поля стоит гроб с покойником. Комиссар приходит в ужас: в г…
Монтальбано снится странный сон: посреди поля стоит гроб с покойником. Комиссар приходит в ужас: в гробу лежит начальник полиции Бонетти Альдериги… С утра в комиссариате Монтальбано ждут два новых дела. Владелец крупного супермаркета синьор Ди Марта хочет подать заявление об ограблении жены. Комиссар чувствует, что здесь что-то не так… Тем временем пожилой крестьянин обнаруживает в своем старом заброшенном доме дверь, которой раньше не было. Приехав на место, Монтальбано с товарищами замечают свежие признаки присутствия посторонних и следы склада оружия. Комиссар отправляет находки в отдел по борьбе с терроризмом, но решает параллельно провести собственное расследование.
Выстрелом из охотничьего карабина убит Глеб Данилин, сын заместителя министра по экологии Краснодарского края. Незадолго до этого таким же способом была убита мать парня. Сыщики Гуров и Крячко предполагают, что, возможно, это месть браконьеров, «обиженных» чиновником, так как убийца охотится именно на семью Данилиных. Но кто он? У всех, кто хоть в какой-то степени может иметь мотивы ликвидировать высокопоставленную семью, есть алиби. Когда очередная пуля убийцы пролетает уже над головой Гурова, у полковника не остается сомнений в новой, абсолютно необычной версии… Николай Леонов, в прошлом следователь МУРа, не понаслышке знал, как раскрываются самые запутанные уголовные дела. Ставшая классической серия «Черная кошка» насчитывает более 200 книг, вышедших тиражом в десятки миллионов экземпляров.
Год выхода: 2023
Язык: Русский
В начале двадцатого века дочь ювелира и сын невинно осужденного кузнеца расследуют убийство. Но заве…
В начале двадцатого века дочь ювелира и сын невинно осужденного кузнеца расследуют убийство. Но завершение эта история получит лишь спустя столетие. Пожар в Старом доме прольет свой мрачный свет на ошибки и преступления прошлого и настоящего, чтобы в который раз напомнить: благими намерениями часто вымощена дорога в ад...
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Материя - это форма энергии. И люди об этом догадались. Они создали устройство, с помощью которого можно создавать предметы материального мира силой мысли. Энергон. Когда прибор попал в руки обычного населения, то общество охватил хаос из-за бесчинств, которые люди творили этим устройством. Государство создало структуру, которая стоит на страже порядка от пагубных влияний использования энергона. История рассказывает о сотруднике специального подразделения полиции, сталкивающегося каждый день с несправедливостью этого мира и его пороками. Одним рабочим днем он обнаруживает нечто неподвластное человеческому разуму: кто-то уничтожил половину квартала, не оставив никаких энергетических следов. Кто этот неуловимый преступник? Что скрывается за его действиями? А самое главное, сможет ли герой во всём разобраться и при этом остаться в живых?
Sisters. Allies. Liars.The gripping new thriller from the author of Saving Sophie.Stephanie is scared for her life. Her psychologist, Connie Summers, wants to help her face her fears, but Connie will never really understand her. Stephanie’s past has been wiped away for her own protection. Stephanie isn’t even her real name. But then, Dr Summers isn’t Connie’s real name either.And that’s not all the women have in common. As Stephanie opens up about her troubled relationship with her brother, Connie is forced to confront her own dark family secrets.When a mutilated body is dumped in plain sight, it will have devastating consequences for both women.Who is the victim?Who is to blame?Who is next?Gripping, tense and impossible to put down, Bad Sister will have fans of Sue Fortin, B A Paris and Linda Green hooked till the final page.Praise for Saving Sophie‘This book is not only gripping, but it explores the mother/daughter relationship perfectly, and ends with a gasp-out-loud twist’ Closer‘I DEVOURED THIS STORY IN ONE SITTING’ Louise Jensen, author of The Sister
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authors. This brilliant comic thriller will have you on the edge of your seat.Albert Rossi has many qualities. He’s a man who can spot polyester at a hundred paces. He’s the person you’d have on speed dial were you to find yourself at the centre of a tailoring emergency. He has an excellent working knowledge of Bonnie Tyler’s back catalogue. These skills are essential to a Gentleman’s Outfitter from Eastcote. They are not necessarily on the job description for recruiting an assassin.When Albert hits an unsuspecting pedestrian whilst listening to ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ in his Nissan Micra he is amazed to escape the inevitable knock on the door from the police. Instead he receives a mysterious phone call from a man who sounds surprisingly like Stephen Hawking telling him that his money will be left in the ‘usual’ place. At that very moment, Albert Rossi decides to change careers.Albert Rossi’s life is about to get a whole lot more interesting…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
When a small boy disappears from the notorious Regina Street in the Second City of London, Chief Com…
When a small boy disappears from the notorious Regina Street in the Second City of London, Chief Commander John Coffin takes on the case. From one of the most universally praised English mystery authors.Regina Street, nicknamed Murder Street, has known more than its fair share of murders and violent deaths – and one inhabitant predicts that worse is yet to come. The local police dismiss him as an eccentric, but then a small boy disappears.Chief Commander John Coffin takes on the case, and discovers that the boy’s mother, a young actress, is something of an enigma herself. And soon the story behind the boy's disappearance unfolds into a history of jealousy and love.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Disturbing, atmospheric suspense novel from the author of Only Darkness: ‘Dark, edgy and compelling,…
Disturbing, atmospheric suspense novel from the author of Only Darkness: ‘Dark, edgy and compelling, this is a first novel from a writer to watch’ TheTimesSnake Pass, the Peak District: The car of Gemma Wishart, a young researcher in Russian languages, is discovered, abandoned, by a walker; the driver has vanished without trace. Over in Hull, the body of a woman is discovered battered to death in a hotel bathroom; the only clue to her identity is a card bearing the name of an escort agency notorious for its suspected trafficking in Eastern European prostitutes.For Detective Inspector Lynne Jordan, the missing academic and the murder victim have a tenuous connection. Jordan is in charge of a police operation to stamp out the illegal trade in human flesh and Wishart was helping her with transcripts of an interview with one such woman, who has subsequently turned up dead in the Humber Estuary. But it’s possible there is another, even darker, force at work, and when two more bodies turn up, Lynne is forced to conclude there may be a serial killer on the loose.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
‘Diamond is the master of gripping literature.’ EVENING STANDARD‘The Queen of Grip-lit is back…. All…
‘Diamond is the master of gripping literature.’ EVENING STANDARD‘The Queen of Grip-lit is back…. All hail the new Queen of Crime!’ HEAT‘A web of a plot that twists and turns and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. This formidable debut is a page-turner, but don’t read it before bed if you’re easily spooked!’ SUNWhen Bridget Reid wakes up in a locked room, terrifying memories come flooding back – of blood, pain, and desperate fear. Her captor knows things she’s never told anyone. How can she escape someone who knows all of her secrets?As DS Imogen Grey and DS Adrian Miles search for Bridget, they uncover a horrifying web of abuse, betrayal and murder right under their noses in Exeter.And as the past comes back to haunt her, Grey must confront her own demons. Because she knows that it can be those closest to us who hurt us the most…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
‘A terrific story, originally told. All hail the new Queen of Crime!’ HEAT‘A web of a plot that twis…
‘A terrific story, originally told. All hail the new Queen of Crime!’ HEAT‘A web of a plot that twists and turns and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. This formidable debut is a page-turner, but don’t read it before bed if you’re easily spooked!’ SUNYou think you know who to trust? You think you know the difference between good and evil? You’re wrong …The body of the head teacher of an exclusive Devon school is found hanging from the rafters in the assembly hall.Hours earlier he’d received a package, and only he could understand the silent message it conveyed. It meant the end.As Exeter suffers a rising count of gruesome deaths, troubled DS Imogen Grey and DS Adrian Miles must solve the case and make their city safe again.But as they’re drawn into a network of corruption, lies and exploitation, every step brings them closer to grim secrets hidden at the heart of their community.And once they learn what’s motivating this killer, will they truly want to stop him?SMART. GRIPPING. GRUESOME.This is a psychological crime thriller in a class of its own.WARNING: Most definitely *not* for the faint-hearted!
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
An exhilarating tale of modern espionage and adventure featuring US Navy intelligence officer Alan Craik.In Tel Aviv, Commander Alan Craik, a US Navy veteran agrees to check out the death of a former Navy enlisted employee. He plans to be out the door and on to his real work in half an hour. But the task quickly turns dangerous, and what should have been a routine investigation becomes something very ugly.Nominal American allies in Israel withhold or alter information; nominal colleagues at home set up their own operation to satisfy the political needs of Washington; a wife betrays her husband and deceit and distrust prove to be the only common denominator.When Mike Dukas, a dogged, cynical special agent of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service joins the investigation, it leads them all from Tel Aviv to Gaza and the Greek island of Lesvos to Jerry Piat, a renegade CIA officer.With agents of Mossad and the Palestinian Authority always close behind them, Alan Craik demands the answers to some far-reaching questions. What are the rules in modern conflict? Where is honour? And what is the cost of telling the truth?
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A DS Glyn Capaldi MysteryDS Glyn Capaldi is in hospital recuperating from concussion and the after-e…
A DS Glyn Capaldi MysteryDS Glyn Capaldi is in hospital recuperating from concussion and the after-effects of a car crash.But, worse than that, a young woman is dead. She was the passenger in the car, whom he was bringing in for questioning following a night operation in a remote rural location.Glyn is initially riven with guilt and self-recrimination. Until he starts to question the possibility that it may not have been an accident. But, if not, who had been the target? Had he made an enemy capable of achieving that level of planning and implementation? Or, if not him, what could a young woman have possibly done in her short country life to warrant that degree of retribution?Glyn, on sick leave, has time on his hands to explore the background to these questions, and, in doing so, confronts a conspiracy that envelops arson, torture, blackmail, and leaves a clutter of bodies that further muddy the already murky waters.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
‘DCI Matilda Darke is the perfect heroine’ Elly GriffithsA short story and prequel featuring DCI Mat…
‘DCI Matilda Darke is the perfect heroine’ Elly GriffithsA short story and prequel featuring DCI Matilda Darke, star of Michael Wood’s darkly compelling crime series. Perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride, Mark Billingham and Val McDermid.It’s Christmas in Sheffield. But not everyone is enjoying the festive season…A man has been found brutally murdered in his own home. The victim is Iain Kilbride, a once-famous TV star who has faded into obscurity. All signs point to a break-in, but why has nothing been taken?For DCI Matilda Darke, this is the perfect chance to prove her newly formed Murder Investigation Team are up to the task. Matilda suspects the clue to finding the killer lies in Iain’s past, but she’s about to discover how dark that past really is…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Murder, loyalty and vengeance collide in Jessie Keane’s gritty fourth novel.Life is good for Gracie …
Murder, loyalty and vengeance collide in Jessie Keane’s gritty fourth novel.Life is good for Gracie Doyle – running her Manchester casino keeps her busy. Until the police turn up at her door one day and her world is turned upside down. She is given news that her two estranged brothers have been viciously attacked. George is in hospital on a ventilator and worringly, Harry is missing.Gracie has no option but to leave the good life and dip her toe into the murky waters of her East End past. She leaves for London in an attempt to avenge her brothers and in doing so uncovers some unsavoury secrets about the lifestyle they've been leading. Their little games have got them into big trouble with the wrong people…She must keep her wits about her and try to find Harry, or it could prove fatal…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
‘Without doubt, this is one of the best detective series I have read.’ Woman’s Way MagazineYour new …
‘Without doubt, this is one of the best detective series I have read.’ Woman’s Way MagazineYour new addiction starts here: get hooked on the #1 bestselling series. Perfect for fans of Karin Slaughter and M.J. Arlidge.Welcome to Edinburgh. Murder capital of Europe.In the middle of a rock festival, a charity worker is sliced across the stomach. He dies minutes later. In a crowd of thousands, no one saw his attacker.The following week, the body of a primary school teacher is found in a dumpster in an Edinburgh alley, strangled with her own woollen scarf.D.I. Ava Turner and D.I. Luc Callanach have no leads and no motive – until around the city, graffitied on buildings, words appear describing each victim.It’s only when they realise the words are being written before rather than after the murders, that they understand the killer is announcing his next victim…and the more innocent the better.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Shortlisted for the CWA Debut Dagger AwardThe Times Crime Book of the Month, April 2018‘A fascinatin…
Shortlisted for the CWA Debut Dagger AwardThe Times Crime Book of the Month, April 2018‘A fascinating debut’ The Sunday Times‘A touch of Agatha Christie, a dash of Ann Cleeves’s Vera and a suitably moody setting in the Peaks…bring a formidable newcomer to British crime writing.’ Daily Mail***A SHOCKING DEATHA lawyer is found dead in a Peak District cave, his face ribboned with scratches.A SINISTER MESSAGEAmidst rumours of a local curse, DI Meg Dalton is convinced this is cold-blooded murder. There's just one catch – chiselled into the cave wall above the body is an image of the grim reaper and the dead man's initials, and it's been there for over a century.A DEADLY GAME As Meg battles to solve the increasingly disturbing case, it's clear someone knows her secrets. The murderer is playing games with Meg – and the dice are loaded…A white-knuckle crime debut introducing DI Meg Dalton, perfect for fans of Broadchurch and Happy Valley.
Your life is in his hands.In the gripping new serial killer thriller from Michael Wood, Matilda Darke faces a vicious killer pursuing his own brand of lethal justice. Perfect for fans of Angela Marsons and Helen Fields.There’s a killer in your house.The Hangman waits in the darkness.He knows your darkest secrets.He’ll make you pay for all the crimes you have tried desperately to forget.And he is closer than you think.DCI Matilda Darke is running out of time. Fear is spreading throughout the city. As the body count rises, Matilda is targeted and her most trusted colleagues fall under suspicion. But can she keep those closest to her from harm? Or is it already too late?
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Sometimes perfection is worth killing for…The second gripping crime novel in an exciting new series.…
Sometimes perfection is worth killing for…The second gripping crime novel in an exciting new series. Ex-priest DI Frank Farrell finds himself on the trail of a vicious killer in rural Scotland. Perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride, James Oswald and Val McDermid.Each murder brings him one step closer to the perfect death.Ex-priest DI Farrell is called on to investigate a gruesome death in rural Scotland. All evidence points to suicide, except for one loose end: every light in the cottage was switched off. Why would he kill himself in the dark?The question sparks a murder investigation that leads to the mysterious Ivy House, home of ‘The Collective’, a sinister commune of artists who will do anything to keep their twisted secrets hidden.And when the remains of a young girl are uncovered on a barren stretch of coastline, Farrell realises that there is something rotten in this tight-knit community. Now he must track down a ruthless killer before another person dies, this time much closer to home…
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