
Научно-популярная литература

Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Итальянский
Lo scopo del libro è di divulgare in modo sintetico e accessibile i risultati degli studi più rigoro…
Lo scopo del libro è di divulgare in modo sintetico e accessibile i risultati degli studi più rigorosi e oggettivi sugli integratori vitaminici e minerali. Il libro offre le risposte alle seguenti domande: • Perché gli integratori sono venduti e vitamine e minerali aggiunti agli alimenti? • L'aggiunta di vitamine e minerali ad un alimento assicura che sia sano? • Si ha lo stesso effetto sulla salute su chi assume vitamine e minerali sotto forma di integratori come dagli alimenti? • Gli integratori vitaminici e minerali sono in grado di prevenire o curare alcune malattie? • L'assunzione di integratori di determinate vitamine e minerali ci aiuta ad invecchiare più lentamente, ad avere più energia o a ridurre l'ansia, lo stress, l'affaticamento o il dolore? • Chi ha bisogno di assumere integratori e perché? • Quali integratori funzionano davvero e quali benefici forniscono? • Può essere pericoloso assumere determinati supplementi di vitamine e minerali? GUIDA PER DIFFERENZIARE LA VERITÀ (BASATA SUI FATTI) E LA MENZOGNA (BASATA SUI MITI E INTERESSI COMMERCIALI). Abbiamo bisogno di integratori alimentari? Aumentano il nostro benessere? Aiutano a prevenire le malattie? Possiamo fidarci di ciò che la pubblicità ci dice? Una buona parte dell'industria degli integratori, supportata dagli amanti della pseudoscienza, esagera i benefici di alcuni prodotti, distorce i risultati o semplicemente li nasconde quando non sono molto promettenti. Ciò rende molto difficile separare informazioni affidabili —basate su fatti – dal marketing pseudocientífico, pseudoscientifico, che mira a vendere. Per questo devi rivolgerti alla scienza. Questo libro offre al lettore una visione realistica basata sulle ultime prove scientifiche; e lo fa da una posizione neutrale, dal momento che l'autore non ha conflitti di interesse. PER PRENDERE LE DECISIONI GIUSTE, È NECESSARIO CONOSCERE LE RISPOSTE A QUESTE DOMANDE: • L'assunzione di integratori di determinate vitamine e minerali ci aiuta ad invecchiare più lentamente, ad avere più energia o/a ridurre l'ansia o il dolore? • Quali integratori funzionano davvero e quali benefici forniscono? • Gli effetti sulla salute delle vitamine e dei minerali nel cibo sono uguali a quelli dei cocktail vitaminici e minerali? • Possiamo mettere a rischio la nostra salute prendendo alcuni integratori QUESTO È CIÒ CHE TROVERAI NEL LIBRO ALIMENTI ARRICCHITI E POTENZIATI CON VITAMINI E MINERALI • I tempi cambiano. cercando di sostiture quello che è perduto LA VENDITA NUMEROSA DI INTEGRATORI DI VITAMINE E MINERALI • Cosa sono gli integratori e chi li consumano? • Perché si vendono gli integratori e si arricchiscono gli alimenti? • Cosa dicono degli integratori i venditori LE PERSONE CHE ASSUMONO INTEGRATORI HANNO UNA SALUTE MIGLIORE? • Come sappiamo quello che sappiamo • Cosa dicono gli studi? • Esiste un integratore in grado di compensare stili di vita non salutari? INTEGRATORI O ALIMENTI? • È meglio ottenere micronutrienti dal cibo • Abbiamo bisogno di una scorta extra di alcuni micronutrienti sotto forma di integratore? IN QUALI CASI I SUPPLEMENTI DI VITAMINE E MINERALI POTREBBERO ESSERE UTILI? • Persone con maggiori esigenze di micronutrienti • Un integratore che funziona • Supplementi promettenti, ma con effetti non ancora provati ATTENZIONE AL MARKETING INGANNEVOLE • Negli Stati Uniti, l'industria si controlla da sola • Dichiarazioni sulla salute: dichiarazioni di marketing o scienza? • L'argomento costo è valido? • È vero che i frutti e le verdure di oggi non sono così nutrienti come quelli di altri tempi? • Test genetici: benvenuta alla nutrizione personalizzata • Perché consumiamo così tanti integratori? DI PIU’ NON E’ MEGLIO • Svantaggi e rischi legati all'assunzion di determinati supplementi • Tossicità ad alte dosi • Bibite «energetiche» • Cosa ha mostrato l'analisi di alcuni integratori? CONSIGLI PER SCEGLIERE GLI INTEGRATORI • Vitamine naturali o sintetiche? • Altri suggerimenti • Epilogo • Appendice. un altro semaforo nutrizionale
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: es
–Incluye nuevo material sobre nebulosas planetarias.- El Génesis, los siete días, la Creación… ¿de d…
–Incluye nuevo material sobre nebulosas planetarias.- El Génesis, los siete días, la Creación… ¿de dónde procede el texto que compone la primera parte de La Biblia? ¿Es su texto sólo un poema introductorio… o es una narración? ¿Que hay detrás de sus palabras? Alberto Canen ha encontrado un camino alternativo para dar respuestas a estas y a otras preguntas contenidas en el Génesis. Ha hallado una ruta por la que nadie había transitado antes e invita al lector a recorrerla y a realizar con él sus hallazgos. El autor ha descubierto que oculto en el fondo de la trama existe alguien. Alguien que observa, alguien que narra. Alguien que narra lo que observa. Y un lugar, un sitio desde el cual observa. La ubicación del observador. La clave de un apasionante rompecabezas. –Incluye nuevo material sobre nebulosas planetarias.- El Génesis, los siete días, la Creación… ¿de dónde procede el texto que compone la primera parte de La Biblia? ¿Es su texto sólo un poema introductorio… o es una narración? ¿Que hay detrás de sus palabras? Alberto Canen ha encontrado un camino alternativo para dar respuestas a estas y a otras preguntas contenidas en el Génesis. Ha hallado una ruta por la que nadie había transitado antes e invita al lector a recorrerla y a realizar con él sus hallazgos. El autor ha descubierto que oculto en el fondo de la trama existe alguien. Alguien que observa, alguien que narra. Alguien que narra lo que observa. Y un lugar, un sitio desde el cual observa. La ubicación del observador. La clave de un apasionante rompecabezas. El Génesis ha sido un misterio por miles de años. No se había podido comprender de que hablaba el texto. Si era sólo un poema introductorio a las Sagradas Escrituras, o si realmente contenía información acerca de la Creación. El texto del Génesis dividió las aguas de creacionistas y cientificistas durante mucho tiempo hasta el día de hoy. Con este libro espero que esta separación entre cientificistas y creacionistas se diluya ya que he descubierto la clave que unifica ambos mundos. Creo que la clave del misterio de Génesis es comprender que es narrado por alguien. Un narrador del Génesis. El que observa la visión que Dios le entrega y a partir de allí narra lo que observa y lo observa desde su ubicación humana y terrenal. Esta ubicación terrenal y precisa es la llave para comprender el Génesis.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: es
Se analiza el relato de la creación del Génesis y se lo compara con la ciencia en base a los últimos…
Se analiza el relato de la creación del Génesis y se lo compara con la ciencia en base a los últimos descubrimientos científicos partiendo de la base de que el Génesis lo pudo haber escrito un observador sobre la superficie de la tierra. El Génesis ha sido un misterio por miles de años. No se había podido comprender de que hablaba el texto. Si era sólo un poema introductorio a las Sagradas Escrituras, o si realmente contenía información acerca de la Creación. El texto del Génesis dividió las aguas de creacionistas y cientificistas durante mucho tiempo hasta el día de hoy. Con este libro espero que esta separación entre cientificistas y creacionistas se diluya ya que he descubierto la clave que unifica ambos mundos. Creo que la clave del misterio de Génesis es comprender que es narrado por alguien. Un narrador del Génesis. El que observa la visión que Dios le entrega y a partir de allí narra lo que observa y lo observa desde su ubicación humana y terrenal. El Génesis, los siete días, la Creación… ¿de dónde procede el texto que compone la primera parte de La Biblia? ¿Es su texto sólo un poema introductorio… o es una narración? ¿Que hay detrás de sus palabras? Alberto Canen ha encontrado un camino alternativo para dar respuestas a estas y a otras preguntas contenidas en el Génesis. Ha hallado una ruta por la que nadie había transitado antes e invita al lector a recorrerla y a realizar con él sus hallazgos. El autor ha descubierto que oculto en el fondo de la trama existe alguien. Alguien que observa, alguien que narra. Alguien que narra lo que observa. Y un lugar, un sitio desde el cual observa. La ubicación del observador. La clave de un apasionante rompecabezas. El Génesis ha sido un misterio por miles de años. No se había podido comprender de que hablaba el texto. Si era sólo un poema introductorio a las Sagradas Escrituras, o si realmente contenía información acerca de la Creación. El texto del Génesis dividió las aguas de creacionistas y cientificistas durante mucho tiempo hasta el día de hoy. Con este libro espero que esta separación entre cientificistas y creacionistas se diluya ya que he descubierto la clave que unifica ambos mundos. Creo que la clave del misterio de Génesis es comprender que es narrado por alguien. Un narrador del Génesis. El que observa la visión que Dios le entrega y a partir de allí narra lo que observa y lo observa desde su ubicación humana y terrenal. Esta ubicación terrenal y precisa es la llave para comprender el Génesis.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: es
Ensayo que trata temas ligados al evolucionismo, en relación con el cual se prodigan prejuicios e im…
Ensayo que trata temas ligados al evolucionismo, en relación con el cual se prodigan prejuicios e imprecisiones, como, por ejemplo, la idea de que los términos “evolucionismo” y “darwinismo” son sinónimos. Las teorías evolucionistas son en realidad múltiples. El autor considera en la obra tanto las argumentaciones del evolucionismo como las del creacionismo, las del cual, fuera de ciertos círculos fundamentalistas, no consisten en referencias bíblicas sino que ponen en juego consideraciones racionales. Ensayo que trata temas ligados al evolucionismo, en relación con el cual se prodigan prejuicios e imprecisiones, como, por ejemplo, la idea de que los términos “evolucionismo” y “darwinismo” son sinónimos. Las teorías evolucionistas son en realidad múltiples. En el ensayo, el autor habla, entre otras cosas, del significado del término “caso”, hace ver que la base de la investigación científica es siempre una postura filosófica y a veces también teológica o incluso visceralmente ideológica. Considera los argumentos del creacionismo que, fuera de ciertos círculos fundamentalistas, no consisten en referencias bíblicas sino que ponen en juego consideraciones racionales. Volviendo al evolucionismo, habla de la teoría del equilibrio puntuado, combatida aparentemente por los creacionistas y vista sin embargo con simpatía por los evolucionistas, creyentes o no. Presenta la opinión sobre la evolución de los últimos papas. He aquí algunas opiniones sobre esta obra: Extracto de la justificación de la Mención Especial del Jurado otorgada al ensayo en el 7º Premio Nacional de Artes Literarias Ciudad de Turín: “Un profundo y concreto tratado antropológico, filosófico y religioso que no puede pasar inadvertido, por su competencia concreta y la argumentación particular digna de un tratado universitario merecedor de impresión”. Extracto de la recensión de Elettra Bianchi en la revista Talento 2/2011: “Guido Pagliarino afronta una vez más un argumento de gran importancia y actualidad en el plano del pensamiento, pero también de enorme vastedad y complejidad ya que abarca diversas disciplinas del sector científico, filosófico, religioso e histórico. (…) Después de haber investigado durante años los resultados de las teorías científicas y filosóficas más organizadas y coherentes, Pagliarino reconoce tres expresiones fundamentales: evolucionismo teísta, darwinismo causalista y creacionismo. (…) Se dedica también una gran atención a los escritos filosóficos y religiosos (…) empezando por el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento (…) hasta los teólogos más recientes y discutidos como Bergson, Teilhard de Chardin y Rahner y las encíclicas de varios papas, pero también se tocan otros frentes religiosos como el Corán”. Extracto de la recensión de Wilma Minotti Cerini en Literary 7/2011 ( “Para el autor, (…) la alegoría de la historia de la creación de Adán en el Jardín del Edén, modelado por las manos de Dios dando forma al barro e introduciendo dentro de su forma el hálito divino (la Ruah); (…) ¿Dios ha decidido (…) que Adán (…) viniera de una evolución (…)? Si es así, ¿desde qué momento se puede hablar de un Homo Sapiens Sapiens verdadero y real? (…) Esta obra (…) responde exhaustivamente (…). Pasando por encima de otros muchos conceptos, señalo algo que me parece particularmente importante, cuando se afirma que el amor activo frente a lo que se encuentra es lo primero de todo y (…) la caridad precede en importancia a la misma fe, como ya escribía San Paolo; por la proclamación Lumen Gentium del Concilio Vaticano II, todos los hombres caritativos se salvan aunque sean ateos”. Extracto de la recensión de Elisabetta Amistà en SoloLibri ( “Es verdad que las teorías darwinistas han dado lugar a innumerables debates y estudios y asimismo que han influido también negativamente en diversas corrientes de pensamiento, baste citar la locura del darwinismo social. La capacidad de conocer el desarrollo que tuvieron los estudios del científico inglés y la contraposición con el credo de representantes de las diversas realidades religiosas es una tarea ardua, ante la cual Guido Pagliarino no se arredra, usando una escritura clara y de fácil comprensión. La clave de lectura de Creación y evolución es la delicada relación que instaura entre los representantes de la ciencia y los de las fes religiosas y la de los descubrimientos sobr
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 …
This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 to identify the near-, mid- and far-infrared spectra of linear and nonlinear triatomic molecules in gaseous phase or subjected to environmental constraints, useful for the study of environmental sciences, planetology and astrophysics. The Van Vleck contact transformation method, described in Volume 1, is applied in the calculation and analysis of IR transitions between vibration–rotation energy levels. The extended Lakhlifi–Dahoo substitution model is used in the framework of Liouville’s formalism and the line profiles of triatomic molecules and their isotopologues subjected to environmental constraints are calculated by applying the cumulant expansion. The applications presented in this book show how interactions at the molecular level modify the infrared spectra of triatomics trapped in a nano-cage (substitution site of a rare gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene, zeolite) or adsorbed on a surface, and how these interactions may be used to identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Polymorphism in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Solid Form and Drug Development highlights the relevan…
Polymorphism in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Solid Form and Drug Development highlights the relevance of polymorphism in modern pharmaceutical chemistry, with a focus on quality by design (QbD) concepts. It covers all important issues by way of case studies, ranging from properties and crystallization, via thermodynamics, analytics and theoretical modelling right up to patent issues. As such, the book underscores the importance of solid-state chemistry within chemical and pharmaceutical development. It emphasizes why solid-state issues are important, the approaches needed to avoid problems and the opportunities offered by solid-state properties. The authors include true polymorphs as well as solvates and hydrates, while providing information on physicochemical properties, crystallization thermodynamics, quantum-mechanical modelling, and up-scaling. Important analytical tools to characterize solid-state forms and to quantify mixtures are summarized, and case studies on solid-state development processes in industry are also provided. Written by acknowledged experts in the field, this is a high-quality reference for researchers, project managers and quality assurance managers in pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fine chemical companies as well as for academics and newcomers to organic solid-state chemistry.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Optimiza…
Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Optimization Drawing on extensive research and experience, this timely reference brings together numerical optimization methods for fluid machinery and its key industrial applications. It logically lays out the context required to understand computational fluid dynamics by introducing the basics of fluid mechanics, fluid machines and their components. Readers are then introduced to single and multi-objective optimization methods, automated optimization, surrogate models, and evolutionary algorithms. Finally, design approaches and applications in the areas of pumps, turbines, compressors, and other fluid machinery systems are clearly explained, with special emphasis on renewable energy systems. Written by an international team of leading experts in the field Brings together optimization methods using computational fluid dynamics for fluid machinery in one handy reference Features industrially important applications, with key sections on renewable energy systems Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery is an essential guide for graduate students, researchers, engineers working in fluid machinery and its optimization methods. It is a comprehensive reference text for advanced students in mechanical engineering and related fields of fluid dynamics and aerospace engineering.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This book introduces readers to the current social and economic state of China since its restructuri…
This book introduces readers to the current social and economic state of China since its restructuring in 1949. Provides insights into the targeted institutional change that is occurring simultaneously across the entire country Presents context-rich accounts of how and why these changes connect to (if not contradict) regulatory logics established during the Mao-era A new analytical framework that explicitly considers the relationship between state rescaling, policy experimentation, and path dependency Prompts readers to think about how experimental initiatives reflect and contribute to the ‘national strategy’ of Chinese development An excellent extension of ongoing theoretical work examining the entwinement of subnational regulatory reconfiguration, place-specific policy experimentation, and the reproduction of national economic advantage
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium…
An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium complexes are one of the most important transition metals for organic synthesis due to their ability to catalyze a variety of useful transformations. Rhodium Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: Methods and Reactions explores the most recent progress and new developments particularly in the field of catalytic cyclization reactions using rhodium(I) complexes and catalytic carbon-hydrogen bond activation reactions using rhodium(II) and rhodium(III) complexes. Edited by a noted expert in the field with contributions from a panel of leading international scientists, Rhodium Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: Methods and Reactions presents the essential information in one comprehensive volume. Designed to be an accessible resource, the book is arranged by different reaction types. All the chapters provide insight into each transformation and include information on the history, selectivity, scope, mechanism, and application. In addition, the chapters offer a summary and outlook of each transformation. This important resource: Offers a comprehensive review of how rhodium complexes catalyze a variety of highly useful reactions for organic synthesis (e.g. coupling reactions, CH-bond functionalization, hydroformylation, cyclization reactions and others) Includes information on the most recent developments that contain a range of new, efficient, elegant, reliable and useful reactions Presents a volume edited by one of the international leading scientists working in the field today Contains the information that can be applied by researchers in academia and also professionals in pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fine chemical companies Written for academics and synthetic chemists working with organometallics, Rhodium Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: Methods and Reactions contains the most recent information available on the developments and applications in the field of catalytic cyclization reactions using rhodium complexes.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
A practical guide to facilitate statistically well-founded decisions in the management of assets of …
A practical guide to facilitate statistically well-founded decisions in the management of assets of an electricity grid Effective and economic electric grid asset management and incident management involve many complex decisions on inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement. This timely reference provides statistically well-founded, tried and tested analysis methodologies for improved decision making and asset management strategy for optimum grid reliability and availability. The techniques described are also sufficiently robust to apply to small data sets enabling asset managers to deal with early failures or testing with limited sample sets. The book describes the background, concepts and statistical techniques to evaluate failure distributions, probabilities, remaining lifetime, similarity and compliancy of observed data with specifications, asymptotic behavior of parameter estimators, effectiveness of network configurations and stocks of spare parts. It also shows how the graphical representation and parameter estimation from analysis of data can be made consistent, as well as explaining modern upcoming methodologies such as the Health Index and Risk Index. Key features: Offers hands-on tools and techniques for data analysis, similarity index, failure forecasting, health and risk indices and the resulting maintenance strategies. End-of-chapter problems and solutions to facilitate self-study via a book companion website. The book is essential reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering, quality engineers, utilities and industry strategists, transmission and distribution system planners, asset managers and risk managers.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
An authoritative survey of the science and advanced technological uses of the actinide and transacti…
An authoritative survey of the science and advanced technological uses of the actinide and transactinide metals The Heaviest Metals offers an essential resource that covers the fundamentals of the chemical and physical properties of the heaviest metals as well as the most recent advances in their science and technology. The authors – noted experts in the field – offer an authoritative review of the actinide and transactinide elements, i.e., the elements from actinium to lawrencium as well as rutherfordium through organesson, the current end of the periodic table, element 118. The text explores the history of the metals, their occurrence and issues of production, and covers a broad range of chemical subjects including environmental concerns and remediation approaches. The authors also offer information on the most recent and emerging applications of the metals, such as in superconducting materials, catalysis, and research into medical diagnostics. This important resource: Provides an overview of the science and advanced technological uses of the actinide and transactinide metals Describes the basic chemical and physical properties of the heaviest metals, and discusses the challenges and opportunities for their technological applications Contains accessible information on the fundamental features of the heaviest metals, special requirements for their experimental study, and the critical role of computational characterization of their compounds Highlights the most current and emerging applications in areas such as superconducting materials, catalysis, nuclear forensics, and medicine Presents vital contemporary issues of the heaviest metals Written for graduate students and researchers working with the actinide and transactinide elements, industrial and academic inorganic and nuclear chemists, and engineers, The Heaviest Metals is a comprehensive volume that explores the fundamental chemistry and properties of the heaviest metals, and the challenges and opportunities associated with their present and emerging technological uses.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
With the increasing worldwide trend in population migration into urban centers, we are beginning to …
With the increasing worldwide trend in population migration into urban centers, we are beginning to see the emergence of the kinds of mega-cities which were once the stuff of science fiction. It is clear to most urban planners and developers that accommodating the needs of the tens of millions of inhabitants of those megalopolises in an orderly and uninterrupted manner will require the seamless integration of and real-time monitoring and response services for public utilities and transportation systems. Part speculative look into the future of the world’s urban centers, part technical blueprint, this visionary book helps lay the groundwork for the communication networks and services on which tomorrow’s “smart cities” will run. Written by a uniquely well-qualified author team, this book provides detailed insights into the technical requirements for the wireless sensor and actuator networks required to make smart cities a reality.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Exploring environmental changes through Earth’s geological history using chemostratigraphy Chemostra…
Exploring environmental changes through Earth’s geological history using chemostratigraphy Chemostratigraphy is the study of the chemical characteristics of different rock layers. Decoding this geochemical record across chronostratigraphic boundaries can provide insights into geological history, past climates, and sedimentary processes. Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries presents state-of-the-art applications of chemostratigraphic methods and demonstrates how chemical signatures can decipher past environmental conditions. Volume highlights include: Presents a global perspective on chronostratigraphic boundaries Describes how different proxies can reveal distinct elemental and isotopic events in the geologic past Examines the Archaean-Paleoproterozoic, Proterozoic-Paleozoic, Paleozoic-Mesozoic, and Mesozoic-Paleogene boundaries Explores cause-and-effect through major, trace, PGE, and REE elemental, stable, and radiogenic isotopes Offers solutions to persistent chemostratigraphic problems on a micro-global scale Geared toward academic and researchgeoscientists, particularly in the fields of sedimentary petrology, stratigraphy, isotope geology, geochemistry, petroleum geology, atmospheric science, oceanography, climate change and environmental science, Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries offers invaluable insights into environmental evolution and climatic change.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
An invaluable academic reference for the area of high-power converters, covering all the latest deve…
An invaluable academic reference for the area of high-power converters, covering all the latest developments in the field High-power multilevel converters are well known in industry and academia as one of the preferred choices for efficient power conversion. Over the past decade, several power converters have been developed and commercialized in the form of standard and customized products that power a wide range of industrial applications. Currently, the modular multilevel converter is a fast-growing technology and has received wide acceptance from both industry and academia. Providing adequate technical background for graduate- and undergraduate-level teaching, this book includes a comprehensive analysis of the conventional and advanced modular multilevel converters employed in motor drives, HVDC systems, and power quality improvement. Modular Multilevel Converters: Analysis, Control, and Applications provides an overview of high-power converters, reference frame theory, classical control methods, pulse width modulation schemes, advanced model predictive control methods, modeling of ac drives, advanced drive control schemes, modeling and control of HVDC systems, active and reactive power control, power quality problems, reactive power, harmonics and unbalance compensation, modeling and control of static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) and unified power quality compensators. Furthermore, this book: Explores technical challenges, modeling, and control of various modular multilevel converters in a wide range of applications such as transformer and transformerless motor drives, high voltage direct current transmission systems, and power quality improvement Reflects the latest developments in high-power converters in medium-voltage motor drive systems Offers design guidance with tables, charts graphs, and MATLAB simulations Modular Multilevel Converters: Analysis, Control, and Applications is a valuable reference book for academic researchers, practicing engineers, and other professionals in the field of high power converters. It also serves well as a textbook for graduate-level students.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Filling the gap for an up-to-date reference that presents the field of organophosphorus chemistry in…
Filling the gap for an up-to-date reference that presents the field of organophosphorus chemistry in a comprehensive and clearly structured way, this one-stop source covers the chemistry, properties, and applications from life science and medicine. Divided into two parts, the first presents the chemistry of various phosphorus-containing compounds and their synthesis, including ylides, acids, and heterocycles. The second part then goes on to look at applications in life science and bioorganic chemistry. Last but not least, such important practical aspects as 31P-NMR and protecting strategies for these compounds are presented. For organic, bioinorganic, and medicinal chemists, as well as those working on organometallics, and for materials scientists. The book, a contributed work, features a team of renowned scientists from around the world whose expertise spans the many aspects of modern organophosphorus chemistry.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This second, extended and updated edition presents the current state of kinetics of chemical reactio…
This second, extended and updated edition presents the current state of kinetics of chemical reactions, combining basic knowledge with results recently obtained at the frontier of science. Special attention is paid to the problem of the chemical reaction complexity with theoretical and methodological concepts illustrated throughout by numerous examples taken from heterogeneous catalysis combustion and enzyme processes. Of great interest to graduate students in both chemistry and chemical engineering.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Written by experienced authors, this book presents numerous natural everyday products with a high ra…
Written by experienced authors, this book presents numerous natural everyday products with a high range of structural diversity. Twenty natural products have been arranged in five sections, describing three alkaloids, five colored compounds, three carbohydrates and glycosides, seven terpenoids, and two aromatic compounds. Adopting a highly didactical approach, each chapter features a uniform structure: Background, in-depth information about isolation processes and structural characterization as well as a Q&A section at the end. Alongside the theoretical information many practical hints for the laboratory work are also included. A comprehensive overview of UV-, IR- and NMR-spectroscopy as well as mass-spectrometry for every exemplified compound is provided and the understanding of these methods is supported by concluding questions and exercises. Educating and entertaining, this full-color textbook turns the learning process into a real pleasure, not only for students in natural products chemistry but also experienced professionals.
Как правильно оказать первую помощь своему любимому псу, если он травмирован или болен? Как дать собаке лекарство, измерить температуру, прощупать пульс и сделать внутримышечную инъекцию? Что делать, если питомец съел что-то не очень полезное на прогулке? Книга известного ветеринарного врача Марины Руденко ответит на самые важные вопросы, которые возникают у большинства владельцев собак в течение всей жизни питомца. Вы познакомитесь с физиологией четвероногого друга, научитесь распознавать по симптомам причины его плохого самочувствия, узнаете, как оказать экстренную помощь и что делать в нестандартных ситуациях. В книге есть QR-коды, по которым можно посмотреть обучающие видео, чтобы лучше понять, как выполнить те или иные манипуляции: от закапывания каплей в глаза и уши до экстренной реанимации. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
Год выхода: 1988
Язык: Русский
«Воля к смыслу» – одна из самых авторитетных, блестящих, богатых на афоризмы и точные формулировки работ основоположника логотерапии, психиатра и невролога Виктора Франкла. Этот классический труд не утратил своей актуальности и написан столь доступно, что круг его читателей практически не ограничен. Автор выстраивает иерархию целей и ценностей и исследует многомерный потенциал личности, вмещающей в себя целый мир и ответственной за происходящее в ее судьбе. Говоря об экзистенциальном вакууме, стрессах и кризисах, воле к смыслу и жизни, о психологии и религии, Виктор Франкл дает ответы на вопросы, важные для любого современного читателя.
Кто такая фольклорная Дана и почему это имя по сей день звучит в карпатских напевах? Кем или чем был погублен гоголевский бурсак Хома Брут? Кого из русских классиков забыли включить в число зачинателей отечественной литературы ужасов? Как житие раннехристианской святой Маргариты отозвалось в повествованиях нового и новейшего времени? Какие экзотические способы закалки стальных клинков применяли древние оружейники? На эти вопросы отвечает первый раздел книги. Её вторая часть посвящена выдающимся деятелям княжеской Руси и царской России: Всеволоду Большое Гнездо, его супруге Марии Шварновне, Александру Невскому, Василию Голицыну, Фёдору Головину. Основанные на источниках и трудах исследователей, очерки и статьи написаны живым языком и доступны широкому читателю. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
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