
Компьютерное железо

Книга написана на основе опыта работы с учениками 3–11-х классов. Материалы оптимизированы для самостоятельного изучения и для занятий по робототехнике в образовательных учреждениях. Рассмотрено программирование мобильных роботов на платформе Arduino в Scratch-подобных визуальных средах mBlock, MindPlus и Snap4arduino. Описано создание более 30 игровых и образовательных проектов в двух режимах: интерактивном и автономном. Сложность проектов нарастает от ознакомительных, для учеников младших классов, до соревновательных. Рассмотрены задачи ориентирования и навигации робота с помощью датчиков линии, гироскопа и поворотной головы с УЗ- и ИК-дальномерами и другие проекты. Даны примеры проектов имитационного моделирования, не требующие наличия реального робота. Электронный архив на сайте издательства содержит дополнительные материалы и листинги всех программ.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Русский
Книга представляет собой подробное пошаговое руководство по восстановлению поврежденных данных на же…
Книга представляет собой подробное пошаговое руководство по восстановлению поврежденных данных на жестких дисках, съемных носителях и твердотельных накопителях. Подробно рассмотрена структура популярных файловых систем: NTFS, ext3/ext4, UDF/UFS/FFS и др. Описаны автоматические методы восстановления данных для операционных систем Windows и Linux. Приведены способы ручного восстановления, используемые в случае, когда автоматическое восстановление невозможно. Даны рекомендации по ремонту жестких дисков. Во втором издании уделено внимание работе с новыми приложениями для Windows 10 и Linux, c файловой системой ext4, твердотельными накопителями и флеш-памятью, рассмотрено использование облачных технологий. Книга сопровождается большим количеством полезных советов и исчерпывающим справочным материалом. На сайте издательства находятся цветные иллюстрации к книге и дополнительные материалы.
Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT) на базе традиционных…
Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT) на базе традиционных (Arduino Uno) и новых плат Arduino (MKR, Nano 33), плат ESP и микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi. Приведены примеры подключения плат с помощью технологий Ethernet, WiFi, GPRS, BLE, LoRa к сети Интернет и другим устройствам. Описаны протоколы HTTP и MQTT. Рассмотрен обмен данными с облачными платформами Arduino IoT Cloud, Narodmon, ThingSpeak, Blynk и открытой LoRaWAN-сетью The Things Network (TTN). Большая часть книги посвящена созданию практических проектов: собственный MQTT-сервер, табло на матрице для отображения биржевых котировок в реальном времени, GPS-трекер и онлайн-сервис поиска стоянок с использованием Яндекс.Карт, сканер штрих-кода с отправкой результатов в облако, IoT-принтер для печати курсов валют, бесконтактный измеритель температуры с отправкой данных в облако, предсказатель погоды на основе данных, поступающих в сервис ThingSpeak, проекты с элементами машинного обучения на платформе TinyML и др. На сайте издательства размещен архив с исходными кодами программ и библиотек.
Монография посвящена анализу современных материалов и технологий нанесения декоративных покрытий на …
Монография посвящена анализу современных материалов и технологий нанесения декоративных покрытий на кузова и детали автомобильного транспорта. Основное внимание уделено широкой номенклатуре окрасочных материалов, используемых при окраске автомобилей и ремонтном восстановлении лакокрасочного покрытия кузовов после аварии. Дано подробное описание и суть таких новых способов нанесения декоративных покрытий как аэрография, винилография и аквапринт с примерами их использования при внешнем тюнинге автомобилей. Значительная часть публикации связана с описанием специальных технологий и материалов по окраске автомобилей порошковыми и водой разбавленными красками, а также оборудованием для реализации этих технологий в условиях автосервиса. Издание адресовано в первую очередь молодежи, изучающей автомобиль в учебных заведениях начального и среднего профессионального образования. Автор убежден, что каждый автомобилист найдет ее для себя полезной и интересной. Книга также будет полезна инженерно-те
The Game Console 2.0 – это великолепный подарок для гиков и геймеров. В книге собрана уникальная информация о том, как менялся мир приставок на протяжении пяти десятилетий. История взлетов и падений игровой индустрии показана на примере более чем ста игровых консолей. Вы познакомитесь с классическим железом, узнаете, как сейчас играть в полюбившиеся ретроигры и взглянете на девятое поколение консолей изнутри. Magnavox Odyssey, Atari 2600, NES, Commodore 64, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation 5 и многие другие приставки, о существовании которых вы даже не подозревали.
Год выхода: 2008
Язык: Русский
В книге описано устройство и принципы работы современного ПК. Приведен подробный технический обзор к…
В книге описано устройство и принципы работы современного ПК. Приведен подробный технический обзор комплектующих и периферийного оборудования, подключаемого к ПК, даны рекомендации по выбору конфигурации для сборки нового или модернизации старого ПК. Подробно описан процесс сборки компьютера, указаны возможные проблемы и методы их устранения. Рассказано о настройке и обновлении базовой системы ввода/вывода (BIOS), разгоне процессоров, установке и настройке операционных систем, работе с виртуальными машинами.
Год выхода: 2011
Язык: Русский
В седьмом издании книги описывается устройство современного ПК. Рассказывается о новейшей операционн…
В седьмом издании книги описывается устройство современного ПК. Рассказывается о новейшей операционной системе Microsoft Windows 7, популярном текстовом редакторе Word 2010 и редакторе электронных таблиц Excel 2010. Описываются средства записи CD/DVD, словари и переводчики, программы обработки фото, просмотра электронных книг, воспроизведения видео и аудио, антивирусы, архиваторы, утилиты восстановления файлов и диагностики системы. Рассмотрена настройка ПК для безопасной работы в Интернете, поисковые системы, электронная почта, общение в Интернете с помощью ICQ и Skype, сервисы Google и многое другое.
Рассмотрены теоретические основы ремонта, производственный процесс капитального ремонта машин и техн…
Рассмотрены теоретические основы ремонта, производственный процесс капитального ремонта машин и технологические процессы восстановления, при- меняемые в ремонтном производстве, восстановление типовых деталей, ремонт агрегатов и сборочных единиц сельскохозяйственной техники, управление качеством ремонтных воздействий. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по направлению "Агроинженерия".
Сборник содержит разнообразные тематически сгруппированные задачи по моделированию. Приведены задачи на моделирование в офисных средах: графическом редакторе, текстовом процессоре, электронных таблицах, системе управления базами данных. Последний раздел посвящён моделированию в среде программирования, в разборе решений используются четыре языка: Бейсик, Паскаль, С++ и Python. Процесс моделирования рассматривается с позиции стандартной схемы в виде четырёх этапов моделирования: постановки задачи, разработки модели, компьютерного эксперимента, анализа результатов моделирования. В каждой теме помимо подробно рассмотренных задач предлагаются задачи и проекты для самостоятельной работы. Сборник задач может быть использован как для работы в классе, так и для самостоятельной работы при изучении информатики на базовом и углублённом уровнях.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Get started printing out 3D objects quickly and inexpensively! 3D printing is no longer just a figme…
Get started printing out 3D objects quickly and inexpensively! 3D printing is no longer just a figment of your imagination. This remarkable technology is coming to the masses with the growing availability of 3D printers. 3D printers create 3-dimensional layered models and they allow users to create prototypes that use multiple materials and colors. This friendly-but-straightforward guide examines each type of 3D printing technology available today and gives artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and hobbyists insight into the amazing things 3D printing has to offer. You’ll discover methods for the creation of 3D printable objects using software, 3D scanners, and even photographs with the help of this timely For Dummies guide. Includes information on stereolithography, selective sintering, fused deposition, and granular binding techniques Covers the potential for the transformation of production and manufacturing, reuse and recycling, intellectual property design controls, and the commoditization of traditional products from magazines to material goods Walks you through the process of creating a RepRap printer using open-source designs, software, and hardware Addresses the limitations of current 3D printing technologies and provides strategies for improved success 3D Printing For Dummies is the must-have guide to make manufacturing your own dynamic designs a dream come true!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Your all-in-one guide to unleashing your Mac’s full potential It’s a Mac world out there. But if you…
Your all-in-one guide to unleashing your Mac’s full potential It’s a Mac world out there. But if you haven’t read the instruction manual, you may be neglecting some of your computer’s coolest features. Turn to Macs All-in-One For Dummies’ jam-packed guide to access the incredible tools within your computer. With this fully updated reference, you will learn how to use Launchpad and Mission Control; protect your Mac; back up and restore data with Time Machine; sync across devices in iCloud; import, organize, and share photos; direct in iMovie; compose in GarageBand; and so much more. The possibilities are endless with such a powerful tool. Includes 6 minibooks: Mac Basics, Online Communications, Beyond the Basics, Your Mac as a Multimedia Entertainment Center, Taking Care of Business, and Mac Networking Walks you through setting up and sending e-mail, surfing the web with Safari, organizing your files and folders, connecting to a network, creating Reminders and Notifications, finding your way with Maps, staying organized with Calendar and Notes, and customizing your Mac just the way you want it Features updated coverage of OS X Mavericks, the latest Macintosh computers, the newest versions of iLife and iWork, and noteworthy trends and tools on the market for this fourth edition Whether you’re new to the Apple craze or a dedicated Mac user from the onset, there’s something for everyone in this bestselling guide to making friends with your Mac.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Learn to code the fun way with nine real projects for true beginners Adventures in Coding is written…
Learn to code the fun way with nine real projects for true beginners Adventures in Coding is written specifically for young people who want to learn how to code, but don't know where to begin. No experience? No problem! This book starts from the very beginning to take you from newbie to app-builder in no time. You'll 'learn by doing' as you build projects designed to help you master fundamental programming skills—and you'll have a great time doing it. These skills form the foundation of any programmer's tool set, and you'll continue to use them as you graduate to other devices and more difficult projects. Each chapter includes a video to help clear up any confusion and make sure you really understand, so you can keep programming your way through every single project without hitting major roadblocks. If you're ready to start designing your own program, this book will help you get started today. More and more kids are learning to code, and many schools offer basic programming classes as part of the regular curriculum. This book is structured like a class, starting with the basics and building skill upon skill, making it both a perfect accompaniment to formal instruction and an ideal guide for self-study. Learn the basic programming skills you'll use everywhere Build nine fun projects from super-basic to pretty challenging Build the skills you need to create bigger and better apps Watch video tutorials for extra help and explanations How many times have you played with an app only to find yourself wishing it had this or that feature? If you learn how to code, you can be the creator of the next big app! But it all starts with that first small project. Adventures in Coding provides all the information you need, so let's get coding!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
The bestselling book on 3D printing 3D printing is one of the coolest inventions we've seen in our l…
The bestselling book on 3D printing 3D printing is one of the coolest inventions we've seen in our lifetime, and now you can join the ranks of businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists who use it to do everything from printing foods and candles to replacement parts for older technologies—and tons of mind-blowing stuff in between! With 3D Printing For Dummies at the helm, you'll find all the fast and easy-to-follow guidance you need to grasp the methods available to create 3D printable objects using software, 3D scanners, and even photographs through open source software applications like 123D Catch. Thanks to the growing availability of 3D printers, this remarkable technology is coming to the masses, and there's no time like the present to let your imagination run wild and actually create whatever you dream up—quickly and inexpensively. When it comes to 3D printing, the sky's the limit! Covers each type of 3D printing technology available today: stereolithology, selective sintering, used deposition, and granular binding Provides information on the potential for the transformation of production and manufacturing, reuse and recycling, intellectual property design controls, and the commoditization of products Walks you through the process of creating a RepRap printer using open source designs, software, and hardware Offers strategies for improved success in 3D printing On your marks, get set, innovate!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Get your slice of Raspberry Pi With the invention of the unique credit card-sized single-board compu…
Get your slice of Raspberry Pi With the invention of the unique credit card-sized single-board computer comes a new wave of hardware geeks, hackers, and hobbyists who are excited about the possibilities with the Raspberry Pi—and this is the perfect guide to get you started. With this down-to-earth book, you'll quickly discover why the Raspberry Pi is in high demand! There's a reason the Raspberry Pi sold a million units in its first year, and you're about to find out why! In Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 3rd Edition veteran tech authors Sean McManus and Mike Cook make it easier than ever to get you up and running on your Raspberry Pi, from setting it up, downloading the operating system, and using the desktop environment to editing photos, playing music and videos, and programming with Scratch—and everything in between. Covers connecting the Pi to other devices such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and more Teaches you basic Linux System Admin Explores creating simple hardware projects Shows you how to create web pages Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 3rd Edition makes computing as easy as pie!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Here's your ticket to a world of adventures with Minecraft and programming. Learn how to extend Mine…
Here's your ticket to a world of adventures with Minecraft and programming. Learn how to extend Minecraft and create a new gaming experience, by exploring the magical world of Minecraft programming. Adventures in Minecraft, like other books in the highly successful Adventures series, is written especially for 11- to 15-year-olds. With this book you will learn new programming skills while having fun with Minecraft! Minecraft programming experts David Whale and Martin O'Hanlon walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know to: Get started writing Minecraft programs in Python on your PC, Mac, or Raspberry Pi Build houses and other structures in the blink of an eye, and make a 3D duplicating machine Write interactive games like a field that charges you rent, and a treasure hunt using magic vanishing bridges Build custom game control panels using simple electronic circuits Easily build huge 2D and 3D structures such as spheres and pyramids Build intelligent objects like a massive Minecraft clock, and program an alien invasion Plan and write a complete interactive arena game Using the programming skills you learn from this book, writing Minecraft programs offers endless possibilities to create anything you can imagine. To make your journey that much easier, the Adventures in Minecraft companion website supplies you with a video for each adventure in the book, downloadable code files, helpful programming reference tables, a bonus adventure, and badges to collect for your Minecraft accomplishments. By day, David Whale and Martin O'Hanlon are software engineers who design computer products. By night, they play Minecraft and develop exciting new programs that interact with the Minecraft world. They both work regularly with young people in schools, computing clubs and at community events, giving talks about Minecraft programming and running programming workshops.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
The definitive, easy-to-use guide to the popular BeagleBone board BeagleBone For Dummies is the defi…
The definitive, easy-to-use guide to the popular BeagleBone board BeagleBone For Dummies is the definitive beginner's guide to using the popular BeagleBone board to learn electronics and programming. Unlike other books that require previous knowledge of electronics, Linux, and Python, this one assumes you know nothing at all, and guides you step-by-step throughout the process of getting acquainted with your BeagleBone Original or BeagleBone Black. You'll learn how to get set up, use the software, build the hardware, and code your projects, with plenty of examples to walk you through the process. You'll move carefully through your first BeagleBone project, then get ideas for branching out from there to create even better, more advanced programs. The BeagleBone is a tiny computer board – about the size of a credit card – that has all the capability of a desktop. Its affordability and ease of use has made it popular among hobbyists, hardware enthusiasts, and programmers alike, and it's time for you to join their ranks as you officially dive into the world of microcomputers. This book removes the guesswork from using the popular BeagleBone board and shows you how to get up and running in no time. Download the operating system and connect your BeagleBone Learn to navigate the desktop environment Start programming with Python and Bonescript Build your first project, and find plans for many more To learn BeagleBone, you could spend hours on the Internet and still never find the information you need, or you can get everything you need here. This book appeals to all new and inexperienced hobbyists, tinkerers, electronics gurus, hackers, budding programmers, engineers, and hardware geeks who want to learn how to get the most out of their powerful BeagleBone.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Embrace the exciting new technology of Raspberry Pi! With the invention of the unique credit-card si…
Embrace the exciting new technology of Raspberry Pi! With the invention of the unique credit-card sized single-board computer, the Raspberry Pi, comes a new wave of hardware geeks, hackers, and hobbyists who are excited about the possibilities of the Raspberry Pi, and this is the perfect guide to get you started in this exhilarating new arena. With this fun and friendly book, you'll quickly discover why the supply for the Pi cannot keep up with the demand! Veteran tech authors Sean McManus and Mike Cook show you how to download and install the operating system, use the installed applications, and much more. Covers connecting the Pi to other devices such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and more Teaches you basic Linux System Admin Walks you through editing images, creating web pages, and playing music Details how to program with Scratch and Python Explores creating simple hardware projects Raspberry Pi For Dummies makes computing as easy as pie. Now discover the history of Raspberry Pi! The Raspberry Pi sold a million units in its first year, and came from a previously unknown organisation, The Raspberry Pi Foundation. If you’ve ever wondered how it came into being, and what inspired its creation, Sean McManus, co-author of Raspberry Pi For Dummies, has the answer. He has set up a section on his website to share bonus content, which includes a short history of the Raspberry Pi. At Sean’s website, you can also read reviews of the book, see videos of its projects, and read several exclusive blog posts about the Raspberry Pi and its community. Visit Sean’s homepage for Raspberry Pi For Dummies here!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
The long-awaited BlackBerry Storm is here! Take advantage of all the cool things your new touch-scre…
The long-awaited BlackBerry Storm is here! Take advantage of all the cool things your new touch-screen BlackBerry can do with BlackBerry Storm For Dummies. Your BlackBerry Storm can help you organize your calendar, surf the Internet, and stay in constant contact. it even works like a modem for your laptop. BlackBerry Storm For Dummies shows you how to unlock all of the exciting capabilities of your BlackBerry Storm. You’ll discover how to: Customize your BlackBerry Storm, learn to navigate the touch screen, manage power consumption, and protect your device Set up your contacts, keep notes, synchronize lists with your desktop, and manage your calendar Keep in touch with e-mail, PIN-to-PIN and instant messaging, and phone calls Browse the Internet and keep track of key sites Play music and videos, take pictures or mini-movies, and tune in the news Activate Storm’s built-in GPS and use Google Maps or BlackBerry Map Synchronize your BlackBerry with your desktop so your data is consistent wherever you go Prepare your laptop to use your BlackBerry Storm as a modem Install and manage third-party applications Keep your personal information safe You’ll find tips for tapping and thumbing the touch screen, secrets for taking great photos and videos, and even fun games to play on your Storm. Whether you’re upgrading from an earlier model or you just got your first BlackBerry, BlackBerry Storm For Dummies helps you utilize everything this handy device has to offer.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Learn to build software and hardware projects featuring the Raspberry Pi! Congratulations on becomin…
Learn to build software and hardware projects featuring the Raspberry Pi! Congratulations on becoming a proud owner of a Raspberry Pi! Following primers on getting your Pi up and running and programming with Python, the authors walk you through 16 fun projects of increasing sophistication that let you develop your Raspberry Pi skills. Among other things you will: Write simple programs, including a tic-tac-toe game Re-create vintage games similar to Pong and Pac-Man Construct a networked alarm system with door sensors and webcams Build Pi-controlled gadgets including a slot car racetrack and a door lock Create a reaction timer and an electronic harmonograph Construct a Facebook-enabled Etch A Sketch-type gadget and a Twittering toy Raspberry Pi Projects is an excellent way to dig deeper into the capabilities of the Pi and to have great fun while doing it.
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