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The Secret Casella Baby

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472001962

Полная версия

How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? That is a question ordinary girl Holly George never thought she’d be able to answer! Until one sizzling night with brooding Brazilian Luiz changes her life. Not only is Luiz Casella a billionaire – but now Holly is expecting his baby!Holly might don all the silk and diamonds Luiz can shower her with – but she’ll always feel most comfortable working at her animal sanctuary. Yet it seems she might have to get used to living in world of the rich and famous… As a Casella heir cannot be born out of wedlock!‘Beautifully written, stunning descriptions and such depth to her characters.’ – Uzma, Customer Services, Southport

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