
Книги автора: Edith Wharton

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Язык: es
Los libros de Wharton son testimonio de las transformaciones que sufría Nueva York a principios del …
Los libros de Wharton son testimonio de las transformaciones que sufría Nueva York a principios del siglo XX, de las grandes mansiones frente a Central Park hasta las zonas de los obreros explotados, reducidos a una vida indigna en sus diminutos departamentos. A pesar de que no apoyó ni el movimiento sufragista de las mujeres ni el feminismo de su época, las protagonistas de estos dos relatos, y de buena parte de sus libros, son mujeres fuertes, apasionadas y decididas. Son personajes que establecen relaciones importantes y complejas con otras mujeres, de amistad y antagonismo -lejos de los estereotipos que predominan en el canon literario- y que toman las riendas de su destino, incluso cuando se encuentran en la desesperanza más absoluta. Sirvan estos dos relatos para quienes no conocen a la autora, para quienes han leído sus novelas -más famosas que sus cuentos- y para quienes tienen la suerte de releer dos historias que crecen con cada nueva lectura.
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Язык: Немецкий
Als er zufällig eine Anzeige im Spectator liest, erkennt Stephen Glennard darin den Weg, ein neues L…
Als er zufällig eine Anzeige im Spectator liest, erkennt Stephen Glennard darin den Weg, ein neues Leben zu beginnen und die Hand der schönen Alexa Trent zu gewinnen. In seinem Besitz befindet sich etwas von höchstem Wert: Briefe, die ihm die große verstorbene Autorin Margaret Aubyn vor Jahren geschrieben hat. Alles, was er tun muß, ist sein schlechtes Gewissen beruhigen und ihre Briefe gegen einen hohen Vorschuß einem Verlag anbieten. <br/> Die Publikation von Mrs Aubyns Briefen wird ein großer Erfolg, das Buch ein Bestseller und der Gesprächsstoff der gehobenen New Yorker Gesellschaft, zu der Glennards neu erworbener Reichtum ihm nun Zutritt verschafft. Die Faszination der Leser liegt in der Anonymität des Mannes, den Aubyn so geliebt hat.
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Язык: Английский
Burdened by poverty and spiritually dulled by a loveless marriage to Zeena, his older and ailing wif…
Burdened by poverty and spiritually dulled by a loveless marriage to Zeena, his older and ailing wife, Ethan Frome is emotionally stirred by the arrival of their youthful cousin, Mattie Silver, who becomes employed as household help. Mattie&apos;s presence not only brightens a gloomy house but also stirs long-dormant feelings in Ethan. However, their growing love for each other is discovered by the embittered Zeena, and it presages an ending to the tale that is both shocking and savagely ironic.
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Язык: Английский
This is a love triangle, set in the rural isolation of New England, which has devastating consequenc…
This is a love triangle, set in the rural isolation of New England, which has devastating consequences. Ethan Frome works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeena&apos;s vivacious cousin enters their household as a &apos;hired girl&apos;, Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent. The trio move towards their tragic destinies.
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Язык: Английский
Literary Thoughts edition <br/> presents <br/> Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton <br/> <br/> <br/> – <br/…
Literary Thoughts edition <br/> presents <br/> Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton <br/> <br/> <br/> – <br/> <br/> <br/> &quot;Ethan Frome" is a novel written in 1911 by Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer Edith Wharton (1862–1937), telling the story of Ethan Frome, who works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious, and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. <br/> <br/> All books of the Literary Thoughts edition have been transscribed from original prints and edited for better reading experience. <br/> Please visit our homepage to see our other publications.
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Язык: Английский
&quot;If you know Starkfield, Massachusetts, you know the post-office. If you know the post-office y…
&quot;If you know Starkfield, Massachusetts, you know the post-office. If you know the post-office you must have seen Ethan Frome drive up to it, drop the reins on his hollow-backed bay and drag himself across the brick pavement to the white colonnade; and you must have asked who he was. It was there that, several years ago, I saw him for the first time; and the sight pulled me up sharp. Even then he was the most striking figure in Starkfield, though he was but the ruin of a man. It was not so much his great height that marked him, for the «natives» were easily singled out by their lank longitude from the stockier foreign breed: it was the careless powerful look he had, <br/> The novel «Ethan Frome» by the Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Edith Wharton is set in the fictitious town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. It was first published in 1911. «Ethan Frome» is framed by the literary device of an extended flashback.
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Язык: Английский
&quot;He wondered what Mrs. Welland would have said if he had uttered the words instead of merely th…
&quot;He wondered what Mrs. Welland would have said if he had uttered the words instead of merely thinking them. He could picture the sudden decomposure of her firm placid features, to which a lifelong mastery over trifles had given an air of factitious authority. Traces still lingered on them of a fresh beauty like her daughter&apos;s; and he asked himself if May&apos;s face was doomed to thicken into the same middle-aged image of invincible innocence. Ah, no, he did not want May to have that kind of innocence, the innocence that seals the mind against imagination and the heart against experience!"
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘He looked …
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘He looked at her hair and longed to touch it again, and to tell her that it smelt of the woods; but he had never learned to say such things…’One harsh winter in 1900s New England, Ethan Frome toils at his farm while struggling to maintain a bearable existence with his forbidding wife, Zeena. When Ethan takes Zeena’s cousin, Mattie, home from a dance he is entranced: Mattie brings with her the possibility for happiness, and with that she quickly becomes a symbol of hope for Ethan.First published in 1911, Ethan Frome is an intimate look at choices not made and lives not yet lived. Told through the eyes of a city outsider, this heartbreaking portrait of three lives haunted by thwarted dreams remains for many the most subtle and moving of Wharton’s works.
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Язык: Немецкий
Mrs. Sara Clayburn, Herrin des Anwesens Whitegates in Connecticut, hat am Vorabend von Allerseelen d…
Mrs. Sara Clayburn, Herrin des Anwesens Whitegates in Connecticut, hat am Vorabend von Allerseelen des Jahres 1931 bei ihrem üblichen nachmittäglichen Spaziergang eine Begegnung, die ihr ganzes restliches Leben verändern wird
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Год выхода:
Язык: Немецкий
Die Gruselkabinett Hörspiel Box 12 beinhaltet die Geschichten: «Berges des Wahnsinns» von H.P. Lovec…
Die Gruselkabinett Hörspiel Box 12 beinhaltet die Geschichten: «Berges des Wahnsinns» von H.P. Lovecraft, «Verhexe» von Edith Wharton und «Die Squaw» von Bram Stoker.
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Год выхода:
Язык: Немецкий
Das ländliche New England liegt tief verschneit. Prudence Rutledge bittet einige ihrer Nachbarn trot…
Das ländliche New England liegt tief verschneit. Prudence Rutledge bittet einige ihrer Nachbarn trotz des gefährlichen Wetters zu sich in ihr Farmhaus. Weder sie, noch ihren Mann Saul Rutledge, hat man seit längerem in Hemlock County gesehen. Was kann die als eigenbrötlerisch bekannte Frau bloß von ihren Nachbarn wollen…?
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Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
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Язык: es
Libro en Lectura Fácil. Newland Archer pertenece a la alta sociedad de la Nueva York de finales del…
Libro en Lectura Fácil. Newland Archer pertenece a la alta sociedad de la Nueva York de finales del siglo XIX. Y está felizmente prometido a May Welland. No obstante, un día la condesa Ellen Olenska, prima de May, regresa de Europa. La condesa es independiente, valiente; muy diferente al resto de mujeres. Newland se verá involucrado en el misterio de Ellen, y deberá luchar contra los convencionalismos de la alta sociedad, y de su propio corazón. La edad de la inocencia, ganadora de un Premio Pulitzer, es una historia de gran pasión, que critica las costumbres de la alta sociedad neoyorquina.
Год выхода:
Язык: Английский
Madame De Treymes by Edith Wharton <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, …
Madame De Treymes by Edith Wharton <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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Язык: es
Este ensayo conforma el último capítulo de la obra Escribir ficción que la prolífica escritora estad…
Este ensayo conforma el último capítulo de la obra Escribir ficción que la prolífica escritora estadounidense Edith Wharton publicó en entregas en 1925 y en la que ofrece comentarios generales sobre las raíces de la ficción moderna, las múltiples formas en las que se puede escribir una obra de ficción y el desarrollo de la forma y el estilo. Contemporánea del autor de En busca del tiempo perdido, quedó impresionada por la forma en que Proust manipula tiempos y espacios en su novelística: lo llama un «dador de vida», quien a través de los recuerdos aletargados de un niño que reconstruyen la visita de un viejo amigo a casa de sus padres, logra darnos la sensación -el efecto- de las pisadas del destino. Para Wharton no hay nada superfluo en Proust. Todo ese rumiar del narrador, ese fervor al detalle, hacen de En busca del tiempo perdido un análisis inigualable y nunca superado de la «semiconciencia, las oscuras asociaciones del pensamiento y las viscosas fluctuaciones del humor».
Год выхода:
Язык: Эстонский
Seltskonnadaam Lily Bart on aastaid olnud koorekihi kullake ja uusrikaste imetlusobjekt. Kolmekümnen…
Seltskonnadaam Lily Bart on aastaid olnud koorekihi kullake ja uusrikaste imetlusobjekt. Kolmekümnenda eluaasta lähenedes muutub tühja kukru, ent kalli maitsega naise jalgealune üha ebakindlamaks. Praktiliste oskusteta Lily peab kiiresti leidma viisi enda elatamiseks, et säilitada sotsiaalne staatus ning harjumuspäraselt luksuslik eluviis. Kauni ja nutika naise ainus pääsetee näib olevat jõukas abikaasa. Lily on aga liiga nõudlik ja põhimõttekindel, et iga härrasrahva poolt sobivaks tunnistatud mehe kosjad vastu võtta. 1905. aastal ilmunud romaanis „Rõõmukoda“ kritiseerib Edith Wharton Ameerika toonase eliidi silmakirjalikkust ja rahahimu. Peategelanna kaudu taunib autor kõrgseltskonna naiste kasvatamist üksnes iluasjadeks, kes argielu katsumustega silmitsi seistes hätta jäävad. Tõlkija Riina Jesmin Korrektor Lyyli Virkus Kujundaja Zigmunds Lapsa Küljendaja Liina Valt Autorist: Edith Wharton (1862–1937) tundis jõuka New Yorgi perekonna ainsa võsukesena harva millestki puudust. Intelligentne neiu veetis oma kujunemisaastad peamiselt Euroopas – Prantsusmaal, Saksamaal ja Itaalias – keeli õppides ning arendades oma ilumeelt kunsti, arhitektuuri ja kirjanduse parimate näidete varal. 1872. aastal New Yorki naasnud Wharton veetis meelsasti aega oma isa hästi varustatud raamatukogus ja omandas armastatud guvernandi Anna Bahlmanni juhendamisel põhjaliku hariduse. Tulevane kirjanik kasvas üles ajastul, mil kõlbelistel kõrgklassi naistel võis olla üksainus elueesmärk: saada sündsalt mehele. Wharton lõi selle hädise ideaali pihuks ja põrmuks, avaldades juba 16aastaselt, küll privaatselt, oma esimese luulekogumiku. Laiemat tähelepanu pälvis autor 1897. aastal ilmunud aimeraamatuga disainist ja arhitektuurist. Tunnustatud romaanikirjaniku tiitli pälvis ta aga 20. sajandi esimestel kümnenditel meistriteoste „Rõõmukoda“, „Ethan Frome“ ja „Süütuse aeg“ ilmudes. Kokku kirjutas Ameerika üheks olulisimaks kirjanikuks peetav Wharton üle 40 raamatu ja oli esimene naine, kes pälvis Pulitzeri kirjanduspreemia.
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Язык: Финский
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Язык: Французский
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'I want – I want somehow…
HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'I want – I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that – categories like that – won't exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.’Newland Archer, a successful and charming young lawyer conducts himself by the rules and standards of the polite, upper class New York society that he resides in. Happily engaged to the pretty and conventional May Welland, his attachment guarantees his place in this rigid world of the elite.However, the arrival of May’s cousin, the exotic and beautiful European Countess Olenska throws Newland’s life upside down. A divorcee, Olenska is ostracised by those around her, yet Newland is fiercely drawn to her wit, determination and willingness to flout convention. With the Countess, Newland is freed from the limitations that surround him and truly begins to ‘feel’ for the first time.Wharton’s subtle exposé of the manners and etiquette of 1870s New York society is both comedic, subtle, satirical and cynical in style and paints an evocative picture of a man torn between his passion and his obligation.
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