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In Bed with the Devil / High-Society Mistress: In Bed with the Devil

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408900550

Полная версия

Be swept away by passion… with intense drama and compelling plots, these emotionally powerful reads will keep you captivated from beginning to end.In Bed with the Devil Susan Mallery When he arrived at Hunter’s Landing, Jack found his best friend’s shy little sister had become a breathtaking woman – with an axe to grind. Still smarting over Jack’s long ago rejection, Meredith was intent on luring the millionaire mogul into her bed…and her bed was right across the hall. Could Jack keep a decade-old promise?High-Society Mistress Katherine Garbera Refused a promotion by her tycoon father, heiress Tempest Lambert offered her services to his worst enemy, devastatingly handsome Gavin Renard, who had made millions as a corporate raider. Gavin still had a score to settle; using Tempest as a pawn in his takeover game was tempting. Making her his mistress – that was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

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