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Private Indiscretions

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472037565

Полная версия

Forced by her very public persona to control her emotions, Dana Sterling found herself at a loss when she came face-to-face with Sam Remington. After more than a decade apart, he was suddenly back in her life, her only chance at avoiding a career-ending scandal.But why was Sam so intent on helping her? Was it the memory of the long-ago lust they had once shared, or was there more to his agenda?Privately, Dana feared this grown-up, gorgeous Sam might destroy all that she had achieved–to make her pay for what they'd both been denied. But if she allowed herself to succumb to the potent passions that still brewed between them…would she even care?

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