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Baby Fever

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408991305

Полная версия

BACHELORS & BABIES HOW TO CURE A CASE OF BABY FEVER Jasmine LeClerc had found the man to father her baby. Patrick O'Halloran was unattached, just passing through town… and in perfect physical condition. In fact, the millionaire was simply scrumptious, and Jasmine knew making a baby with Patrick would be more pleasure than business. But first she had to get him into bed.A one-night stand was not Patrick's style. But the sexy waitress served up enough passionate glances to make him change his mind. He happily invited Jasmine back to his room, and set out to fulfill both their fantasies… until Patrick learned he was the cure for Jasmine's baby fever!Bachelors and Babies: Three men get more than they ever expected when they connect with the woman of their dreams… . BACHELORS & BABIES

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