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The Spaniard's Surprise Love-Child / A Bride Fit For A Prince?

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9780008900182

Полная версия

The Spaniard's Surprise Love-Child‘The child…she is mine.’Soft-hearted Gwen had always dreamed of the day tycoon Rio would discover their child. Yet the reality is astounding! Because when the brooding Spaniard sweeps back into her life, he demands their daughter – and her!A Bride Fit for a Prince? From desire…to the royal altar!Samia’s thrilled by the longing Prince Luca awakens within her, but knows a temporary fling is their only option. A future with him is impossible. For the shadows of her past make Samia wholly unsuitable…don’t they?

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