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The Flaw In His Diamond

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472042033

Полная версия

What a woman wants…Ultimate Italian playboy Count Roman Quisvada has more notches on his bedpost than…well, bedpost! So when no-nonsense Eva Skavanga arrives on his Mediterranean island with a business arrangement, Roman’s much more interested in the pleasure her smart mouth can bring him.He’s not the sort of man a tender virgin would seek out for her first time, but tomboy Eva is starting to enjoy his attention – it makes her feel like a real woman. Perhaps Roman can help her with more than just securing her family’s diamond mine…? But only if she can keep her heart off the table!‘No-one does feisty like Susan Stephens! Sizzling, sexy stories!’– Sue, 53,

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