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The Big Bad Boss

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781408917435

Полная версия

Fresh, flirty and stylish – sexy stories for the modern woman who loves to live life to the full!Heath Stamp was a very bad boy growing up. If there was a fight, he fought. If there was a woman, he took her to bed. If there was a sweet, innocent girl with big doe eyes – he ran a mile. Bronte Foster-Jenkins sure as hell isn’t looking at him with big doe eyes any more. Instead she’s shooting daggers in his direction.All grown-up, Heath is rich, arrogant and ready to raze his family estate to the ground – even if Bronte will do anything to stop him. He’ll do it with a glint in his eye and happily take her down with him. For, make no mistake, Heath Stamp has gone from bad…to irresistible!

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