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Seduced by the Rebel

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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THE BIG BAD BOSSHeath Stamp is rich, arrogant and ready to raze his family estate to the ground – even though frosty Bronte Foster-Jenkins tries to stop him. But this irresistible bad boy will happily take her down with him.THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT A REBEL…When Blake Everett drives back into town, Lissa Sanderson’s teenage crush is back with a vengeance, despite his scandalous reputation. When she finds out that the former navy officer isn’t immune to her either – Lissa knows just what to do!THE SOCIALITE AND THE CATTLE KINGWhen their plane crashes in the middle of the Outback, prim and proper journalist Holly Harding is forced to rely on infamous billionaire Brett Wyndham for protection. How long can inexperienced Holly deny their sizzling attraction?

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