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Ruling Sheikh, Unruly Mistress

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781408917794

Полная версия

Duty vs Desire in the desert! Women around the world sighed when Sheikh Razi al Maktabi declared his playboy days were over and duty would be his new mistress. But he found time for one final fling before he took his desert throne, and curvy chef Lucy Tennant certainly whetted His Majesty’s appetite.A whiz in the kitchen, Lucy was a beginner in the bedroom, and Razi couldn’t resist one last challenge. But one night has led to the scandal of the century! Lucy has unexpectedly arrived at the desert palace…proud, packed – and pregnant!The al Maktabi brothers Kings of the desert… Masters of the bedroom!

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