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At Her Latin Lover's Command

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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Полная версия

The Italian Count’s Command by Sara Wood Miranda’s estranged husband, Count Dante Severini, thinks she is an unfaithful gold digger, but their son misses her. So Dante issues a command: he will provide any luxury Miranda desires, but she must return and pretend they are still happily married!The French Count’s Mistress by Susan StephensCount Guy de Villeneuve is determined to stop childhood friend Kate from setting up a business on his land – until he realises that she has grown into a feisty beauty. An intense sexual attraction burns between them, but will Kate agree to become his mistress?At the Spanish Duke’s Command by Fiona Hood-StewartJuan Mansanto, Duque de la Caniza, is an arrogant autocrat who always gets what he wants…and he wants Georgiana. But he’s supposed to be her guardian – and engaged to another woman! Even so, Georgiana can’t resist the superbly sexy Spaniard…

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