
Книги автора: Stephen Knight

Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A classic and highly controversial exposé of the secret world of the Freemasons reissued with an int…
A classic and highly controversial exposé of the secret world of the Freemasons reissued with an introduction by Martin Short, author of ‘Inside the Brotherhood’.The Freemasons have long fascinated outsiders. The subject of Dan Brown’s new novel – set for release in 2007 – this secret and exclusive society, thought to be the largest in Britain today, remains a mystery to the many excluded from its ranks. One would never know if a father or brother was a member due to the mandatory vow of secrecy.In this classic, controversial exposé, Stephen Knight talks to the men on the inside – those who have broken their vow of secrecy to reveal the darker side of the ‘brotherhood’. Do they influence the law? Is the KGB involved? And is there is a secret group of Masons running the country today, perhaps influencing every move we make?Now with an introduction by Martin Short, acclaimed author of ‘Inside the Brotherhood’, this is the unmissable, true story of an ancient, and mysterious brotherhood operating in our midst.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
A classic and highly controversial exposé of the secret world of the Freemasons reissued with an int…
A classic and highly controversial exposé of the secret world of the Freemasons reissued with an introduction by Martin Short, author of ‘Inside the Brotherhood’.The Freemasons have long fascinated outsiders. The subject of Dan Brown’s new novel – set for release in 2007 – this secret and exclusive society, thought to be the largest in Britain today, remains a mystery to the many excluded from its ranks. One would never know if a father or brother was a member due to the mandatory vow of secrecy.In this classic, controversial exposé, Stephen Knight talks to the men on the inside – those who have broken their vow of secrecy to reveal the darker side of the ‘brotherhood’. Do they influence the law? Is the KGB involved? And is there is a secret group of Masons running the country today, perhaps influencing every move we make?Now with an introduction by Martin Short, acclaimed author of ‘Inside the Brotherhood’, this is the unmissable, true story of an ancient, and mysterious brotherhood operating in our midst.
Год выхода:
Язык: Немецкий
Eine unbekannte, mysteriöse Krankheit verwandelt die Einwohner Bostons in sadistische, blutgierige, …
Eine unbekannte, mysteriöse Krankheit verwandelt die Einwohner Bostons in sadistische, blutgierige, irre lachende Killer – die Crazies!Nur ein tapferes Infanterie-Bataillon kämpft gegen die irren infizierten Horden an und versucht, die wenigen verbliebenen Überlebenden zu beschützen. Und das gesamte Land zu retten …"Wow. Scheiße, ich brauche einfach mehr Sterne." – Amazon.deNach den Ereignissen von Band 4 haben die Lightfighters von Colonel Lees 10th Mountain herbe Verluste erlitten. Die übrig gebliebenen Soldaten sind von den anhaltenden Kämpfen erschöpft und zermürbt. Und doch wartet bereits die nächste Mission auf die Einheit: Sie sollen sich nach Fort Stewart begeben und dort Dr. Courtney Moreau finden, eine der Entwicklerinnen jenes Virus, welches nun die Menschheit ausrottet. Deren Immunität könnte der Grundstein für die Entwicklung eines Gegenmittels sein. Die Sache hat nur einen Haken; Fort Stewart wird bereits von den Crazies belagert …
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