Книги автора: Платон
Meno (Greek: Μένων, Menōn) is a Socratic dialogue scripted by Plato. It appears to attempt to determ…
Meno (Greek: Μένων, Menōn) is a Socratic dialogue scripted by Plato. It appears to attempt to determ…
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Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first inst…
Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first inst…
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Phædo or Phaedo (Greek: Φαίδων, Phaidōn), also known to ancient readers as On The Soul, is one of th…
Phædo or Phaedo (Greek: Φαίδων, Phaidōn), also known to ancient readers as On The Soul, is one of th…
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The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato da…
The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato da…
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he Republic (Greek: Πολιτεία, Politeia; Latin: Res Publica) is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato…
he Republic (Greek: Πολιτεία, Politeia; Latin: Res Publica) is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato…
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The Allegory of the Cave, or Plato's Cave, was presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work …
The Allegory of the Cave, or Plato's Cave, was presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work …
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The Apology of Socrates was written by Plato. In fact, it’s a defensive speech of Socrates that he s…
The Apology of Socrates was written by Plato. In fact, it’s a defensive speech of Socrates that he s…
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