Книги автора: Paolo Diacono – Paulus Diaconus
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A historical book, written in Latin by Paolo Diacono in the eighth century after Christ, tells the s…
A historical book, written in Latin by Paolo Diacono in the eighth century after Christ, tells the s…
A nutrition manual for simple consultation, which allows to chose the most appropriate nutrition reg…
A nutrition manual for simple consultation, which allows to chose the most appropriate nutrition reg…
A historical book, written in Latin by Paolo Diacono in the eighth century after Christ, tells the s…
A historical book, written in Latin by Paolo Diacono in the eighth century after Christ, tells the s…
The Latin version of the history of the Lombards, to be translated is only the preface and the other…
The Latin version of the history of the Lombards, to be translated is only the preface and the other…
A nutrition manual for simple consultation, which allows to chose the most appropriate nutrition reg…
A nutrition manual for simple consultation, which allows to chose the most appropriate nutrition reg…
在基督之后的第八世纪,保罗·迪肯用拉丁文写成的一本历史著作,记叙了离开斯堪的那维亚来到意大利并统治了两个世纪的伦巴德人的故事。 今天,以米兰为首府的地区,伦巴第仍然承载着他们的名字,伦巴德人的土地。这…
在基督之后的第八世纪,保罗·迪肯用拉丁文写成的一本历史著作,记叙了离开斯堪的那维亚来到意大利并统治了两个世纪的伦巴德人的故事。 今天,以米兰为首府的地区,伦巴第仍然承载着他们的名字,伦巴德人的土地。这…
A versão latina da História dos Lombardos, a ser traduzido só o prefácio e as outras partes em itali…
A versão latina da História dos Lombardos, a ser traduzido só o prefácio e as outras partes em itali…
Um livro histórico, escrito em latim por Paolo Diacono no oitavo século d.C., narra os acontecimento…
Um livro histórico, escrito em latim por Paolo Diacono no oitavo século d.C., narra os acontecimento…
Vous trouverez dans ce livre : 1. Les propriétés utiles des huiles essentielles. 2. L’effet positif …
Vous trouverez dans ce livre : 1. Les propriétés utiles des huiles essentielles. 2. L’effet positif …
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