
Книги автора: Olusola Coker

Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможет…
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Утренняя молитва дает вам направление туда, где она должна быть, чтобы вы не упустили свою цель. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, ваши умственные способности функционируют на пике своего развития, поэтому утренние молитвы освежают и заряжают вашу душу. Бог будет счастлив с вами, когда вы будете смотреть на него снизу вверх для выполнения предстоящей задачи на этот день. Утренние молитвы – это возможность приблизиться к Богу и поблагодарить его за его неутолимую любовь, благословения, прорывы исцеления и т.д. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, чтобы помолиться Богу, молитесь с уверенностью и держите глаза открытыми для его ответов. Говоря по порядку, Не бойтесь, когда молитесь Богу, особенно утром. Согласно Книге Исаии 41.10, Господь говорит: ”Не бойтесь, ибо я с вами; не смущайтесь, ибо я ваш Бог; я укреплю вас, Я помогу Вам, я поддержу вас своей праведной десницей” будьте уверены, что утренние молитвы ведут Бога, нашего Творца, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в течение всего дня. Он любит вас и хочет для вас самого лучшего, поэтому, молясь утром, напомните Богу о его обещании вам.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможет…
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Утренняя молитва дает вам направление туда, где она должна быть, чтобы вы не упустили свою цель. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, ваши умственные способности функционируют на пике своего развития, поэтому утренние молитвы освежают и заряжают вашу душу. Бог будет счастлив с вами, когда вы будете смотреть на него снизу вверх для выполнения предстоящей задачи на этот день. Утренние молитвы – это возможность приблизиться к Богу и поблагодарить его за его неутолимую любовь, благословения, прорывы исцеления и т.д. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, чтобы помолиться Богу, молитесь с уверенностью и держите глаза открытыми для его ответов. Говоря по порядку, Не бойтесь, когда молитесь Богу, особенно утром. Согласно Книге Исаии 41.10, Господь говорит: ”Не бойтесь, ибо я с вами; не смущайтесь, ибо я ваш Бог; я укреплю вас, Я помогу Вам, я поддержу вас своей праведной десницей” будьте уверены, что утренние молитвы ведут Бога, нашего Творца, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в течение всего дня. Он любит вас и хочет для вас самого лучшего, поэтому, молясь утром, напомните Богу о его обещании вам.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи прич…
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод и сделали океаны, реки, моря, ручьи и озера своей твердыней. Однако обнаружить морских духов чрезвычайно трудно, чем каких-либо других духов, включая дух колдовства. В отличие от колдовских духов, которые агрессивны и нетерпеливы в своей работе, морской дух отличается тем, что они терпеливы, хорошо воспитаны и культурны в своей работе. Находите ли Вы решения для какой-либо или всех перечисленных ниже проблем, но вы находите это трудным? Тогда эта книга для вас неконтролируемый секс неконтролируемая мастурбация просмотр порнографических роликов хронический гнев в Вас 1. Мертво все в жизни человека, например, мертвый мозг, мертвые органы, мертвая духовная жизнь. 2. Ослабление пастырской власти для совершения чуда или изгнания бесов 3. Невозможность выйти замуж вовремя 4. Частые разводы 5. Банкротство 6. Дух жены 7. Дух мужа 8. Секс во сне пожалуйста найдите ниже характеристики морских духов морские духи злые как колдовские духи морские духи могут ждать годами чтобы уничтожить своих жертв морские духи приходят в виде прекрасных дам и они работают с определенной целью морские духи всегда материалистичны морские духи могут временно сделать жертву богатой но позже расправиться с ними безжалостно. Морские духи имеют своих агентов повсюду, особенно в церквях, которые скрываются под покровом церкви и ведут людей к безнравственности, блуду, лесбиянству, гомосексуалистам и так далее. В некоторых случаях агентами морских духов могут быть пасторы, главный надзиратель, церковный лидер и так далее. Такие пастыри совершают с членами Церкви различные безнравственные поступки. Вы должны быть осторожны с тем, какую церковь вы посещаете. Морской дух выполняет их планы, обладая либо мужчиной, либо женщиной. Морское королевство возглавляет королева побережья. Морские духи обладают женскими качествами, а не мужскими есть два типа морских духов. Они сознательны и бессознательны. Формальные знают, что они одержимы, а последние-нет. морские духи используют секс, чтобы угнетать мужчин и разбрасывать дома с помощью силы секса. Морские духи чрезвычайно помешаны на моде, они одеваются, чтобы привлечь нарочно, они ходят, чтобы привлечь нарочно. Большинство дам, которые встречаются с женатыми мужчинами без угрызений совести, являются морскими духами. Им нравится разбивать сердца своих жертв, чтобы сделать их эмоционально неустойчивыми. Они заставляют своих жертв принимать неправильные решения, которые сделают их жизнь бесполезной. Агенты морских духов очень неустойчивы в отношениях, и они не могут поддерживать отношения слишком долго. Агенты морских духов-хорошие притворщики. Самое худшее, что может случиться с мужчиной, – это влюбиться в женщину, одержимую морским духом. Если мужчина решает прервать отношения, то дама, одержимая морским духом, начинает вести себя хорошо и в тот момент, когда мужчина меняет свое мнение, она начинает терзать эмоции мужчины, постоянно разочаровывая его. Лесбиянство, гомосексуализм и порнография – это морские инициации, агенты морских духов – это любители вечеринок
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи прич…
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод и сделали океаны, реки, моря, ручьи и озера своей твердыней. Однако обнаружить морских духов чрезвычайно трудно, чем каких-либо других духов, включая дух колдовства. В отличие от колдовских духов, которые агрессивны и нетерпеливы в своей работе, морской дух отличается тем, что они терпеливы, хорошо воспитаны и культурны в своей работе. Находите ли Вы решения для какой-либо или всех перечисленных ниже проблем, но вы находите это трудным? Тогда эта книга для вас неконтролируемый секс неконтролируемая мастурбация просмотр порнографических роликов хронический гнев в Вас 1. Мертво все в жизни человека, например, мертвый мозг, мертвые органы, мертвая духовная жизнь. 2. Ослабление пастырской власти для совершения чуда или изгнания бесов 3. Невозможность выйти замуж вовремя 4. Частые разводы 5. Банкротство 6. Дух жены 7. Дух мужа 8. Секс во сне пожалуйста найдите ниже характеристики морских духов морские духи злые как колдовские духи морские духи могут ждать годами чтобы уничтожить своих жертв морские духи приходят в виде прекрасных дам и они работают с определенной целью морские духи всегда материалистичны морские духи могут временно сделать жертву богатой но позже расправиться с ними безжалостно. Морские духи имеют своих агентов повсюду, особенно в церквях, которые скрываются под покровом церкви и ведут людей к безнравственности, блуду, лесбиянству, гомосексуалистам и так далее. В некоторых случаях агентами морских духов могут быть пасторы, главный надзиратель, церковный лидер и так далее. Такие пастыри совершают с членами Церкви различные безнравственные поступки. Вы должны быть осторожны с тем, какую церковь вы посещаете. Морской дух выполняет их планы, обладая либо мужчиной, либо женщиной. Морское королевство возглавляет королева побережья. Морские духи обладают женскими качествами, а не мужскими есть два типа морских духов. Они сознательны и бессознательны. Формальные знают, что они одержимы, а последние-нет. морские духи используют секс, чтобы угнетать мужчин и разбрасывать дома с помощью силы секса. Морские духи чрезвычайно помешаны на моде, они одеваются, чтобы привлечь нарочно, они ходят, чтобы привлечь нарочно. Большинство дам, которые встречаются с женатыми мужчинами без угрызений совести, являются морскими духами. Им нравится разбивать сердца своих жертв, чтобы сделать их эмоционально неустойчивыми. Они заставляют своих жертв принимать неправильные решения, которые сделают их жизнь бесполезной. Агенты морских духов очень неустойчивы в отношениях, и они не могут поддерживать отношения слишком долго. Агенты морских духов-хорошие притворщики. Самое худшее, что может случиться с мужчиной, – это влюбиться в женщину, одержимую морским духом. Если мужчина решает прервать отношения, то дама, одержимая морским духом, начинает вести себя хорошо и в тот момент, когда мужчина меняет свое мнение, она начинает терзать эмоции мужчины, постоянно разочаровывая его. Лесбиянство, гомосексуализм и порнография – это морские инициации, агенты морских духов – это любители вечеринок
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be a…
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement, strength, protection, success, breakthrough, healing, Miracle etc for each day. You will discover reasons you need to command your day and the benefits attached to it. Prayer in the morning gives you direction to where it needs to be, so you don’t miss your target. When you wake up in the morning, your mental ability function at its peak, so prayers in the morning refresh and recharge your soul. God will be happy with you when you look up to him for the day’s task ahead. Morning prayers are an opportunity to get closer to God and thank him for his unquenchable love, blessings, breakthroughs healing etc. When you wake up in the morning to pray to God, pray with confidence and keep your eyes open for his answers. In order words, do not be afraid when you are praying to God especially in the morning. According to the Book Isaiah 41.10, the Lord says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Be rest assured that prayers in the morning lead God our Creator to guide and protect you throughout the day. He loves you and he wants the best for you, so praying in the morning remind God of his promise to you.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to …
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to achieve anything in life. They are always on the last line to achieving anything, the last to get married, and the last to be promoted, the last to gain admission to universities or college, the last to have Children. They can better be called brother last or sister last. They are always last in achieving a breakthrough in life. This Book contains 950 powerful prayers that will put an end to delayed and detained blessings in your life. Are you expecting promotion in your office, but is not yet forthcoming? Are you mature enough to get married, but the right partner is not yet forthcoming? Are you seeking admission to university or college, but your application is being rejected, despite the fact that this is your 5th attempt? Is it taking you 20 years to complete or buy your dream house, despite the fact that you are putting more efforts? Are you expecting a miracle or breakthrough in any area of your life but is not manifesting? Are you expecting a contract but approval was turn down several times and you notice that your colleagues that are not good enough on the job are being awarded the contracts meant for you? Is your business crawling: over 20 years you establish it, still not an improvement? Are you operating an Agency business, eg estate agency, clearing and forwarding agent etc but instead of clients approaching for business, they are passing what belongs to you to your colleagues? I want you to know that the spirit of delayed and detained blessing does not remove the blessing but merely frustrate you by shifting it forward. Does it make sense if a breakthrough that purposes to manifest in your life at the age of 25 years is now manifesting at the age of 70 years? No, it does not make sense, that is the reason you have to deal with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings as soon as possible. WHAT IS THE SPIRIT OF DELAYED AND DETAINED BLESSINGS BY THE WAY? It means tiredness to achieve a goal. Unnecessary procrastination. What you need to do now you keep on postponing it. It means obstacles. It means inability to accomplish something good in life. It could also mean your current location and environment is slowing you down in achieving your aim in life. It is a force that is preventing you from moving forward. It also means your family, friends, and relations that is a stumbling block to your breakthrough. This can be regarded as evil Yoke It could mean your spouse attitude; behavior is stopping you from realizing your potentials especially if you are not married in the Lord. It is anything, anybody that stops you from realizing your blessings. It also means your attitude, actions and behavior are stopping you from moving forward. It means lack of determination to succeed. It means lack of commitment to realize your dreams It means laziness in everything. It means unwillingness. It means lack of discipline. You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life. Lack of enthusiasm. The Spirit of delayed and detained blessings cannot just disappear, you have to pray aggressively to remove them it is the only prayer that can remove the evil spirit because it has no respect for anyone no matter who you are. Please find below reasons you need to remove the spirit of delayed and detained blessings from your life. You can never rise to greater heights if you are afflicted with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings It slows down your productivity. It leads to frustrations and regret. It brings shame and sorrow. It is a destiny destroyer and killer. Your Destiny Helper can never appear to you. It makes one be in a spot year in year out. No progress, you are employed as a driver and retired as a driver. It brings limitations and stagnation It brings untimely death. You can never be effective if the spirit of delayed and detained blessings is in you. Pray at least 30 prayer points a Day before you sleep or early in the morning as soon as you wake up for the next 32 Days to actualize your God given Blessings. NO MORE DELAY AND DETAIN BLESSINGS IN YOUR LIFE. Before you pray please follow the instructions below. Read the Bible Passage below Genesis 28:1-5 Confess all your sins, both known and unknown
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to …
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to achieve anything in life. They are always on the last line to achieving anything, the last to get married, and the last to be promoted, the last to gain admission to universities or college, the last to have Children. They can better be called brother last or sister last. They are always last in achieving a breakthrough in life. This Book contains 950 powerful prayers that will put an end to delayed and detained blessings in your life. Are you expecting promotion in your office, but is not yet forthcoming? Are you mature enough to get married, but the right partner is not yet forthcoming? Are you seeking admission to university or college, but your application is being rejected, despite the fact that this is your 5th attempt? Is it taking you 20 years to complete or buy your dream house, despite the fact that you are putting more efforts? Are you expecting a miracle or breakthrough in any area of your life but is not manifesting? Are you expecting a contract but approval was turn down several times and you notice that your colleagues that are not good enough on the job are being awarded the contracts meant for you? Is your business crawling: over 20 years you establish it, still not an improvement? Are you operating an Agency business, eg estate agency, clearing and forwarding agent etc but instead of clients approaching for business, they are passing what belongs to you to your colleagues? I want you to know that the spirit of delayed and detained blessing does not remove the blessing but merely frustrate you by shifting it forward. Does it make sense if a breakthrough that purposes to manifest in your life at the age of 25 years is now manifesting at the age of 70 years? No, it does not make sense, that is the reason you have to deal with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings as soon as possible. WHAT IS THE SPIRIT OF DELAYED AND DETAINED BLESSINGS BY THE WAY? It means tiredness to achieve a goal. Unnecessary procrastination. What you need to do now you keep on postponing it. It means obstacles. It means inability to accomplish something good in life. It could also mean your current location and environment is slowing you down in achieving your aim in life. It is a force that is preventing you from moving forward. It also means your family, friends, and relations that is a stumbling block to your breakthrough. This can be regarded as evil Yoke It could mean your spouse attitude; behavior is stopping you from realizing your potentials especially if you are not married in the Lord. It is anything, anybody that stops you from realizing your blessings. It also means your attitude, actions and behavior are stopping you from moving forward. It means lack of determination to succeed. It means lack of commitment to realize your dreams It means laziness in everything. It means unwillingness. It means lack of discipline. You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life. Lack of enthusiasm. The Spirit of delayed and detained blessings cannot just disappear, you have to pray aggressively to remove them it is the only prayer that can remove the evil spirit because it has no respect for anyone no matter who you are. Please find below reasons you need to remove the spirit of delayed and detained blessings from your life. You can never rise to greater heights if you are afflicted with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings It slows down your productivity. It leads to frustrations and regret. It brings shame and sorrow. It is a destiny destroyer and killer. Your Destiny Helper can never appear to you. It makes one be in a spot year in year out. No progress, you are employed as a driver and retired as a driver. It brings limitations and stagnation It brings untimely death. You can never be effective if the spirit of delayed and detained blessings is in you. Pray at least 30 prayer points a Day before you sleep or early in the morning as soon as you wake up for the next 32 Days to actualize your God given Blessings. NO MORE DELAY AND DETAIN BLESSINGS IN YOUR LIFE. Before you pray please follow the instructions below. Read the Bible Passage below Genesis 28:1-5 Confess all your sins, both known and unknown
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost …
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especially in Africa and the middle east are not helping matters. Women that are given a chance in the public and private sector perform excellently well better than men. Women are confident, and should be allowed to choose what they may be with regards to their private and professional life. It is high time we realize that Gender bias is very unreasonable and wrong at all levels. Women should live a life free of domination and stress. They should be loved, pampered, and be free to put in their best in all areas both in the public and private sector. The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especially in Africa and the middle east are not helping matters. Women that are given a chance in the public and private sector perform excellently well better than men. Women are confident, and should be allowed to choose what they may be with regards to their private and professional life. It is high time we realize that Gender bias is very unreasonable and wrong at all levels. Women should live a life free of domination and stress. They should be loved, pampered, and be free to put in their best in all areas both in the public and private sector. Are you a woman and you still face the following challenges? Then this book is for you. Are you a full-time housewife, jobless, and you feel you want to develop your passion and make an impact on the world day?
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine S…
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos Chronic Anger in You 1. Dead in everything in a man's life, eg, dead brain, dead organs, dead spiritual life. 2. The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons 3. Inability to get married on time 4. Frequent divorce 5. Bankruptcy 6. Spirit wife 7. Spirit husband 8. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims Marine Spirits come in the form of beautiful ladies and they work with a purpose in mind Marine Spirits are always materialistic Marine Spirits can make victim wealthy temporarily but later deal with them ruthlessly. Marine spirits have their agents everywhere especially in Churches, who hide under the cover of church and lead people into immorality, fornication, lesbianism, homosexuals and so on. In some cases, Marine Spirit agents could be pastors, general overseer, and church leader and so on. Such pastors engage in various forms of an immoral act with Church members. You have to be careful about which church you attend. Marine Spirit executes their plans by possessing either a man or a woman. The marine kingdom is headed by the queen of the coast. Marine Spirits possess female than male There are two types of Marine Spirits. They are conscious and unconscious. The formal know they are possessed, while the latter doesn't. Marine spirits use sex to oppress men and scatter homes through the power of sex. Marine Spirits are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. Most ladies that date married men without remorse are Marine Spirits. They enjoy breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable. They make their victims take wrong decisions that will render their life useless. Marine Spirits agents are very unstable in relationships and they cannot keep a relationship for too long. Marine Spirits agents are good pretenders. The worse thing that can happen to a man is to fall in love with a lady possessed with Marine Spirit. If a man decides to end the relationship, the lady possessed with Marine spirit begins to behave well and the moment the man changes his mind, she starts tormenting the emotion of the man, constantly frustrating the man. Lesbianism, homosexuality, and pornography are marine initiations Marine Spirit agents are partygoers "
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourse…
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Do youed and you don’t believe in give and take? Are you a negative person? Are you the despe assume or feel that all the good ones are all engaged? Are you always to yourself, self centerrate type? If you find yourself in one or all of the above attitude, then you may not get married throughout the rest of your life. Are you 30 years and above and you are still single? Does it ever seem like everybody else on the planet is happily paired off with a perfect partner except you? Don’t panic, this does not mean there’s anything “wrong” with you. Nonetheless, if you are still single please find below reasons you are still single Scripture: Psalm 37:4: Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire. Isaiah 54:5: The Lord All-Powerful, the Holy God of Israel, rules all the earth. He is your Creator and husband, and he will rescue you. You are too ambitious and want to do everything. Are you the type that devotes all your time and attention to your work? Then you have to adjust if you want to get married. If you tend to concentrate on your work and neglect relationship part, you may not get married on time. A relationship is a big investment in time, energy, and emotion (if you’re doing it right). What good is a partner if you’re too busy to spend any time with them? Love and romance as a married couple is the best gift of life. Scripture: Luke 1:45: The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed …
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. Do you belong to any of the following people? 1. Have you been praying and fasting for years, yet witchcraft powers are still tormenting you? 2. Are your children dying one after the other and you don’t have any solution to it? Then, witches and wizards might have been killing them. If you are in this situation, this book is for you. 3. Have you been searching for jobs for the past ten years and no success although you are a first-class graduate? Then, you must destroy the activities of witchcraft. 4. Have you attended over ten contract negotiation table and you never won a single one? then, witchcraft powers are working against your progress in life, you need to deal with it now. 5. Are you tired of life and you feel like ending it all? Then, witches and wizards have concluded to use you as a sacrifice, you need to stop them now before they finish your life. 6. Has your business been stagnant for the past twenty years and above with no progress? Then, witchcraft powers are about to paralyze your life and your business for life, you must stop them now. 7. Are you part of a polygamous home? Then, all the prayer points in this book will make you overcome all obstacles experience in any polygamous home. 8. Are you the type that your parents received a word of knowledge that you will be great in life and you discovered that you are steal finding it difficult even to feed at the age of 40 years, then this book is for you? 9. Are you the type that in your primary and secondary school days you where very brilliant to the point that the school authority recognize this by making you the head boy or head girl, yet could not go further in your career or profession 10. Did you work hard and save enough money for you to travel abroad to better your life, but on getting there, you discovered that you are even worse than if you ever traveled. You regretted that you traveled in the first space. Watch out witchcraft power is about to finish your life as you are back. You must stop them now, by praying all the prayer points in this book. 11. Do you always make the wrong decision most of the time despite your knowledge and technical know-how? 12. Have you worked in more than seven companies or ministries and yet nothing to show for it? , then, witchcraft activities are oppressing your life. 13. Do you observe that you don’t have savings or your account is always on a zero balance despite your high level of income? Then, witchcraft powers are at work in your life. 14. Do you suddenly observe a change in your character or behavior which is now affecting your life? Then, you are under attack by witchcraft powers. 15. Do you wake up early in the morning feeling tired most of the time and unwilling to go to work even though your doctor certify you that you are ok, Then you might be under a witchcraft attack? 16. Do you always find it difficult to control yourself or you lack self-control? Then you might be under a witchcraft attack. 17. Do you find yourself in a position where you find it difficult to follow your boss's instructions at work? Then, you need to pray against witchcraft attack Inside this book, you will discover all you need to do to prevent witchcraft attacks in your life and to destroy all their activities and powers completely. This book will show you the activities of witchcraft, the way witches and wizards operate in frustrating people, and making sure that their dreams are not fulfilled. Then this book is for you. In this book, you will have access to all the things you need to do to end wit
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through …
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the flesh, and the devil will be continuously defeated. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided all of our victories. He used the same tools He has provided us in winning the battle. His victory is our victory. It is, therefore, our responsibility to use these weapons the scriptures to our advantage. When you use the scriptures in any situation you find yourself, you’ll thank God for the tools of victory He has provided. In life, there are enemies whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind and miserable for life. Who is this enemy? It is the Devil and Satan. According to the book of Revelation 12:9–10 which says, The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ”Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. One of the strategies of Satan against you is that He lies, and is the father of lies. Onces you know that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies, then He is already defeated. According to the boo of John 8:44 which says, ”When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” Also in John 8:44 which says, Satan “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” We are dealing with the essence of falsehood and deception. The second strategy is Satan controls and blinds the minds of unbelievers According to the book of 2nd Corinthians 4:4 which says, The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The third strategy is Satan also does signs and wonders. According to the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9, which says, The coming of the lawless one will be by how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, The fourth strategy is Satan tempts people to sin. According to the book of Luke 22:3–6 which says, Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourse…
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Do youed and you don’t believe in give and take? Are you a negative person? Are you the despe assume or feel that all the good ones are all engaged? Are you always to yourself, self centerrate type? If you find yourself in one or all of the above attitude, then you may not get married throughout the rest of your life. Are you 30 years and above and you are still single? Does it ever seem like everybody else on the planet is happily paired off with a perfect partner except you? Don’t panic, this does not mean there’s anything “wrong” with you. Nonetheless, if you are still single please find below reasons you are still single Scripture: Psalm 37:4: Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire. Isaiah 54:5: The Lord All-Powerful, the Holy God of Israel, rules all the earth. He is your Creator and husband, and he will rescue you. You are too ambitious and want to do everything. Are you the type that devotes all your time and attention to your work? Then you have to adjust if you want to get married. If you tend to concentrate on your work and neglect relationship part, you may not get married on time. A relationship is a big investment in time, energy, and emotion (if you’re doing it right). What good is a partner if you’re too busy to spend any time with them? Love and romance as a married couple is the best gift of life. Scripture: Luke 1:45: The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be a…
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement, strength, protection, success, breakthrough, healing, Miracle etc for each day. You will discover reasons you need to command your day and the benefits attached to it. Prayer in the morning gives you direction to where it needs to be, so you don’t miss your target. When you wake up in the morning, your mental ability function at its peak, so prayers in the morning refresh and recharge your soul. God will be happy with you when you look up to him for the day’s task ahead. Morning prayers are an opportunity to get closer to God and thank him for his unquenchable love, blessings, breakthroughs healing etc. When you wake up in the morning to pray to God, pray with confidence and keep your eyes open for his answers. In order words, do not be afraid when you are praying to God especially in the morning. According to the Book Isaiah 41.10, the Lord says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Be rest assured that prayers in the morning lead God our Creator to guide and protect you throughout the day. He loves you and he wants the best for you, so praying in the morning remind God of his promise to you.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We'…
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We're in a battle in this world and Satan is all out to destroy us, so you have to be vigilant and be at alert to defeat Him. The Bottom line is that you must not allow Him to win. Are you a believer that is not strong enough to face Satan, or you are afraid of Him? Then this book you are holding will give you the boldness to overcome Satan and Demons. Don't allow Satan and demons to hurt your direction. Remember that God reminds us in His word to stay aware of Satan's schemes, to be at alert in this world, and to stay close to Him. The prayer in this book is targeted towards not only defeating Satan and demons but, particularly overthrowing the kingdom of darkness. God has given us the sword, that is the word of God, to stand against the enemy's lies. He equips us with strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong in the spiritual warfare battle. God always listens to us through prayer and worship and He gives us the opportunity to know Him more. With the word of God, we will be able to distinguish from what is right and wrong; hence Satan will find it difficult to deceive us. In this world, either you like it or not every human being has a supernatural enemy from various quarters who make life unbearable for people. Satan is regarded as our number one enemy. The Bible calls him ”the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world . . . the accuser” (Revelation 12:9–10), ”the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and ”the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan is a Deceiver Scriptures: Genesis 3:13: And the LORD God said to the woman, ”What is this you have done?” The woman said, ”The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Ephesians 6:11-12: Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. How Satan can Deceive Believers Satan deceives the people of God. We all have our own natural desires and do you know what? Satan takes advantage of that to deceive Christians. Satan is very clever and knows the things that are appealing to believers. In some cases, Satan comes as an Angel of light with pleasant, flattering words and a smile on his face, and then it is very difficult for believers not to be deceived. Please note that Satan is very desperate and will continue to persist until He achieves his aims of leading people to his Kingdom, so, as a Christian, you must be vigilant and have full knowledge of the world of God. You have to make a decision today to serve God because you cannot serve both Satan and God. Strategies of Satan against you. Satan turns the minds of unbelievers against God so that they don't even think of worshiping the Almighty.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine S…
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos Chronic Anger in You 1. Dead in everything in a man's life, eg, dead brain, dead organs, dead spiritual life. 2. The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons 3. Inability to get married on time 4. Frequent divorce 5. Bankruptcy 6. Spirit wife 7. Spirit husband 8. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims Marine Spirits come in the form of beautiful ladies and they work with a purpose in mind Marine Spirits are always materialistic Marine Spirits can make victim wealthy temporarily but later deal with them ruthlessly. Marine spirits have their agents everywhere especially in Churches, who hide under the cover of church and lead people into immorality, fornication, lesbianism, homosexuals and so on. In some cases, Marine Spirit agents could be pastors, general overseer, and church leader and so on. Such pastors engage in various forms of an immoral act with Church members. You have to be careful about which church you attend. Marine Spirit executes their plans by possessing either a man or a woman. The marine kingdom is headed by the queen of the coast. Marine Spirits possess female than male There are two types of Marine Spirits. They are conscious and unconscious. The formal know they are possessed, while the latter doesn't. Marine spirits use sex to oppress men and scatter homes through the power of sex. Marine Spirits are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. Most ladies that date married men without remorse are Marine Spirits. They enjoy breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable. They make their victims take wrong decisions that will render their life useless. Marine Spirits agents are very unstable in relationships and they cannot keep a relationship for too long. Marine Spirits agents are good pretenders. The worse thing that can happen to a man is to fall in love with a lady possessed with Marine Spirit. If a man decides to end the relationship, the lady possessed with Marine spirit begins to behave well and the moment the man changes his mind, she starts tormenting the emotion of the man, constantly frustrating the man. Lesbianism, homosexuality, and pornography are marine initiations Marine Spirit agents are partygoers "
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed …
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. Do you belong to any of the following people? 1. Have you been praying and fasting for years, yet witchcraft powers are still tormenting you? 2. Are your children dying one after the other and you don’t have any solution to it? Then, witches and wizards might have been killing them. If you are in this situation, this book is for you. 3. Have you been searching for jobs for the past ten years and no success although you are a first-class graduate? Then, you must destroy the activities of witchcraft. 4. Have you attended over ten contract negotiation table and you never won a single one? then, witchcraft powers are working against your progress in life, you need to deal with it now. 5. Are you tired of life and you feel like ending it all? Then, witches and wizards have concluded to use you as a sacrifice, you need to stop them now before they finish your life. 6. Has your business been stagnant for the past twenty years and above with no progress? Then, witchcraft powers are about to paralyze your life and your business for life, you must stop them now. 7. Are you part of a polygamous home? Then, all the prayer points in this book will make you overcome all obstacles experience in any polygamous home. 8. Are you the type that your parents received a word of knowledge that you will be great in life and you discovered that you are steal finding it difficult even to feed at the age of 40 years, then this book is for you? 9. Are you the type that in your primary and secondary school days you where very brilliant to the point that the school authority recognize this by making you the head boy or head girl, yet could not go further in your career or profession 10. Did you work hard and save enough money for you to travel abroad to better your life, but on getting there, you discovered that you are even worse than if you ever traveled. You regretted that you traveled in the first space. Watch out witchcraft power is about to finish your life as you are back. You must stop them now, by praying all the prayer points in this book. 11. Do you always make the wrong decision most of the time despite your knowledge and technical know-how? 12. Have you worked in more than seven companies or ministries and yet nothing to show for it? , then, witchcraft activities are oppressing your life. 13. Do you observe that you don’t have savings or your account is always on a zero balance despite your high level of income? Then, witchcraft powers are at work in your life. 14. Do you suddenly observe a change in your character or behavior which is now affecting your life? Then, you are under attack by witchcraft powers. 15. Do you wake up early in the morning feeling tired most of the time and unwilling to go to work even though your doctor certify you that you are ok, Then you might be under a witchcraft attack? 16. Do you always find it difficult to control yourself or you lack self-control? Then you might be under a witchcraft attack. 17. Do you find yourself in a position where you find it difficult to follow your boss's instructions at work? Then, you need to pray against witchcraft attack Inside this book, you will discover all you need to do to prevent witchcraft attacks in your life and to destroy all their activities and powers completely. This book will show you the activities of witchcraft, the way witches and wizards operate in frustrating people, and making sure that their dreams are not fulfilled. Then this book is for you. In this book, you will have access to all the things you need to do to end wit
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through …
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the flesh, and the devil will be continuously defeated. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided all of our victories. He used the same tools He has provided us in winning the battle. His victory is our victory. It is, therefore, our responsibility to use these weapons the scriptures to our advantage. When you use the scriptures in any situation you find yourself, you’ll thank God for the tools of victory He has provided. In life, there are enemies whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind and miserable for life. Who is this enemy? It is the Devil and Satan. According to the book of Revelation 12:9–10 which says, The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ”Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. One of the strategies of Satan against you is that He lies, and is the father of lies. Onces you know that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies, then He is already defeated. According to the boo of John 8:44 which says, ”When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” Also in John 8:44 which says, Satan “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” We are dealing with the essence of falsehood and deception. The second strategy is Satan controls and blinds the minds of unbelievers According to the book of 2nd Corinthians 4:4 which says, The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The third strategy is Satan also does signs and wonders. According to the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9, which says, The coming of the lawless one will be by how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, The fourth strategy is Satan tempts people to sin. According to the book of Luke 22:3–6 which says, Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost …
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especially in Africa and the middle east are not helping matters. Women that are given a chance in the public and private sector perform excellently well better than men. Women are confident, and should be allowed to choose what they may be with regards to their private and professional life. It is high time we realize that Gender bias is very unreasonable and wrong at all levels. Women should live a life free of domination and stress. They should be loved, pampered, and be free to put in their best in all areas both in the public and private sector. The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especially in Africa and the middle east are not helping matters. Women that are given a chance in the public and private sector perform excellently well better than men. Women are confident, and should be allowed to choose what they may be with regards to their private and professional life. It is high time we realize that Gender bias is very unreasonable and wrong at all levels. Women should live a life free of domination and stress. They should be loved, pampered, and be free to put in their best in all areas both in the public and private sector. Are you a woman and you still face the following challenges? Then this book is for you. Are you a full-time housewife, jobless, and you feel you want to develop your passion and make an impact on the world day?
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We'…
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We're in a battle in this world and Satan is all out to destroy us, so you have to be vigilant and be at alert to defeat Him. The Bottom line is that you must not allow Him to win. Are you a believer that is not strong enough to face Satan, or you are afraid of Him? Then this book you are holding will give you the boldness to overcome Satan and Demons. Don't allow Satan and demons to hurt your direction. Remember that God reminds us in His word to stay aware of Satan's schemes, to be at alert in this world, and to stay close to Him. The prayer in this book is targeted towards not only defeating Satan and demons but, particularly overthrowing the kingdom of darkness. God has given us the sword, that is the word of God, to stand against the enemy's lies. He equips us with strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong in the spiritual warfare battle. God always listens to us through prayer and worship and He gives us the opportunity to know Him more. With the word of God, we will be able to distinguish from what is right and wrong; hence Satan will find it difficult to deceive us. In this world, either you like it or not every human being has a supernatural enemy from various quarters who make life unbearable for people. Satan is regarded as our number one enemy. The Bible calls him ”the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world . . . the accuser” (Revelation 12:9–10), ”the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and ”the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan is a Deceiver Scriptures: Genesis 3:13: And the LORD God said to the woman, ”What is this you have done?” The woman said, ”The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Ephesians 6:11-12: Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. How Satan can Deceive Believers Satan deceives the people of God. We all have our own natural desires and do you know what? Satan takes advantage of that to deceive Christians. Satan is very clever and knows the things that are appealing to believers. In some cases, Satan comes as an Angel of light with pleasant, flattering words and a smile on his face, and then it is very difficult for believers not to be deceived. Please note that Satan is very desperate and will continue to persist until He achieves his aims of leading people to his Kingdom, so, as a Christian, you must be vigilant and have full knowledge of the world of God. You have to make a decision today to serve God because you cannot serve both Satan and God. Strategies of Satan against you. Satan turns the minds of unbelievers against God so that they don't even think of worshiping the Almighty.
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