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The Italian's Virgin Acquisition

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781474052894

Полная версия

The Italian’s convenient deal!Sebastiano Castiglione has a problem. His lifestyle of decadent hedonism has convinced his grandfather to retain control of the family dynasty—and to take what’s owed to him Bastian must prove he’s a changed man.The sight of his stunning intern sparks an idea—and the flames of a burning desire!—but innocent Poppy Connolly will not become another Castiglione acquisition. However, she cannot refuse his offer of the chance to change her family’s life. Her response to his smouldering physicality is shocking—and it won’t be long before the molten heat of Bastian’s gaze melts away all her resistance…

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