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Socialite's Gamble

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472095909

Полная версия

When the gentleman places his bet…The darling of London’s party scene, Cara Chatsfield likes to shock – or so people think. In truth, behind the glitz and glamour is a girl hurt by her past. But, when the show must go on, Cara finds herself on a plane to Las Vegas to host The Chatsfield’s world-renowned poker tournament!Aidan Kelly detests attention-seekers like Cara. Yet when his biggest rival includes Cara in a bet, Aidan must have her – and not just for her protection! But, as he gets to know the spoilt socialite, he discovers a beautiful, vulnerable young woman awoken by his own personal brand of passion!Welcome to The Chatsfield, Las Vegas!

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