Скачать книгу Australian Bachelors: Outback Heroes: Top-Notch Doc, Outback Bride / A Wedding in Warragurra / The Outback Doctor's Surprise BrideТекст
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Australian Bachelors: Outback Heroes: Top-Notch Doc, Outback Bride / A Wedding in Warragurra / The Outback Doctor's Surprise Bride

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

These masters of the Outback are strong, sexy men who know the way to a woman’s heartBrooding Prince Charming Widower Matt is passionate about his work and as far as he’s concerned that’s all he has time for. Until Kellie whirls into his life. Surprise Groom Single father Baden moved to the Outback to focus on raising his young daughter.But then he meets kind-hearted Kate and knows that he’s got to make her his bride. Rugged OutsiderJames never stays in one place for long. But Helen makes him long for something he’s never wanted before – a family.

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