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The Ravensdale Scandals

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781474043649

Полная версия

In bed with her nemesis…When Jasmine Connolly’s third engagement is broken off, she decides to make her man jealous by enlisting the help of her enemy – playboy Jake Ravensdale! Jasmine might never have forgiven him for his rejection years ago, but the heartless Lothario is the perfect candidate for her plan.As tensions build, the line between love and hate blurs increasingly…until it’s teetering on the brink of explosion! Jasmine might be wearing Jake’s ring, but she can’t let go of the hurt he once caused her. Because if she does what’s to stop her from falling prey to the Ravensdale playboy’s charms…?Discover more at

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