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A Ring For The Greek's Baby

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781474052771

Полная версия

From no-strings…Notorious playboy Loukas Kyprianos cannot forget his wild night with sweet, innocent Emily Seymour. But when he arrives in London to offer a no-strings arrangement, Loukas uncovers a surprise consequence of their passion—Emily is expecting!To wearing his ring!Despite their exquisite encounter, Emily knows Loukas can’t give her the fairytale she dreams of—so when he insists they wed, she agrees for their child’s sake alone. But their engagement fuels their hunger, and when the irresistible Greek’s protection turns to seduction it’s only a matter of time before Emily succumbs to his touch!When one night…leads to pregnancy!

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