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Beau: Cowboy Protector

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472000934

Полная версия

The Heart Of The Matter Beau Adams should be focused on getting himself and Midnight, the Harts' prized stallion, to the National Finals Rodeo, but he can’t stop thinking about the feisty Sierra Byrne. They have an electric connection, and Beau hopes it's the beginning of something more.As much as Sierra wants to be with Beau, anything long-term is out of the question. A recently diagnosed eye disease will soon leave her blind, and she can’t ask a rising rodeo star like Beau to take on that responsibility.Though she tries to pretend their tryst was just another item on her bucket list, Sierra’s true feelings run a lot deeper. Will she let her affliction steal not only her sight, but her dreams of happiness, as well?

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