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The Billionaire's Intern - Part 1

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474035262

Полная версия

The Forbidden Series: billionaires who can look, but shouldn't touch! For Logan Black, Jaiven Rodriguez and Zair al Ruyi, New York City is spread out before them like the Garden of Eden… and no one knows the sweet taste of forbidden fruit better than America's most ruthless billionaires! Jaded and cynical, with a darkness that threatens to consume them whole, they think they've seen it all. But temptation has something new in store for each of them… In Part One of The Billionaire's Intern, Addison Treffen finds herself working for Logan Black—the notorious billionaire who literally came back from the dead. She might think she's found a safe haven from the shocking scandal surrounding her family, but has she really?

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