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A Rich Man's Whim

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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A month with Mikhail…Kat Marshall has sacrificed everything for her younger sisters. And with money tighter than ever she’s in desperate need of help. Innocent Kat has always hidden her dreams away – until she meets enigmatic Russian Mikhail Kusnirovich, whose outrageous offer could make them all come true… Billionaire Mikhail doesn’t have dreams. He has money – lots of it – and he always gets what he wants. Bedding Kat should be easy, but the tempting redhead is impossible to seduce! So Mikhail offers to pay off her debts in exchange for a month on his yacht, in his cabin – virginity included! ‘The imagination of Lynne Graham will keep you warm on the coldest of days!’ – Shelley, 53, Teacher

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