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Introduction to bada. A Developer's Guide

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
Бесплатный фрагмент: pdf

Полная версия

An expert introduction to Samsung's new mobile platform Bada is a new platform that runs on mass market phones and enables you to build cutting-edge applications for mobile devices. As an access layer, bada has all the advantages of native coding and provides the power of multi-tasking and multi-threading. This book serves as a complete introduction to the exciting capabilities of bada and shows you how bada offers commerce and business services with server-side support. The authors walk you through the complete set of platform APIs and detail the architecture of bada. Code fragments are featured throughout the book as well as examples that utilize all of the major APIs, from sensors to maps and from phonebook to billing. Introduces Samsung's new platform, bada Explains the bada framework, its APIs, and the bada architecture Walks you through how bada is a logically structured mobile platform that allows you to build exciting apps for mobile devices Features code fragments and numerous examples that address all the major APIs Discover how bada boasts the richest set of end-to-end service, commerce, and billing APIs with this book! Ben Morris is a freelance author and developer, specializing in mobile software including Symbian OS and mobile widgets.

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