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Through Jenna's Eyes

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408960295

Полная версия

As owner of a transportation company catering to the jet set, Logan O'Brien had reached a very comfortable cruising altitude in his business dealings.But his social life was another story – until he met his billionaire client's daughter. Jenna Fordyce seemed to be the kind of pampered princess he'd vowed to avoid, yet he just couldn't keep away from her. For Jenna, Logan spelled trouble – he made her feel like a real woman, dangerously, thrillingly alive.But with her eyesight failing, she had to be extra careful of commitment. Did Logan really love her, or did he pity her? If only she could see inside this inveterate bachelor's heart and find out the truth – before her father put the brakes on their fledgling affair!

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