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The One She Left Behind

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472027900

Полная версия

You can go home againAt eighteen, Savannah Greer has a dream and one shot to make it happen. Choosing big-city success in corporate law means putting her family's farm–and Sam McBriar–in her past. Now, years later, she's on a path toward home. And she has every intention of keeping the visit brief.Too bad life gets in the way.With Sam managing the farm, Savannah can't help but see him–everywhere! He's as gorgeous as ever, and when he's with his little girl? Well, it would take a stronger woman than Savannah to resist him. It's not long before they're picking up where they left off…until old betrayals and long-buried secrets threaten to separate them for good.

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