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Marooned With A Millionaire

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408949818

Полная версия

From the moment blond hot-air balloonist Lizzie Matheson hit the deck of his yacht, Jack Dunlap knew he could kiss his solitude goodbye.His unconventional – and pregnant – passenger was driving him to distraction, making the reclusive millionaire long to remain stranded with this arousing mother-to-be forever. The last place Lizzie expected to find herself was adrift at sea with a seductive yachtsman.And the longer she spent in close quarters with the amorous «Captain» Jack, the harder it would be to leave him once they reached land. Unless she could turn a go-it-alone kind of guy into a partner-for-life….

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