Книги автора: John Wiley & Sons Limited (pro John Wiley & Sons Limited (pro
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While not attempting to train readers as professional economists, this book aims to provide a secure…
While not attempting to train readers as professional economists, this book aims to provide a secure…
Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor, encouragi…
Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor, encouragi…
Media practices and the everyday cultures of transnational migrants are deeply interconnected. Media…
Media practices and the everyday cultures of transnational migrants are deeply interconnected. Media…
The first how-to guide for online storage management with Windows 2000 In this book, expert Paul Mas…
The first how-to guide for online storage management with Windows 2000 In this book, expert Paul Mas…
We have at our disposal one of the greatest vehicles for…community-building known to humankind–the o…
We have at our disposal one of the greatest vehicles for…community-building known to humankind–the o…
Bridging the gap between child and family therapy Written by a nationally recognized expert on treat…
Bridging the gap between child and family therapy Written by a nationally recognized expert on treat…
On Teaching and Learning takes the ideas explored in renowned educator Jane Vella’s best-selling boo…
On Teaching and Learning takes the ideas explored in renowned educator Jane Vella’s best-selling boo…
The tenth to the thirteenth centuries in Europe saw the appearance of popular heresy and the establi…
The tenth to the thirteenth centuries in Europe saw the appearance of popular heresy and the establi…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
You know it?s essential, and you've heard that it can be tricky ? implementing the 802.1x standard. …
You know it?s essential, and you've heard that it can be tricky ? implementing the 802.1x standard. …
Robert Hargrove shares his secrets as a masterful coach with leaders of all levels: Coaching is abou…
Robert Hargrove shares his secrets as a masterful coach with leaders of all levels: Coaching is abou…
So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through the noise and nonsense of work. Much of w…
So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through the noise and nonsense of work. Much of w…
This is a completely revised and updated second edition of the acclaimed Industrial Relations. The n…
This is a completely revised and updated second edition of the acclaimed Industrial Relations. The n…
CRM today is much like BPR in the 1990s. It is the strategy of the 21st century. Everyone is jumping…
CRM today is much like BPR in the 1990s. It is the strategy of the 21st century. Everyone is jumping…
Aimed at helping business and IT managers clearly communicate with each other, this helpful book add…
Aimed at helping business and IT managers clearly communicate with each other, this helpful book add…
This third edition of the classic resource, Building Expertise draws on the most recent evidence on …
This third edition of the classic resource, Building Expertise draws on the most recent evidence on …
Modern Banking focuses on the theory and practice of banking, and its prospects in the new millenniu…
Modern Banking focuses on the theory and practice of banking, and its prospects in the new millenniu…
Everyday first-line managers and supervisors struggle with deficiencies and inequities in their orga…
Everyday first-line managers and supervisors struggle with deficiencies and inequities in their orga…
The book is a coaching guide for anyone interested in intellectual property and those wanting to emb…
The book is a coaching guide for anyone interested in intellectual property and those wanting to emb…
Curing their Ills traces the history of encounters between European medicine and African societies i…
Curing their Ills traces the history of encounters between European medicine and African societies i…
Pompey the Great gives readers a look inside the political and military world of ancient Rome and at…
Pompey the Great gives readers a look inside the political and military world of ancient Rome and at…
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