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Meet Me At The Chapel

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474041621

Полная версия

ONE MAGICAL MONTANA SUMMERCircumstances had taken Casey Brand’s vacation plans with her sister and new niece on a slight detour. Now, she's staying in Brock McCallister’s garage apartment in exchange for her help with his daughter with autism. But she still has horses to ride, sunsets to savor, and a handsome man to admire…who was proving more friendly than expected.Getting divorced and dealing with custody issues has pretty much beaten Brock down. Yet how can he stay in a foul mood with Casey’s optimistic outlook right next door? Because of her, his daughter is communicating better, his home shining brighter. She’s even brought life back to the ranch’s old chapel. But is she ready to perform the same dramatic transformation with his tattered heart?

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