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The Baby Agenda

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472027726

Полная версия

One of Moira Cullen's few walks on the wild side has come back to haunt her. Now she has to tell the man who rescued her from a disastrous evening he's going to be a father. Not the best thank-you she can give Will Becker.He proves her instincts were sharp the night she took a chance on him. Not only does he commit to being involved with their baby, he also returns from his dream job in Africa to do it. He's a good man…perhaps too good. Moira has to wonder if he's here because he wants to be or because he always does the right thing. And the way she's falling for him, she wants a marriage…for real.

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