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Dark Beginnings: The Darkest Fire / The Darkest Prison / The Darkest Angel

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408921579

Полная версия

Three dark and sensual tales of the Lords of the Underworld – plus a bonus guide to their world! The Darkest Fire Geryon is the guardian of hell. Kadence is a goddess, more angel than woman. Together they will enter the flames to battle a horde of demon lords and discover a passion unlike any other. The Darkest Prison Once Atlas was the Greek goddess Nike’s slave. Now he is her master. But these sworn rivals destined to destroy each other will be forced to risk everything for a chance at love The Darkest Angel The angel Lysander has never known lust until he meets Bianka. The beautiful but deadly Harpy is determined to lead iron-willed Lysander into temptation.

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