
Книги автора: Dorothy L. Sayers

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Язык: Английский
As Lord Peter Wimsey enjoys his time in Corsica, he's brought back to reality when all of the h…
As Lord Peter Wimsey enjoys his time in Corsica, he's brought back to reality when all of the headlines claim that his brother, Gerald, has been arrested for murder. Gerald, who had been on a hunting trip at the family's estate in Yorkshire with his brother-in-law, had gotten into a fight with the man about his sordid past. Hours later, the man is dead, and Gerald is the main suspect. As Gerald maintains his innocence, it's up to Wimsey to figure out who the actual killer is and save his brother!
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Язык: Английский
After a corpse wearing pince-nez glasses is found in a bathtub, Lord Peter Wimsey undertakes the cas…
After a corpse wearing pince-nez glasses is found in a bathtub, Lord Peter Wimsey undertakes the case and investigates the deed privately. But determining whether the corpse belongs to a well-known banker or a group of mischief-making medical students is just the beginning of this tangled mystery plot. This atmospheric novel put Dorothy L. Sayers in the ranks with Agatha Christie as a mystery writer nonpareil.
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Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detect…
Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detection Club collaborate in this fiendishly clever but forgotten crime novel first published 80 years ago.Inspector Rudge does not encounter many cases of murder in the sleepy seaside town of Whynmouth. But when an old sailor lands a rowing boat containing a fresh corpse with a stab wound to the chest, the Inspector's investigation immediately comes up against several obstacles. The vicar, whose boat the body was found in, is clearly withholding information, and the victim's niece has disappeared. There is clearly more to this case than meets the eye – even the identity of the victim is called into doubt. Inspector Rudge begins to wonder just how many people have contributed to this extraordinary crime and whether he will ever unravel it…In 1931, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers and ten other crime writers from the newly-formed ‘Detection Club’ collaborated in publishing a unique crime novel. In a literary game of consequences, each author would write one chapter, leaving G.K. Chesterton to write a typically paradoxical prologue and Anthony Berkeley to tie up all the loose ends. In addition, each of the authors provided their own solution in a sealed envelope, all of which appeared at the end of the book, with Agatha Christie’s ingenious conclusion acknowledged at the time to be ‘enough to make the book worth buying on its own’.The authors of this novel are: G. K. Chesterton, Canon Victor Whitechurch, G. D. H. Cole and Margaret Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ronald Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This new edition, which is reproduced from a first printing of the book, is introduced by the author…
This new edition, which is reproduced from a first printing of the book, is introduced by the author Martin Edwards, archivist of the Detection Club, and includes a never-before-published Preface by Agatha Christie, ‘Detective Writers in England’, in which she discusses her fellow writers in the Detection Club.Lord Comstock is a barbarous newspaper tycoon with enemies in high places. His murder in the study of his country houseposes a dilemma for the Home Secretary. In the hours before his death, Lord Comstock’s visitors included the government Chief Whip, an Archbishop, and the Assistant Commissioner for Scotland Yard. Suspicion falls upon them all and threatens the impartiality of any police investigation. Abandoning protocol, the Home Secretary invites four famous detectives to solve the case: Mrs Adela Bradley, Sir John Saumarez, Lord Peter Wimsey, and Mr Roger Sheringham. All are different, all are plausible, all are on their own – and none of them can ask a policeman…This classic whodunit adopted a completely new approach: Milward Kennedy proposed the title, John Rhode plotted the murder and provided the suspects, and four of their contemporaries were asked to lend their well-known detectives to the task of providing solutions to the crime. But there was to be another twist: the authors would swap detectives and use the characters in their sections of the book. Thus Gladys Mitchell and Helen Simpson swapped Mrs Bradley and Sir John Saumarez, and Dorothy Sayers and Anthony Berkeley swapped Lord Peter Wimsey and Roger Sheringham, enabling the authors to indulge in skilful and sly parodies of each other.The contributors to ASK A POLICEMAN are: John Rhode, Helen Simpson, Gladys Mitchell, Anthony Berkeley, Dorothy L. Sayers, Milward Kennedy with Agatha Christie and Martin Edwards.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This new edition, which is reproduced from a first printing of the book, is introduced by the author…
This new edition, which is reproduced from a first printing of the book, is introduced by the author Martin Edwards, archivist of the Detection Club, and includes a never-before-published Preface by Agatha Christie, ‘Detective Writers in England’, in which she discusses her fellow writers in the Detection Club.Lord Comstock is a barbarous newspaper tycoon with enemies in high places. His murder in the study of his country houseposes a dilemma for the Home Secretary. In the hours before his death, Lord Comstock’s visitors included the government Chief Whip, an Archbishop, and the Assistant Commissioner for Scotland Yard. Suspicion falls upon them all and threatens the impartiality of any police investigation. Abandoning protocol, the Home Secretary invites four famous detectives to solve the case: Mrs Adela Bradley, Sir John Saumarez, Lord Peter Wimsey, and Mr Roger Sheringham. All are different, all are plausible, all are on their own – and none of them can ask a policeman…This classic whodunit adopted a completely new approach: Milward Kennedy proposed the title, John Rhode plotted the murder and provided the suspects, and four of their contemporaries were asked to lend their well-known detectives to the task of providing solutions to the crime. But there was to be another twist: the authors would swap detectives and use the characters in their sections of the book. Thus Gladys Mitchell and Helen Simpson swapped Mrs Bradley and Sir John Saumarez, and Dorothy Sayers and Anthony Berkeley swapped Lord Peter Wimsey and Roger Sheringham, enabling the authors to indulge in skilful and sly parodies of each other.The contributors to ASK A POLICEMAN are: John Rhode, Helen Simpson, Gladys Mitchell, Anthony Berkeley, Dorothy L. Sayers, Milward Kennedy with Agatha Christie and Martin Edwards.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detect…
Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton and nine other writers from the legendary Detection Club collaborate in this fiendishly clever but forgotten crime novel first published 80 years ago.Inspector Rudge does not encounter many cases of murder in the sleepy seaside town of Whynmouth. But when an old sailor lands a rowing boat containing a fresh corpse with a stab wound to the chest, the Inspector's investigation immediately comes up against several obstacles. The vicar, whose boat the body was found in, is clearly withholding information, and the victim's niece has disappeared. There is clearly more to this case than meets the eye – even the identity of the victim is called into doubt. Inspector Rudge begins to wonder just how many people have contributed to this extraordinary crime and whether he will ever unravel it…In 1931, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers and ten other crime writers from the newly-formed ‘Detection Club’ collaborated in publishing a unique crime novel. In a literary game of consequences, each author would write one chapter, leaving G.K. Chesterton to write a typically paradoxical prologue and Anthony Berkeley to tie up all the loose ends. In addition, each of the authors provided their own solution in a sealed envelope, all of which appeared at the end of the book, with Agatha Christie’s ingenious conclusion acknowledged at the time to be ‘enough to make the book worth buying on its own’.The authors of this novel are: G. K. Chesterton, Canon Victor Whitechurch, G. D. H. Cole and Margaret Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ronald Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley.
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Язык: Немецкий
Peter Wimsey arbeitet inkognito als Texter bei einer Werbeagentur – keine große Herausforderung für …
Peter Wimsey arbeitet inkognito als Texter bei einer Werbeagentur – keine große Herausforderung für einen so charmanten und intelligenten Detektiv, dem es auch an werbewirksamen Wortwitz nicht mangelt. Doch ihm geht es vor allem darum herauszufinden, wer am Ableben seines Büro-Vorgängers Schuld trägt und ob die Firma womöglich mit einem Rauschgiftring in Verbindung steht. Dieser Krimi entführt Lord Peter in eine Scheinwelt, die Dorothy L. Sayers nur allzu gut kennt. Immerhin hat sie selbst in den zwanziger Jahren in einer Werbeagentur gearbeitet.
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Язык: Немецкий
Lord Peter Wimsy ist «not amused»: Im Urlaub erreicht ihn die unschöne Nachricht, daß sein Bruder Ge…
Lord Peter Wimsy ist «not amused»: Im Urlaub erreicht ihn die unschöne Nachricht, daß sein Bruder Gerald des Mordes bezichtigt wird. Auf seine Nachforschungen hin entdeckt Peter zu seinem Entsetzen, daß die Zeugen des Mordes sich in Widersprüche verstricken und letztlich gar seine Schwester zum Kreis der Verdächtigen zu gehören scheint … Mit «Diskrete Zeugen» veröffentlichte Dorothy L. Sayers 1926 einen typisch britischen Krimi: voll verschrobener Charaktere, trockenem Humor und Detektivkunst auf höchstem Niveau. Christian Brückners markante Stimme verleiht Sayers eleganter Prosa voller hintersinnigem Witz eine ganz besondere Note.
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Язык: Немецкий
In «Aufruhr in Oxford» ermitteln Lord Peter Wimsey und die von ihm umworbene Kriminalautorin Harriet…
In «Aufruhr in Oxford» ermitteln Lord Peter Wimsey und die von ihm umworbene Kriminalautorin Harriet Vane am Elite-College in Oxford. Schülerinnen und Lehrkräfte erhalten Drohbriefe. Eine von einem Messer durchbohrte Strohpuppe hängt an einem Dachbalken. Und Harriet Vane, die wegen einer Jahresfeier an ihrer alten Ausbildungsstätte weilt, entgeht nur knapp einem Mordanschlag. Wer steckt hinter diesen Taten? Und was ist das Motiv? Gemeinsam kommen Harriet und Lord Peter dem Geheimnis auf die Spur, und einander näher … Doris Wolters – für Ihre Interpretationskunst mit dem Deutschen Hörbuchpreis ausgezeichnet – liest diesen Sayers-Roman so wie er es verdient: intelligent, humorvoll und very british.
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Год выхода:
Язык: Немецкий
Allen im Gerichtssaal, auch dem vorsitzenden Richter, scheint es klar: Die Kriminalschriftstellerin …
Allen im Gerichtssaal, auch dem vorsitzenden Richter, scheint es klar: Die Kriminalschriftstellerin Harriet Vane hat ihren Geliebten mit Arsen vergiftet. Nur einer – und das ist natürlich Lord Peter -findet die scheinbar so klare Beweisführung nicht stichhaltig. Er glaubt an die Unschuld Harriets und das nicht nur, weil er sich Hals über Kopf in sie verliebt hat. Unbeschadet der Tatsache, daß ihn auch sein alter Freund Chefinspektor Parker von Scotland Yard für befangen hält und deswegen nicht unterstützt, macht sich der charmante Detektiv aus Passion daran, Licht in das Dunkel dieses äußerst komplizierten Falls zu bringen. Wird es ihm gelingen, die Frau, die er liebt, vor dem Galgen zu bewahren …?
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Язык: Немецкий
Es ist so weit: Lord Peter Wimsey heiratet die Kriminalschriftstellerin Harriet Vane. Doch das Ehegl…
Es ist so weit: Lord Peter Wimsey heiratet die Kriminalschriftstellerin Harriet Vane. Doch das Eheglück bleibt nicht lange unbeschwert, denn im Keller ihres Flitterwochen-Domizils liegt die Leiche des ehemaligen Besitzers. Darf sich ein Gentleman auf seiner Hochzeitsreise mit Mord befassen?
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Год выхода:
Язык: Немецкий
Es bedeutet «Ärger im Bellona Club», wenn der alte General Arthur Fentiman fast zeitgleich mit seine…
Es bedeutet «Ärger im Bellona Club», wenn der alte General Arthur Fentiman fast zeitgleich mit seiner Schwester stirbt und dabei ein Erbe von mehreren Hunderttausend Pfund im Spiel ist. Das kann kein Zufall sein, findet zumindest Lord Peter Wimsey, Aristokrat und Amateurdetektiv, und wirft einen Blick in die Abgründe der adeligen Familie Fentiman … Mit viel psychologischem Scharfsinn und schwarzem Humor zeichnet Dorothy L. Sayers ein Bild der englischen Aristokratie der 1920er Jahre. Als Zeitzeugin des Ersten Weltkriegs porträtiert sie dabei auch die junge Generation, die ihre traumatischen Kriegserfahrungen nicht hinter sich lassen kann… Ein spannender Krimi und kluges Gesellschaftsbild – gelesen von Cristian Brückner.
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