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Cinderella's Midnight Kiss

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781474012249

Полная версия

Will You Dance With Me?Orphaned Cindy Danbury's heart beat faster when John Hale Hitchcock invited her into his arms. He was back–the handsome prince she'd adored from afar–and still beyond her reach. In fact, she should be serving at her stepcousin's wedding, not dancing with the best man! But something in Hitch's gaze coaxed her to say «Yes!» and gave fuel to her dreams.Not only gorgeous, rich and eligible, Hitch was gentle, kind and thoughtful. But could he see beyond Cindy's poor-relation facade to the vibrant, loving woman inside? Perhaps Cindy should wake her Prince Charming with a kiss of her own….

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