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In Protective Custody

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018

Полная версия

TWO STRANGERS AND A BABY…. ONE INTENSE ROAD TRIP.Firefighter Max Caldwell promised to care for his sister's newborn son, but he didn't know the first thing about babies. He had to learn fast, especially with ruthless drug smugglers, who wanted control of their «heir,» chasing them.After witnessing a fender-bender, day-care worker Laura Dalton was wary of the baby-toting driver claiming «Elmer» as his son. A woman on a mission, she jumped into his car for the ride of a lifetime. Her noble efforts were to protect the child, but she didn't bargain on a lethal attraction to Max. Could this makeshift family be exactly what she'd always wanted?

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