Книги автора: Andrey Tikhomirov
Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-u…
Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-u…
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Русский
Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the prerequis…
Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the prerequis…
A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialaku…
A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialaku…
Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam…
Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska f…
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska f…
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europes…
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europes…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres ind…
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres ind…
Libri tregon për lëvizjet e lashta të migracionit të fiseve të lashta shqiptare pasi ata lanë shtëpi…
Libri tregon për lëvizjet e lashta të migracionit të fiseve të lashta shqiptare pasi ata lanë shtëpi…
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevrops…
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevrops…
The book tells about the ancient migration movements of the Baltic peoples after they left their Ind…
The book tells about the ancient migration movements of the Baltic peoples after they left their Ind…
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-y…
Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-y…
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Английский
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical book Exodus from the Old Testament. In English. Нау…
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical book Exodus from the Old Testament. In English. Нау…
El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que ab…
El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que ab…
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lo…
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lo…
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their or…
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their or…
Sociological thought plays a huge role in the development of society. Sociology considers the issues…
Sociological thought plays a huge role in the development of society. Sociology considers the issues…
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Английский
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical books of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. In Englis…
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical books of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. In Englis…
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Английский
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Нау…
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Нау…
The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of th…
The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of th…
Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Moder…
Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Moder…
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