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The Baby Gift: Wishing for a Miracle

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408918173

Полная версия

Two beautiful linked stories in one volumeWishing for a miracleMac MacCulloch and Julia Bennett make the perfect team. But Julia knows she must protect her heart –especially after an illness has left her unable to have children. She’s stopped wishing for a miracle, but Mac is only just getting started! For his wish is standing right in front of him – Julia…and whatever the future may hold.The marry-me wish Paediatric surgeon Anne Bennett has offered to carry her sister’s baby for her. Then, nine months pregnant with twins, she bumps into ex-love Dr David Earnshaw! When the babies are born, learning to live without them is harder than Anne ever expected – and Anne discovers that she needs David more than ever…

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